A friendly and nonmilitant note to the mods of /vp/: If you find that the content of my discourses somehow infringes on the rules of 4chan, then please send me a warning before deleting posts, and I will be happy to delete and reevaluate any points or pictures that breaks these rules before posting more. The last thing I want for this board if for it to descend into the anarchy it was prior to becoming /vp/)
Some Links to My Previous Discourses
My 1st dissertation, concerned mostly with the Aesthetic and instinctual faults of Greninja; it is mostly a general overview of my points:
https://archive.nyafuu.org/vp/thread/26810008 My 2nd dissertation, concerned specifically with Greninja’s failure to fit its level of fame as a Pokemon in regard to its character:
https://archive.nyafuu.org/vp/thread/26878384 Like before, I invite everyone who shares a deep, profound, and intellectual hatred for Greninja in any manner to share with me your additional contentions so that I may add them to this document. While you are at it, post pictures of Greninja being degraded into the destructive and tasteless creature it always was. The degradation of Froakie and Frogadier is also permitted, but keep in mind that they are not essential to the theme of this thread.
To those supporters of Greninja, either give me serious and intellectual refutations of this interpretation, or else go back to your anime hugbox. “Haters gonna hate” is only a pulpit for your indifference to the world, its capacity for achieving desirable things and its glories that result from it.
Any OC of any kind, by drawings or text similar to mine, is always welcome.
I will not try to force this thread anymore, but I will let it spontaneously grow or perish as necessary, for only a change within the people of /vp/ can enact a lasting and meaningful opinion.
Preface 1.- On the Making of This Particular Discourse
Preface 1.- On the Making of This Particular Discourse Wed 13 Jul 2016 23:25:44 No. 27152327 Report >>27152317 Before I begin to, once again, make my dash for modern culture, society, and the mentality of the business, the crowd, and their relationship to each other, like I have done in my prior critiques, I must begin with some preliminary facts, ideas, concepts, and considerations in order for every subsequent detail to have context and be comprehendible. That way, if anyone has any objections that can already be explained due to the content that they did not read in this, or any previous or following sections, then it will be easy to tell them, and it will only be their lack of contextual reading that has provided for their indignant murmuring. Otherwise, I will consider any objections for my next volume.
This particular volume was constructed by three all-nighters and a host of books both in my personal collection and those that I could only find on the internet, ranging from Greek classical texts to modern day studies publish a week prior, from a variety of genres ranging from philosophy, anatomy, physiology, psychology, physiognomy, psychoanalysis, and so on. Many external distractions coupled with multiple lapses of concentration on my part was the reason for the relative delay of this work. Primarily, however, when I set out to write this work, regarding the undesirability of the female Greninja as a mate and a companion, I was unaware of the scope I would have to spread myself out to in order to fully demonstrate and explain my thoughts on the subject, causing a single work to spawn into three sub topics, each of which I am currently incubating.
I apologize if the content presented here is not what I wholly promised before- that will come later. However, this present content will make your understanding and appreciation of the themes to come far more lucid and sensible, so patience is key. Many of the themes here will deal only subsequently with the female Greninja, and will include elements from both genders.
Prelude 2.- Frogs as a Positive Symbol in Egyptian Mythology
Prelude 2.- Frogs as a Positive Symbol in Egyptian Mythology Wed 13 Jul 2016 23:26:45 No. 27152341 Report >>27152327 Whether we appeal to local folklore, to the proverbs of the nations of antiquity, or to the earliest legends that mankind has born from his mind and breast, we invariably encounter in the traditional animism, spirituality, and symbolism of humanity judgments and prejudices upon the frog which are more or less unanimous in representing it as a symbol of transition, metamorphosis, return, and, the most common of all, to fertility. In Ancient Egypt, beginning with the Early Dynastic Period (3150 BC – 2686 BC), and owing to their culture built around and wholly dedicated to flourishing life and its multiplication, the frog appears as a benevolent and auspicious symbol of reproduction.
This connection was so prominent, that the wise and observant mythmakers throughout the history of Egypt went so far as to characterize the water goddess Heket, or Heqit, either as a woman with the head of a frog, an anthropomorphic frog, or a frog in itself (Egyptian scribes would sometimes represent her role of fertility by depicting her atop an erect phallus, squatting upon it like a throne to her natural and masterful calling).
Midwife goddess Heqit ruled conception and birth, and from times before the unification of Egypt up to the suicide of Cleopatra, Egyptian women, during childbirth, would wear metal amulets in the shape and form of Heqit upon a lotus, in hopes of enlisting her good favor. She was the one who breathed life into the newborn body of Horus, and is thus depicted with not just birth, but resurrection, not to a faraway and eternal paradise, but back to the rich, fertile, and merry lands of ancient Egypt, whom the mythmakers deemed no world better than it, their own prideful homeland.
Quoted By:
Greninja is my favourite 6th gen mon and you're autistic, not even trying to ad hominem
Prelude 3.- Frogs as a Symbol of Fertility and Growth
Prelude 3.- Frogs as a Symbol of Fertility and Growth Wed 13 Jul 2016 23:27:47 No. 27152355 Report >>27152341 The reasons for capturing the animal in this very flattering symbol lied die to the fact that frogs appeared in great numbers each year at the flooding of the Nile, an event which was absolutely crucial to agriculture in that it provided water and irrigation for many distant fields, thus further propagating life for the contented Egyptians, and allowing them to extend their influence, their grasp, and their glory far beyond the delta and into the open desert itself. Frogs thrived in millions upon millions within the muddy bogs left by the receding waters after the annual inundation of the Nile, bringing crops and rich soil to otherwise desolate fields and empty landscapes.
Frogs at this time were so prominent to the Egyptians, that the frog eventually became a symbol for the number hefnu, which, depending on whether it was used for an economic function or an artistic function, meant either 100,000 or simply "an innumerable number." It is certainly the frogs' impressive fertility in conjunction with their symbolism with pure and flowing water, each a factor important for all forms of life and society that has led the Egyptians to see them as such potent and positive symbols as to exalt them to the status of gods and fortune-bringers.
