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No.27051662 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I want to hear what you think should be done to Pokemon Go to help improve it.

>Region Exclusive Pokemon
I don't think that many pokemon should be region exclusive, but after the first few gens are implemented I think maybe make 100 of them or so exclusive to certain global regions
Same goes for Legendaries. I think every legendary pokemon should be exclusive to one global landmark whether it be Mewtwo at Area 51 or Groudon at Mt. Vesuvius
>More teams
3 teams is nowhere near enough to keep things interesting. There should be at least 5 so that way it actually feels like it means something to have your team own a gym. Ideally, make it so people can make their own teams with a custom color and picture/emblem to hover over the gym. There could even be a scoreboard for people who own the most gyms.
>Leaving messages
I don't think there should be a direct chat, or way to see other people on the map because honestly that is a child rape waiting to happen. Instead, people should be able to leave messages or gifts at Pokestops for people to find.
>Pokemon Centers
I think the current setup of only being able to revive pokemon with Revives is a bit silly. I think that they should turn 1/4th of the pokestops randomly into Pokecenters. It functions the same as a Pokestop but you can also revive your pokemon. Make their map marker red and a bit bigger than normal Pokestops.
>Music changes based on location and weather.
This one just seems obvious desu