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Fedoras on Reddit and Twitter are Mad at PokeGo

No.27038614 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>The first thing I noticed after initially booting up Pokémon Go was that 70 per cent of the landmarks near me were churches. Considering that >I’m not a religious person, this has proven to be kiiiind of awkward. I am not alone in feeling this way.

>Actually, a lot of Pokémon Go players are being directed to churches so that they may collect new monsters and more items within the augmented reality game. Given Pokémon’s rocky history with spiritual matters, not to mention the sheer touchiness of religion It's pretty triggering and even a bit insulting to fans of the franchise. Religion is a cancer on society, while Pokemon brings people together.
>Even walking by a church is just painful, as Im bringing attention to it.

Please tell me you people aren't as autistic as these people. Church is comfy as fuck.