Prelude 4.- The Frog in Asia as a Feminine Symbol
Prelude 4.- The Frog in Asia as a Feminine Symbol Wed 13 Jul 2016 23:28:50 No. 27152375 Report >>27152355 This is represented again thousands of miles and thousands of years away in the shrouded mountains and fields of ancient China, which saw the toad as an entirely female force, a negative "yin" in direct contrast to the positive "yang", which was a masculine symbol. The moon was the ultimate symbol of yin, and so many Chinese tales refer to the female bullfrog, Jin Chan, transformed into a frog for attempting to steal the Peaches of Immortality, and whose face is apparently visible at the full moon. The concept of the auspicious moon frog would repeat itself in the Japanese mythological character called the Gamma Sennin, or the Kosensei.
Prelude 5.- The Female Frog as the Universe in Mesoamerica
Prelude 5.- The Female Frog as the Universe in Mesoamerica Wed 13 Jul 2016 23:29:51 No. 27152398 Report >>27152375 If we delve farther into time and space, we can see this representation once again repeated in a land, era, and culture completely foreign to either of the two civilizations previously explored, with the Incas of Peru and the Aztecs of Mesoamerica, each who possessed a goddess bearing the complete form of a frog, appears in a squatting position in order to give birth to the new world, as dead souls passed through her mouth to the netherworld. In one legend, Tlaltecuhti, the goddess frog of the Aztec mythology, is the source of the entire universe, when Quetzalcoatl tore her in half, splitting her body into heaven and Earth.
Prelude 6.- The Linkage of Frogs and Females to Sex
Prelude 6.- The Linkage of Frogs and Females to Sex Wed 13 Jul 2016 23:30:53 No. 27152416 Report >>27152398 What is constant to each? Regardless to where we go in these traditional, and for the most part, long past, yet flourishing, influential, jolly, powerful, and, in legacy, permanent cultures, comes the essence of ancient wisdom with regard to the preservation of a valuable type, by means of exalting both woman and frog. And why did these ancient wish to exalt these two organisms to divine representations of life and prosperity?
Because of their gratitude for them. Because of their consciousness of their peculiar virtues. And what are these virtues, in detail? It is their circumnavigation, their nullifying, their cheating and usurping of death out of its conquest and its attempted control and destruction of Life, by the only means that any organic lifeform may continue to live when its individual species are doomed to Death’s dark and silencing embrace- by their virtues in regard to Sex.
Prelude 7.- Frogs as the Warriors of Life
Prelude 7.- Frogs as the Warriors of Life Wed 13 Jul 2016 23:31:56 No. 27152435 Report >>27152416 By being the fullest propagators of sex, its primary superintendents, supervisors, bodyguards, and executors, they are essentially warriors against Death, the most noble, relentless, cunning, experienced, and insurmountable heroes and champions with their highest notions and functions, down to their very constitution, bound by nature herself to ward off the endless siege against Life from the torrent of Death’s very own lackeys, disease, morbidity, and degeneracy.
By this association, any person, idea, or religion that is in itself wholly and entirely against Sex, woman, and, to a symbolic degree, frogs, can thus only, by deductive logic, be a champion of Death, aiding it in its crusade against us mortal beings and our fleeting passions. With women and frogs, in their natural and instinctual state, being the ambassadors of reproduction, they must be a proponent to joyous and committed Life, and thus to the ancients of Egypt, were among the same terms and significance to their very order as nutritious food and drink, jubilant song and dance, benevolent and authoritative government, and, above all, national beauty.
Their natural lust, appetite, desire, motherhood, self-control of passions and love stand in itself as the most powerful weapons against ugliness, illness, mistreatment of the body, non-platonic without the intention or means to reproduce, excess which sacrifices the necessities of every other function of the body and soul for the sake of an addictive and hog-like greediness or lack of willpower, pretentiousness, and of sterility and impotence.
Prelude 8.- The Contrary Thought: Iniquity of Woman in Antiquity
Prelude 8.- The Contrary Thought: Iniquity of Woman in Antiquity Wed 13 Jul 2016 23:33:00 No. 27152445 Report >>27152435 But the ancients had another conception of woman, a direct and deliberate contrast to her innate function towards Life- one where her bad temper, her disloyalty, her dishonesty, her vanity, her malice and her indolence began to manifest. To begin, In the Law Book of Manu, Book IX, which represents the Aryan Hindu opinion regarding the character of women, says without fear or even consideration of blatancy:
“When creating them, Manu allotted to woman their affinity for the bed, their seat of ornament, their impure desires, wroth, dishonesty, malice and bad conduct. Through their passion for men, through their mutable temper, through their natural heartlessness, they become disloyal to their husbands, however carefully they may be guarded in this world. Knowing their disposition, which the Lord of creatures laid in them at the creation, to be such, (even) man must strenuously exert himself to guard them.”
Prelude 9.- The Prejudices and Observations of Europe and Arabia
Prelude 9.- The Prejudices and Observations of Europe and Arabia Wed 13 Jul 2016 23:34:20 No. 27152468 Report >>27152445 Moving forward in time, the very attitude of the common people towards witchcraft, after the Protestant Reformation, points to a curious popular readiness to believe in the evil and undesirable influences of the female; for the fact that elderly women and not elderly men were particularly the suspected party in the persecutions against supposed cases of black magic, is significant, even if we deny the ruling and the truthfulness of the charges that were brought by Puritans, peasants, and Parliamentary Nonconformists alike against these unfortunate wretches. In cultures completely distant and different from the West, that of Classical and Hebrew religion, each possess a particular myth in which woman, in her entirety of manifestation, is specifically identified, blamed, and condemned with the introduction of evil on earth.
With Pandora and Eve, each the first woman created by the gods, and thus the very representation of woman at that time, came the end of an age of prosperity, glory, comfort, and beauty respective to their corresponding worlds. It cannot be merely a coincidence that in these oldest of human myths from the sagest cultures and legacies there is this indispensable connation between woman and evil.
Even with a culture lasting into the present lies the opinion of the Arabs and Muslims of today, which has denied woman a soul, notorious to the present opinion of Modern America and Europe today.
