>>27041545It's sad, but things are only going to get worse from here on out. There has always been statistical evidence that suggests it is only intelligent for a cop to be on guard around a black person, given the disproportionate homicide rates they're responsible. It's not "nice", no, but it is justifiable for cops to act in that manner, especially if they actually live in a place where criminals are mostly black.
However, cops killing unarmed civilians under dubious circumstances is hardly something specific to black people; more whites are killed by cops each year than blacks. Blacks might be disproportionately killed by cops due to their population size, but when you account for their disproportionate criminality it makes sense that this would be the case (and in any event, such deaths only account for like 2% of all black deaths annually).
And now you're going to have cops more on edge than ever, and justifiably so. Cops aren't going to want to be out on patrol alone, and they're going to be more keenly aware of the fact that blacks, specifically, want them dead (reading some of the Twitter feeds last night / this morning was like reading /pol/ talking about killing Jews, only it was blacks talking about killing cops). So we're likely to see more blacks getting killed, sometimes justifiably, sometimes not, which the media will continue to use to irresponsibly feed into their race baiting narratives, which will lead to more cops getting killed, and so on in a continuous vicious cycle (with some impotent yelling about gun control thrown in for taste).