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No.27009195 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
We all see this coming...
CHICAGO – 17 Year-old Marcus Jackson was stabbed and mugged for his iPhone after allegedly playing “Pokemon Go” a new app released by the franchise on July 6.

Police say Jackson was just walking around playing “Pokemon Go” and didn’t realize he had stepped into what is know as a bad neighborhood. A local store owner said he saw Marcus Jackson was stabbed and his belongings stolen right after recording the incident he immediately called the Chicago police department.

The store owner said “This kid was just looking at his phone I don’t think he had any idea where he was at or that he was being stabbed” Marcus Jackson is in stable condition and we’re told he will recover his main concern at this moment is getting his iPhone back.

If you have any information about this incident please don’t hesitate to call your local law enforcement agency.