Prelude 10.- The Literary and Scientific Opinion
Prelude 10.- The Literary and Scientific Opinion Wed 13 Jul 2016 23:35:22 No. 27152497 Report >>27152468 This view was even consolidated by Classical, Victorian, and Continental culture and schools of thought. From the 17th century to the 20th century, Novelists Jean de la Bruyere, Emile Zola, and Honore de Balzac, with Philosophers Otto Weininger, Arthur Schopenhauer, Friedrich Nietzsche, and even playwrights Moliere and William Shakespeare, believed that woman’s innate libelous and deceitful nature was imbedded in their constitution and blood, drawing these malicious traits to her physical and emotional weakness, her periods, her modesty, to the lust, pettiness, and slyness necessary to claim ascendancy over man, and to her duties of pregnancy and motherhood.
Prelude 11.- Frogs as Wicked Tools of Necromancers
Prelude 11.- Frogs as Wicked Tools of Necromancers Wed 13 Jul 2016 23:36:24 No. 27152513 Report >>27152497 And what revaluation followed this contrast? The very frog, when cast to aspects beyond that of reproduction and fertility, shows a similar and equally contrasting opinion held by those in power by virtue of their traditional wisdom.
The general public understanding of Mayan, Inca, Olmec, and Aztec cultures, along with many lesser tribes in that region, held that frogs were the purveyors of poison or of powerful drugs, which can heal or induce hallucinations by means of compounds found in the skin of some native species that are both poisonous and hallucinogenic. Many deceitful doctors and even murders used these frogs as a means of making poisons, while some priests used these frogs as hallucinogenic drugs for religious rituals.
Within the Classical culture of Greece and Rome, the great Pliny the Elder viewed frogs and toads as evil creatures whose blood was a potent poison and imputed many strange powers to frogs: a frog’s presence will silence a room full of people; a small bone from a frog's right side will keep water from boiling; while a bone from the left side of the frog will repel the attack of dogs. He goes further to talk of the “Toad Stone”, which, by means of cracking open a frog or toad’s skull and drilling into its brain, all while the poor creature was still alive, and driving the mystical stone from there, which could then be placed on a neckless, ring, or an amulet. One could find that this mythical stone could ward off poison by its change in color in the presence of it, and then act as an antidote by touching the stone to the poisoned area. Even the grand playwright Shakespeare and fantasy writer Cabell alluded to this in their own works.
Prelude 12.- Frogs and Woman in the Same Boat
Prelude 12.- Frogs and Woman in the Same Boat Wed 13 Jul 2016 23:37:26 No. 27152533 Report >>27152513 From here, it would only make sense that the two symbols, each deemed by the myth makers as devious, dubious, and ominous as the other, would be eventually lumped together as it was in Medieval and Reformation era Europe.
Within Puritan England and British America especially, Toads and frogs were commonly seen as evil spirits, who accompanied witches and would assist them in their malevolent designs and deeds. In the annals of the witch trials at St. Osyth, in England, 1582, Ursula Kempe's younger son testified that one of her four daemons, a black toad by the name of Pigin, had once caused an illness in another young boy. Toads and frogs were also commonly used as poisonous ingredients in potions. It was said in the 15th to the 17th centuries that "the women-witches of ancient time which killed by poysoning, did much use toads in their confections." Male witches were also purported to use toads for their poisonous magic.
It appears that no matter what dogma we turn to, what period we ponder upon, or soil we visit, we seem to find, at its core, the same concepts of both good and evil regarding both the humble frog and the majestic woman. This will form the baseline, and the main ideas to keep in mind throughout the course of this dialogue.
Prelude 13.- My Outline for this Criticism
Prelude 13.- My Outline for this Criticism Wed 13 Jul 2016 23:38:27 No. 27152550 Report >>27152533 The object of this current discourse, and the ones that may sooner or later follow it, bears three aspects to introduce and review: in the first place to show the necessary traits, concerns, instincts, and actions necessary for a woman to be able to practice, prepare for, and commit duties that will bring her the greatest and most authentic satisfaction and contentment to herself, her family, and society, while condemning those that wither obstruct these necessary steps, or outright distort woman’s needs and constraints to apply her to areas where she can only end up as unhealthy, indignant, false, and miserable.
Prelude 14.- My Perspective on the Female Greninja
Prelude 14.- My Perspective on the Female Greninja Wed 13 Jul 2016 23:39:28 No. 27152569 Report >>27152550 Secondly, I wish to reveal the female Greninja (fancy seeing this for the first time here!) as a careless piece of muddled art (in both the initial designers as well as fan interpretations, for what the fans interpret from the initial designs bears just as much weight as the original design itself, by virtue of both it being a common image of the common perception of the type of creature when adapted to a female or sexual role, and by means of the fan design or interpretation becoming the key or characteristic representation of the design itself, a “head canon” as most people here would choose to call it) whose most engaging characteristics to those who only consider their own sighted appearances and superficially ignorant ideas and understanding of said appearances, are but the outcome of the least vital qualities (regarding both aesthetic values and personality values, but these are all but linked together, as I have mentioned briefly in the past discourse, and am eager to present in this current volume) within her, but also as a poor model or mold for others to follow, in whom these seemingly most engaging characteristics themselves can only become disturbing and undesirable when she is exposed to the masses in her social and masculine form.
Thirdly and lastly, I wish to showcase why this presented mold is just as dangerous to those who wish to, rather than adopt her character traits, to try and find her as an ideal mate or partner, whether for brief intercourse or, even worse, a lifetime marriage.
Prelude 15.- My Intentions for this Dissertation
Prelude 15.- My Intentions for this Dissertation Wed 13 Jul 2016 23:40:30 No. 27152583 Report >>27152569 It has been my endeavor to defend the vital and healthy state of woman against certain commercial and well-founded designs and molds, by showing that the very traits in her character which have given rise to these charges form so necessary and fundamental a part of her own vital equipment that it would be harsh and dangerous to her people and to her nation to even slightly modify or to alter them.
Thus, despite the honest fact that there is much in this discourse that may possibly strike the reader as unfriendly and harsh, if not even antagonistic, I am aware of no other rant, work, or discourse in which such a rounded out and lengthy demand, regarding the needs of today, has been made in the destruction of contemporary false and romantic ideals of today’s whole character of what is considered to be an ideal mate, whether of male or female, whether of on the street or in bed, including the very side of it which the wisest of mankind, and the oldest traditions of mankind, have unanimously and consistently deprecated. It is through this that I use Greninja as a model for this foolish change in the demands of woman, by both those in power and by those in the cottage.
