>>26968347That sounds pretty broken. I would rather see it with something useless than hindering though
>>26968350>have shitty garchomp>decide to make it shitty dragonite instead ?????
weakness policy is a gimmick item anyways. I think Druddigon would do better with something more unique, that other dragons can't do. There's already sheer force but something like dry skin or solid rock could let it stick out
>>26968357not super original but strong and makes sense. It would have a really strong typing with that ability.
>>26968370There is already sturdy primeape, it's called sawk.
Dry Skin Mega Camerupt seems like just a free pass out of its main weakness. It already has such a great ability, why would you want to change it?
>>26968373Well the main reason Magnezone is used over other electric types right now is its trapping abilities. Its stats don't lend itself to being a fast offensive pokemon so I don't think levitate would be broken.