>>27026262this is flawed but acceptable, takes the robbee concept and expands on it adding the loot bag
>>27026392and this is "better" but at the same time TERRIBLE because takes the robber theme and doesn't even change it, just make it bigger and adds the volcano thing (as if camerupt and magcargo didn't already exist, boring to do more volcano things)
IMO the first one is close to being perfect, i'd add some kind of scales in the chest that makes it look like it has the loot bag tied to the torso, and then a little reptile neck thing (sorry dunno how to better explain it) that makes it so it goes from the bag in the back to the mouth, so that it can have better fire power (flamethrower after evolving sounds nice). the "loot bag" can the NOT BE A VOLCANO but just a bubble of skin, and then make it kind of seethrough, like you can see the magma inside, could glow red becayse of the magma or purple if you want acid... hell it can have both and change color depending of the attack it'll use .
or be a mixture of a loot bag and a flamethrower backpack like in pic related, make it a big ball but clearly one that has magma and the other purple with pure venom, then a third little thingy, that i didn't even knew flamethrowers had, has a purple goo more glowy like the magma is to signify that he mixes both the venom and the fire! like a pokemon that can use scald and can use bubble or a water hot enough to burn you it could use just fire to fire blast ya or just pure venom to poison you and you could even give it a signature move that has equal chance to burn or poison! (not thinking about competitive shit here, just running with a concept i fell in love with in the middle of writing this hahah)
not perfect but it sounds great to my, takes the robber theme, takes it further with the loot bag and then adds a little flamethrower flavor!