Prelude 16.- The Greninja as a Sickly, Abnormal, and Undesirable Woman
Prelude 16.- The Greninja as a Sickly, Abnormal, and Undesirable Woman Wed 13 Jul 2016 23:41:36 No. 27152598 Report >>27152583 To be brief, my thesis boils down this, that, whether we contemplate a Greninja in the role of a Joan of Arc, of the deceiving ninja, of the subtle and refined Bushi, of the noble and aristocratic Samurai, or of the creature whose femininity has been the boon of men all ages; or whether we contemplate her as the staunchest and most brazen of lovers, or as the most loyal and reliable of allies, or as the loving mother whose noble and integral devotion to her offspring will drive her to any form or any extreme of danger in defense of them, we are always confronted by a creature whose best can, on complete analysis and synthesis, be shown to be only the outcome of her most unhealthy and most mediocre qualities, turned to fame by misappropriation and a lack of deep thought regarding human nature; and whose best is but the tired and forced expression of her fractured endowments.
Prelude 17.- The Combined Lack of Passion or Restraint
Prelude 17.- The Combined Lack of Passion or Restraint Wed 13 Jul 2016 23:42:40 No. 27152620 Report >>27152598 Seeing, however, that among the best environments which cause the female Greninja’s worst to appear to others as her best, I find it dangerous to exalt her, and to those who support find her features and character to be attractive and desirable, to a plane on which all her more ugly, more perturbing, and more dangerous yet slippery characteristics are whittled down to a desire or perusal of mere docility and compassion.
To those who their love and generosity towards a woman depends upon so absurd, confusing, and disgusting an idealization and romanticism of her nature as to enable them to entirely overlook or deny the innate "wickedness" in her, which is at once her most profound and greatest vital behavior, provided it be directed exclusively at reproductive matters and not with social matters, as the female Greninja seems to confute and swap without sense, will find very little to sustain them in this love throughout the present posts.
And, if in this age of "Safety first," they fancy that it is practical to create, idealize, and to love only those female Greninja from whom all "danger" has been removed, they will find that I have endeavored to demonstrate to them the extreme peril even of this plausible ideal.
Quoted By:
>>27152317 Something tells me that this will be worse than the last threads
Quoted By:
>>27152317 I'll give you one thing, you're eloquent.
I'm indifferent I guess, but I don't outright hate Greninja. It's okay.
18.- The Ill Standards of Beauty of those who Desire Greninja as a Mate
18.- The Ill Standards of Beauty of those who Desire Greninja as a Mate Wed 13 Jul 2016 23:43:41 No. 27152641 Report >>27152620 Let me begin this lengthy discussion by talking about beauty and ugliness in general and basic terms. It is now incumbent upon me, without yet attempting to differentiate between male and female beauty, to amplify, along scientific, historic and philosophical lines, the ideas, forms, and concepts that are so frequently and undoubtedly connected with human ugliness, by enumerating and elucidating those characteristics of a human face, feature, or figure, which make desirability and beauty impossible.
Because the audience of those who find Greninja cute, harmoniously designed, healthy, or even beautiful, is exclusively human, I have took it upon myself to compile a list of facial, bodily, and constitutional traits unequivocally abnormal to the human condition, and I hope that by pointing out these deviations from authentic and harmonious beauty and the health and fullness of life it represents to a normally developed and hereditarily sound human being, I can lead those whose constitutions and mind are not already wrecked or botched beyond repair to reconsider the aspects of beauty as I begin to point them out in regards to the condition of the Greninja.
Some of these aspects may very well be given the benefit of the doubt and assumed to be normal and healthy in regard to this fantastical species (I will fain point out the ones that are still morbid to the body and its functions, even to a supposed magical creature), but seeing as we are regarding what is desirable in features to human fans, whether out of mere passing comment or full out humping the pillow (or plush, perhaps!) lust, so it is still necessary to point out. Neither will I represent conditions or features that are only aesthetically unpleasing, for I have already discussed those in detail during my first discourse.
19.- The Ill Health Implied By Greninja’s Ugliness and Formlessness
19.- The Ill Health Implied By Greninja’s Ugliness and Formlessness Wed 13 Jul 2016 23:44:43 No. 27152651 Report >>27152641 You may question why I also include the negative health effects that are associated with each of the physical conditions I will enumerate below, for, with valid reason, one will suggest that because they are a unique species separate from both man and frog, even their conditions which deviate from both the normal and healthy morphology of both man and frog, which thus represents a healthy species whose parts and connections need not relate to human physiognomy and physiology in order to be healthy and beautiful.
We must understand the designers’ principle intentions towards creating this beast, which was presumably to attempt to mesh together a well constructed and carefully chosen collective of salts from both the physical features of the man and the frog into the solvent of the Sugimori and general Pokémon art style and character, in order that a homogenous and meridian solution of man and frog can be adequately formed, when, in reality, the fact that there are inherent differences in the aesthetic direction, the function, the soul or will it corresponds to, and the relation and dependency on each other of organs and parts, internal and external, is of profound significance when it is recalled that it involves the inevitable consequence that any aesthetic and personality related crossings in this manner can lead to serious disharmony.
But over 140 years ago, Herbert Spencer, in his Principles of Biology, had already explicitly stated before that “The offspring or outcome of two organisms, concepts, or art / beauty not identical in constitution, form, or details, by means of even careful selection is, and will always be, a heterogeneous mixture of the two, and not a homogeneous mean between them."
20.- Greninja’s Disharmony as Representative of Bad Character
20.- Greninja’s Disharmony as Representative of Bad Character Wed 13 Jul 2016 23:45:45 No. 27152675 Report Quoted By:
>>27152651 150 years ago Darwin, in his THE VARIATION OF ANIMALS AND PLANTS UNDER DOMESTICATION, called attention to the fact and given many instances of it; his conclusion being that "With hybrids of body (and by extension, hybrids of thought and art) it frequently or even generally happens that one part of the body resembles more or less closely one parent and another part the other parent. Since his time, there has been abundant independent confirmation of this finding, as shown by Talbot, Kretschmer, Lavater, Davenport, Crew, Mjoen, and Lungborg, in their various works.
