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GO Adventures Thread

No.27075196 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I had such a great day today /vp/, all because of GO. I just have to share. I can't be the only one.

>go to the Detroit Zoo today with two Yellowbros
>Pokéstops at EVERY exhibit
>hatch tons of eggs, catch tons of mons
>level up from 9 to 12
>5:00 comes far too soon, have to leave
>get back to friends house
>"fuck it let's keep going"
>drive down to Belle Isle
>all three of us start dropping all our Lucky Eggs and Incense
>Poliwags, Magikarps, and Psyducks for hours
>BTFOing gyms left and right
>starts to get late, feet start to get tired
>get in the car to leave

>pass the fountain on the way out
>"wait a fucking minute"
>literally four Pokéstops all within reach of the fountain have Lures active
>book it over there
>start catching rapidfire water types
>slowly more and more people assemble
>within minutes we're standing in a giant circle with a group of chicks, a group of geeky dudes and a (gay?) couple of suited out 28-30 year old dudes who bailed on a nearby wedding reception to come snag a Jynx
>they're all really cool people
>chat, laugh and catch Pokémon til the sun sets

What a time to be alive. Is GO the greatest thing to ever happen to us?