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/vp/ plays X

No.27125381 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Last time:
>Froakie was chosen and named lil cruz
>two trips gets decided he was to be wondertraded until I got a different starter, 26 trades later Torchic joined the team
>a Bunnelby named Horatio was caught
>a Pansear named mosthated was caught
>a Dunsparce named Secret snek was caught
>in Santalune City a man offered me a Farfetch'd named Quacklin' for Horatio
>Viola was defeated and the Bug Badge was obtained
<<<current team
Previous thread>>27111718
Now let's continue

>I will tell what number is needed to make a choice
>Dubs overrule a choice
>Trips can make me release something or create a temp rule
>Quads makes a permanent rule

>Boutique rules
When I visit a boutique the first ten post decide how I change my clothes. If two gets are obtained for the same piece of clothing the second get wins. Example: a get is made for the green jacket and two posts later a get is made for the blue jacket, the blue one wins.