Essentially, a creature of such characteristics, even with the acme of traits from either species, can seldom expect to have even a fraction of either aspect of beauty, talent, or aptitude, let alone have an exceptional degree of each. Briefly stated, the consequence in question results from a curious freak of the mechanisms of heredity or art direction, depending on what you prefer to engage.
This occurs by which offspring inherit their bodily organs and parts, their external features, colors, juxtapositions, and shapes, not as one working outfit patterned on the constitution of either parent model, but as a haphazard omnium-gatherum of organs, parts, colors, and shapes passed down independently from either source. Thus even different parts of the same feature, such as the nose, may be contributed independently by either parent, so that one or two parts come from the father and the remainder from the mother. (It is this fact that explains the puzzling phenomenon so often seen of a host of ugly creations or works of art being born to disparate figures of art style, each of which is good looking in a different way- in their own way.
21.- Results of Organ and Aesthetic Incompatibility
21.- Results of Organ and Aesthetic Incompatibility Wed 13 Jul 2016 23:46:47 No. 27152691 Report >>27152651 Even with nature, whose flexible and adaptable organisms by design may have the ability to loosely hold together even the most unfavorable conjunctions of incompatible parts and features, and will continue life and movement to the degree that they may be considered “functional” in its most skeletal meaning, the functioning of these magnetically and disparately assorted parts will still function irregularly and improperly, and however faint or acute the consequences of these parts may be, are always the inevitable result; and no matter how heroically and perseveringly the body attempt to struggle and wrestle with its difficulties, some untoward effects in the form of obscure malaise, unpaired function or even actual disease, must occur and, of course, increase in gravity as age adds its share to the agencies causing the morbidity.
Ponder upon a creature with a frog’s heart fitted to a human’s body, and you will see what I mean by this. The relatively tiny heart, with its miniscule yet rapid and determined pumps, no matter how hard it may work, cannot even hope to deliver the necessary rate of blood to the gargantuan body without it going blue and collapsing in a heap no less than a moment after birth.
As I said above, there is much flexibility within the design of organisms, and with the design of any artist, such as a Pokémon designer, there is far more control. But even with this control, if the parts are innately incompatible, and will not fit together in a properly aesthetic or character pleasing manner, no matter what the permutation, than they will still cease to appear functional or sightly as soon as the first pencil lines are connected. This is one of the first things I elucidated in my first discourse.
>>27152666 It's my passion.
22.- A More Sobering Example
>>27152691 Likewise, if we consider the amount of passion, desire, and power needed in the emotions, intellect, and instinct of a human in order to enjoy the company of another, to have sexual dominance and mastery over another human being, to fundamentally enjoy the moment of coitus as both the highest physical pleasure with the creation of a spiritual bond to boot, to enjoy sex rather than have it be another lifeless, disappointing, and mechanical function like many of our present societal standards and constraints have reduced our human functions down to, an inner fire is needed, a warm blooded and emotionally vivid instinct is needed.
For fire alone allows for the most alluring combinations and creations to be made achievable. Replace the exuberance of a human by reducing the fire in their blood and their soul, with the cold blooded, formulaic, and straight faced instinct and blood of a frog, and the very act of love and romance becomes somewhat of a trivial, bothersome affair. The procreation of frogs is accomplished without any embrace, without any grasp of the male and female essence: frogs are cold-blooded.
23.- Connecting Poor Beauty Standards to Decay
23.- Connecting Poor Beauty Standards to Decay Wed 13 Jul 2016 23:48:52 No. 27152726 Report >>27152705 Now, if we turn to the function of happy, healthy, strong, smart, exuberant, beautiful, and prospering life, that is, to sex, if modern people, crowds, masses, and consumers find the admirable in that which is mixed together from disparate and incompatible traits without cohesion or a clear direction that Greninja shows in its formless shape, its thoughtless collage of colors, parts, and shapes, and its confused, indecisive, and split minded personality, if they find lust or prowess within the gaudy and instantaneous displays which Greninja must display even if only to intimidate the most feeble Weedle, if they find a model for their own condition and ideas that amount from the disorder that arises from Greninja’s hopeless jumble of character and limbs, if they find the need to raise up and demand that Greninja deserves the influence over unconscious ideals and tastes today, and that Game Freak dare form more Pokémon in its style— if these sentiments seem innate and inevitable within the very constitution of mankind today, it is entirely and provably due to these values.
24. Chiraq rappers
Fuckers in school telling me, always in the barber shop Chief Keef ain’t bout this, Chief Keef ain’t bout that My boy a BD on fucking Lamron and them He, he they say that nigga don’t be putting in no work SHUT THE FUCK UP! Y'all niggas ain’t know shit All ya motherfuckers talk about Chief Keef ain’t no hitta Chief Keef ain’t this Chief Keef a fake SHUT THE FUCK UP Y'all don’t live with that nigga Y'all know that nigga got caught with a ratchet Shootin' at the police and shit Nigga been on probation since fuckin, I don’t know when! Motherfuckers stop fuckin' playin' him like that Them niggas savages out there If I catch another motherfucker talking sweet about Chief Keef I’m fucking beating they ass! I’m not fucking playing no more You know those niggas role with Lil' Reese and them
24.- The Christian Roots of Ugliness and Besottedness
24.- The Christian Roots of Ugliness and Besottedness Wed 13 Jul 2016 23:49:55 No. 27152746 Report >>27152726 These values were inspected, garnered, purveyed, and deployed to the masses by Christianity, and by ambitiously garnering most of the nadirs- that of health, worth, and benefit- of wisdom to be found in ancient word. Christianity represents decay of the human condition, and do not be surprised if you may find a strong kinship to them today even if you strongly protest the alleged stupidity of those trailer park hillbillies in the South of the United States. In fact, I would suggest that all of modern America and Europe lies subtly and unconsciously closer to these values than any redneck would ever be willing to conform to.
And what came before Christianity to endow its saints, priests, and missionaries with the ludicrous and sentimental products of superficial and conceited “philosophy” – that of the propagated and unconsciously accepted theories of Dualism, the Immortality of the Soul, the superiority of the Soul over the Body, and the Soul's Independence of the Body?
