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463KiB, 1024x1022, 650__651_and_652___chespin_evolutionary_line_by_tails19950-d6qy9n3.png
Quoted By: >>26997555 >>26997638 >>26997879 >>26997909 >>26997934 >>26997969 >>26998038 >>26998044 >>26998325 >>26998396 >>26999424 >>27001856 >>27002019 >>27002989 >>27003068 >>27003254 >>27004244 >>27004322 >>27004568 >>27004628 >>27006028 >>27007905 >>27011307 >>27011339 >>27011434 >>27013881 >>27014658
Today we will be looking at the first evolutionary line in the Kalos pokedex: Chespin Quilladin and Chesnaught.
Quite an interesting bunch. The first mammal grass starters we got. Chespin is very cute and the way it hardens its quills in battle or when scared is a very interesting idea. Quilladin is one weird middle evolution and hasn't really got anything going for it. Chesnaught on the other hand is quite the drastic change. Has an unique ability in bulletproof and quite a diversed move pool with excellent physical defense and attack, access to recovery and great stat boosting moves like swords dance and bulk up.(sadly it doesn't get stealth rocks)
In my opinion its a fantastic evolutionary line and my actual first pick since the beginning. Chespin is just adorable Quilladin is a bit disappointing for a middle stage but we've seen worse and Chesnaught is just plain awesome and one of my all time favourite bros. Not much else to say.
What are your thoughts?
Quite an interesting bunch. The first mammal grass starters we got. Chespin is very cute and the way it hardens its quills in battle or when scared is a very interesting idea. Quilladin is one weird middle evolution and hasn't really got anything going for it. Chesnaught on the other hand is quite the drastic change. Has an unique ability in bulletproof and quite a diversed move pool with excellent physical defense and attack, access to recovery and great stat boosting moves like swords dance and bulk up.(sadly it doesn't get stealth rocks)
In my opinion its a fantastic evolutionary line and my actual first pick since the beginning. Chespin is just adorable Quilladin is a bit disappointing for a middle stage but we've seen worse and Chesnaught is just plain awesome and one of my all time favourite bros. Not much else to say.
What are your thoughts?