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My Pokemon Go Experience Day1

No.26999766 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Amerifag here (New York City) Just installed the app off some shady site last night and spent a couple of hours playing the game this morning. There's no tutorial, so I was pretty much standing outside in the hot ass sun trying to figure out wtf to do. Eventually I figured out that I had to walk to the points of interest and collect shit.

How the fuck do I find pokemon the correct way? I keep walking to these spots on the map where little blades of grass would be shown floating in the air, but no fucking pokemon show up... I keep pressing the little icon on the bottom right and then I select the pokemon that I want to find (it's grayed out because I haven't discovered it yet?) I kept selecting the grey'd out bulbasaur and krabby thinking that when I walk over to the blades of grass, it will turn into a pokemon that will try to engage me or something, but nothing ever happened (yes I closed and re-opend the app). after 30 min of walking and collecting items from the points of interest, I finally found a DODUO! And then I found another....and another..and another...and another..........Again through trial and error I figured out that you'll only get REAL pokemon to come to you if you use and item called incense that attract them to you

The battle system is complete shit, again, no tutorial. I stood out there in the sweltering heat fighting a pokemon at one of the gyms. I lost every single time. It was only after I was down to my last doduo that I fucking realized i was supposed to be moving my pokemon around and fight it myself, instead of thinking they would fight on their own. In the end i still lost after the gym's rattata hit each one of my doduo's only three times.

Also, there's literally one guy who owns all the gyms around my area. I know this game isn't out in the states yet officially, but still, this guy "coolkid" walked some fucking miles to conquer every gym he came across. (I guess they were vacant to begin with since no one knows about this game).