25.- Hellenism’s Role in the Formation of Christian Ideals
25.- Hellenism’s Role in the Formation of Christian Ideals Wed 13 Jul 2016 23:50:58 No. 27152759 Report >>27152746 Many scholars have traced insignificant vestiges of this within the earliest societies and their tribal animist creeds, but it was not until the supposed “golden age”- merely a layer of gold foil to disguise the decaying, decadent, and bourgeoisie art and culture of ancient Greece that these four positions, were fully outlined.
This philosophy began to take its root through the word of Xenophanes, and then Socrates, who was its main and essential cultivator, and then to Plato, who was its middleman, each having to uproot and deformalize the original mental soil that came before it, which had been planted ever since the inception of the Greek culture, and even to its ultimate end, continued to bear the brightest and most nutritious fruit for Grecian society to flourish from.
This essential philosophy and maxim was kαλὸς kἀγαθός, or Kalos kagathos, or “good looking, therefore good”, essentially, to value man as a complete entity, and not to value him by separate parts presumed independent of any connection or influence from any other part of the being. We can see the wisest men of their day, such as historian Herodotus and philosopher Aristotle (who still clung to the belief in his Nicomachean Ethics and Eudemian Ethics, despite popular pressure and even the teachings of his mentor Plato and his influence, Socrates, guiding him in the contrary, revolutionary direction)
>>27152317 Holy shit shut the fuck up, how many times have we been over this? It's the same trite complaints we see all the fucking time. "Overdesigned, too skinny, too edgy but also not edgy enough!" except run through an obnoxious thesaurus.
You're not interested in dialogue or you wouldn't bury your argument in words. You are just autistic. Fuck off.
26.- Socrates as Master Manipulator
>>27152759 However, the manipulative and sly mind of Socrates, based on the recorded dialogues of Plato assure every Greek that passed him in the agora that there was no effectual connation between an organism’s visible and invisible aspects, with Alcibiades, his male prostitute friend, mentioning that Socrates loathed any person with a semblance of beauty, him mentioning to the jury at his trial that he taught others to prize the soul above the body, and even while in jail declaring that we must be patient of any aesthetic or bodily defect, and that to love a man or woman for his / her soul is to love them for who they are (whatever that represents), with it all cumulating into the teachings of Plato and Xenophon, his dedicated scholars.
Gradually bodily defects were made respectable, disease were a special means of fame and notice. Any visible aspect, any body or physical element, became tinged and tainted with the stigma of the wicked and the corrupted, and any invisible aspect was the only meaningful and desirable part of a creature. Any sound biological or artistic attitude towards any man, woman, creature, or opus was made despicable and impossible to implant in the minds of those who followed this dogma.
Socrates’ dialogues were later noted by Christianity, before being praised and demanded in every corner and detail of it, bringing along the whole of the modern world with it.
>>27152740 You wag.
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What is this rambling, I imagine the only thought process behind greninja was>"Dude frog ninja"
27.- The Unconscious Christian Prejudices of Modernity
27.- The Unconscious Christian Prejudices of Modernity Wed 13 Jul 2016 23:53:01 No. 27152800 Report >>27152783 Any diseased, ugly, botched, or muddled creature could appear as desirable if one preached of its inner and “hidden” and true self, sanctifying the specious and deceptive pleas, commands, and thoughts of any wretched toad or poser that may have the gall to do so. To the world, beauty became only “skin deep”, and gently and softly creeped its way into the decisions and impulses, both automatic and intellectual, of any figure born and / or raised in this decadent Christian manner.
Thus today, any guy or gal from any class, race, or nationality, in response to any criticism towards any ugly, manic, stupid, retarded, or weak willed person can only exclaim with indignance, “What did they do?” "They can’t help it!" “How is it their fault”, or the dreaded, incredulous, and bigoted retort common to all unconscious and conscious Christians in body and soul, “What did they ever do to you?”
Going from these statements, a person can help being a liar, a cheat, a prostitute, a murderer, a criminal, or a murderer. But they cannot help being a degenerate. Because we can pin their undesirable influence on others and society to their own actions in themselves, we cannot discriminate against them- to treat them as they should be treated for the better function and happiness of their peers, their nation, and even themselves, by the increased productivity and higher quality rules and products that may result from it.
28.- Greninja as a Sign and Propagator of these Corrupted Ideals
28.- Greninja as a Sign and Propagator of these Corrupted Ideals Wed 13 Jul 2016 23:54:03 No. 27152817 Report >>27152800 A purely moral valuation promotes Greninja just as Greninja promotes a purely moral valuation. They each, hand in hand, promote incompatibility, disease, and ugliness, all disguised as complexity, vigor, and beauty under the taste of today. For, in assessing the desirability to follow a certain model, the modern person is prepared to forgive stigmata which are nobody's fault, and ably forgets that in soft-heartedly forgiving that standard, he or she is cruelly foisting an undesirable parent on his or her offspring. And we all know that when one gazes into the abyss, the abyss gazes back- that if one finds Greninja a pleasant or noble character, that he or she cannot help but wrangle with their own character, valuations, and tastes- consciously or unconsciously- in order to fully conform to their experience set to their model’s character, whether it be a full-fledged aim to reach or merely the comfortable sides of a distant friendship.
Add to this the Christian notion and practice of pity, which is quite indiscriminate and makes people react with love and charity to all who suffer, irrespective and ignorant of their value to life and posterity, and you have a combination of evils which makes a complete degeneracy in taste, and thereby form and mind, a prophetic certainty. In any relation, Christian pity is a sentimental self-indulgence, but in defining taste, it is a criminal self-indulgence.
>>27152780 Read the thread. Anonymous
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You won. You're the autismo champion.
29.- Greninja as an Object of Pity
>>27152817 I do not mean to simply imply that pity should be suppressed altogether as an emotion or an instinct. It simply means that it should be controlled, utilized, and taught in a manner far different from the manner in which Christianity has hitherto preached it it. It should not be indiscriminate and uncontrolled. It should not be turned chiefly towards aesthetic, physical and organic garbage. Lastly, it should not be self-indulgent. In a nutshell, the quality of pity should be measured according to the value to humanity, life, and posterity of the creature pitied.
No honest and dedicated nature preserver would bother to care a single knock of the "rights" of invasive species, or whether they can help being invasive species. The same plight may go out to the farmer or gardener with bugs, weeds, and other pests which stop the growth of the plants that they are dependent or ennobled to. They pity the nobler plants in its struggle against the ignoble, and refuses to sacrifice the parasites, the impractical, and the unsightly plants to the latter plants.
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It's interesting to see someone so passionate about something so pointless
30.- The Foolish and Conceited “Morality” of Today
30.- The Foolish and Conceited “Morality” of Today Wed 13 Jul 2016 23:56:08 No. 27152852 Report >>27152834 Every penny paid, every eulogy spoke, every blogpost written, every design created and forced upon the world that enforces the upkeep of artistic, bodily, spiritual, and human rubbish is, and can only be, a sacrifice of the greater for the sake of the worse, and if any creator of desirable things decide that they must, in order to conform to the economic and social demands placed upon them by this invisible hand of Christian and Socratic sentiments, as an artist: redirect their subject of their work, their art style, or cease working altogether; as a teacher: to switch their teaching to conform to the common curriculum and remove all that may be offensive and out of reach to those who are lesser in aptitude; Or as a mother or father, to follow the same lessons taught by the moralist or the agitator, or to even curtail their family to meet the national disbursement for tasteless and besotted “people”, we plainly kill the best to save the worst.
But this cannot be the case, because we cannot bring ourselves to follow such hateful words? And why? For human beings are involved? Numbskull! Thus only human consequences can arise!
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what even is this thread oh my god
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remove Greninja
31.- Greninja as a Fantastical Attempt to Display Christian Ideals
31.- Greninja as a Fantastical Attempt to Display Christian Ideals Wed 13 Jul 2016 23:57:11 No. 27152874 Report >>27152852 When Chestnaught told his Greninja mate, which, by the implication of his own words, knew that she was ugly, knew that she was undesirable, and knew that every moment with her, no matter how pleasant the situation or the environment, must be spent in a constant inner struggle not get fed up with and reveal his natural disdain for her besotted face that he must face directly every time he were to dance, to sit face to face at a restaurant, to kiss, and to watch over as it is shrouded in the bridal gown at the steps of the wedding stage, that she “was still beautiful on the inside”, was he raving?
For it seems only fair to his case to presume that he was could not have been serious. Did he mistake his erotic vividness for some sort of mental fortitude or straightness? But enough for Chestnaught’s muddled head and his pathetic plight regarding his method of dealing with his feminine rubbish. I will perhaps talk about this little scene in greater detail at another time.
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Jesus, that's some high level autism
31.- Greninja as a Fantastical Attempt to Display Christian Ideals
31.- Greninja as a Fantastical Attempt to Display Christian Ideals Wed 13 Jul 2016 23:59:05 No. 27152906 Report Quoted By:
>>27152874 Nobody can deny that this is happening in today’s over-Christianized global culture, of both the East and the West. But at least we must free the concept of what is ideal in a figure, a mate, and a companion, from these artificially created and conditioned Christian reflexes, bred in the fetid atmosphere of Greece, Rome, Japan, and Europe for perhaps the last two thousand or so years.
To the man, uncontrolled Christian pity is in itself a peculiarly potent danger, because it often grants an extra boost to his instinctual lust to protect and succor the female. By this means, it may, and sadly, it often does, make the meek, small, frail, delicate, and sickly female appear more alluring, because she makes a heightened appeal to male strength (Hence the appeal of Katawa Shoujo and a particular doujin involving a Greninja and a Swampert. It also, in subsidiarity, covers the loli-mania present here on this imageboard and perhaps all of modern NEET Japan!).
To the female, uncontrolled Christian pity is also dangerous, because it may, and often does, stimulate her innate and internal maternal instincts, and delude her into supposing that the increase in emotion thus generated is really an increase in love.
Epilogue -- The realisation
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So if I fucked this model And she just bleached her asshole And I get bleach on my t-shirt Imma feel like an asshole
32.- A Sickly and Powerless Female as Undesirable
32.- A Sickly and Powerless Female as Undesirable Thu 14 Jul 2016 00:00:51 No. 27152946 Report >>27152874 Nobody can deny that this is happening in today’s over-Christianized global culture, of both the East and the West. But at least we must free the concept of what is ideal in a figure, a mate, and a companion, from these artificially created and conditioned Christian reflexes, bred in the fetid atmosphere of Greece, Rome, Japan, and Europe for perhaps the last two thousand or so years.
To the man, uncontrolled Christian pity is in itself a peculiarly potent danger, because it often grants an extra boost to his instinctual lust to protect and succor the female. By this means, it may, and sadly, it often does, make the meek, small, frail, delicate, and sickly female appear more alluring, because she makes a heightened appeal to male strength (Hence the appeal of Katawa Shoujo and a particular doujin involving a Greninja and a Swampert. It also, in subsidiarity, covers the loli-mania present here on this imageboard and perhaps all of modern NEET Japan!).
To the female, uncontrolled Christian pity is also dangerous, because it may, and often does, stimulate her innate and internal maternal instincts, and delude her into supposing that the increase in emotion thus generated is really an increase in love.
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>>27152817 I've read this shitty thread twice already, thus including the extended version. All it's done is prove me right twice. And now you're doing it again.
I'm not interested in reading the same terrible arguments hidden behind a wall of obtuse language and pretense of intellectuality. Not again, anyway.
Nobody gives a shit about your Greninja doll cunnilingus. Stop trying so hard to convince yourself you hate it.
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>>27152944 it can't be a troll, my man. no troll has this much dedication. this is genuine autism you're seeing here.
33.- How the Body is Conjoined to the Soul, to Personality and Health
33.- How the Body is Conjoined to the Soul, to Personality and Health Thu 14 Jul 2016 00:01:52 No. 27152965 Report >>27152946 And this leads me to my next declaration: A soul distinct from body is as unreal as a body distinct from soul.
(A quick note: I took great inspiration in utilizing Leibnitz’s philosophy and general outlook on the Absolute in regard to these next few paragraphs, especially his Monadology- which a few wags on this website took the liberty of comparing the length of my first dissertation towards Greninja to it- his Discourse on the Metaphysics, and his Correspondence with Arnauld, each of which I must recommend wholly)
Let us now look at the facts accurately. From the standpoint of physical science any conscious reaction mainly depends on a variety of conditions, more and more has been revealed from those of physiological and psychological research since the 18th century gradually, and will continue to do today. Primarily, it is to be on a variety of seemingly extremely certain physical and chemical conditions, as a combined "normal" internal environment. From a physical and chemical point of the development and maintenance of normal environment is completely incomprehensible.
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34.- The Anatomy of Man as Indicator
>>27152965 Secondly, it depends on other nervous influences conveyed to and from all parts of the body and its environment, in particular from different parts of the brain itself, including parts where the traces of system memory are stored. Therefore, we cannot locate a conscious nervous reaction in one place. All sorts of other reactions in different parts of the brain and its external environment are inseparably fused with each conscious reaction that we strive to follow, observe, record, and hypothesize about. But this merger is carried out in a manner that embodies the maintenance and continuity of personal interest, including our relations with the past and the anticipated events. Ordinary physical ideas lead us to a mere uncoordinated fusion of countless events, but with no conception whatever of how these events are the certain active pattern that we are familiar as those of us in a coordinated environment, both spatial and temporal, of what is of central interest to us.
Finally, when we see what can be meant by the consciousness as an event, or
As a series of events occurring in the nervous tissue of the brain, we are led to Kant's conclusion that in the world we perceived as the known world, each distinguishable element is constituted by its relations to other elements, so that to speak of perception as something occurring in some particular part of it and at some particular time, is without meaning. To the world of perception, there is no outer limits either in time or space, since space and time are only relations within the world of perception itself. It may seem obvious to us at first, as if in perceiving anything, we perceive only the here and now, but in reality, we are also aware of what is around us, both in space and time.
35.- What is Personality?
>>27152982 It is not that physical description of conscious behavior is unsatisfactory up to a certain point, but it is totally inadequate that we need furnish any precise description of the features of conscious behavior as a whole. We cannot describe separate events or other Elements in our conscious experience, but we can describe the events in its essential Relation to a so together another one actively maintained whole education
Personality over both temporal and spatial relationships.
The elements in this are all connected to one another, so that the whole is expressed in each element. The Elements and beyond embody interests and values that are actively maintained; and is not a mere intellectual perception that they embody. They embody what relates to will, and what is called “personality” in a single word.
36.- What is Body and Soul?
>>27153001 What is a body? A body is a part of the physical world, a part of nature, and is thus no more than appearance, but a mental construct. The materials, of which it is made, are inseparably implicated with sensation and feeling, and deduced from phenomenological thinking, with many constructions and processes escaping our own observance despite still impacting our organism. By this meaning, the soul must then clearly be no more self-subsistent than the body. It is, by this side as well, a purely and entirely phenomenal existence, an appearance incomplete and inconsistent, and with virtually no will or power to properly and sustainably maintain itself as an independent “thing in itself”.
The soul is a finite core of immediate experience, a group of psychical events particular to its host body, that does not consider or even gaze upon the content in which it is exposed to, for our memories are constantly and relentlessly changing by result of forgetting and of changes in perspective that affect our view of the past, much like how interpretations of history fluctuate between values and its points of focus as time passes, even within a single nation or historian. Despite it being prone to these changes, it may still remain constant and familiar for a long period.
It must divide what is the self between what is not the self, thus the soul of a man is not what he thinks of; and yet he is the man he is, because of what he thinks of. One may hold a certain philosophy, system of morals, or system of logic, and not have it be a part of his / her soul, but it still has a great effect on the order and variation of its manifestation. Thus, the true fact is fact, only so far as it is ideal.
37.- My Dick
My Dick is cool, he is a nice guy and have a purple head. It gives me pleasure and expels a magic nectar. I like My Dick.
37.- The Self as Unconstant
>>27153019 The self can never correspond to true fact, to true reality, and our only means of improving our own relationship to the body and the soul is through fixing their interpretive meaning. As a result of this, I must deduce that if both the body and the soul are phenomenal entities, and that a soul is only constructed by means of psychical events- which cannot be inherently bonded in continuity, nor can it create any primary instincts or proclivities- and our present temporal and special relationship to them, then the soul cannot possibly independent of the body.
By its phenomenal nature, it must be merely an additional, metaphysical feature of the body, just as confused as the body is in regards to our current interpretation of it.
39.- The dilemma
Whenever I pee, there's a sharp sting in my penor, I imagine in all credibility of the epiphanies of logic that my ding dong done did a doodle. So it is with paramount pictures that I impart with you my knowledge of the fanny. Undoubtably with subtly inflections of my jiggly Jubes that which I unknowingly wrung with impotence. So sir today I tell you I am required with such due power of my fallacies that today is the requiem of pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.
38.- Introduction to Physiognomy
>>27153034 If we can move to a more concrete example of these conclusions in play, let us consider the average man, probably you as well, and the mindset in which he may picture a person to fit whenever he hears of a specific kind of personality or behavior. To him, the devil is usually slim and has a thin beard growing on a narrow chin, while the fat devil has a strain of good-natured stupidity. The schemer has a hunchback and mild cough. The Old Witch shows a withered hawk-like face. From where there is brightness and cheerfulness, we see the fat knight Falstaff red nosed and with decadent foods surrounding him and in his stomach. The farmer woman with a good knowledge of human nature is perceived by the mind’s eye as undersized, roundish and standing with her arms turned outwards. Saints look unusually lanky, long-legged, of penetrating vision, pale and pious.
In short, the virtuous and the devil must have a pointed nose, while the comic must have a fat one. What allows us to say all that? Initially only so much: It may be the phenomena which the imagination of people have crystallized in the tradition of centuries of objective documents from folk psychology, records from the observation of humanity, perhaps all of which are worth a glance, even from the eyes of the experimenter.
>>27153032 >>27153051 Are you 12?
39.- Pokémon Designers Conscious of Physiognomy
39.- Pokémon Designers Conscious of Physiognomy Thu 14 Jul 2016 00:08:36 No. 27153077 Report >>27153057 Even to the designers of Pokémon and to many of the people of this board, they can observe the innate facial features and bodily stances to infer the character of a Pokémon. Pokémon with naturally large, gaping mouths, like Exploud and Gyarados will find that they have a very abrasive, aggressive personality. Pokémon with large eyes proportionate to their bodies that tend to remain open, i.e. Smoochum, Poliwag, or Helioptile, imply a youthful, innocent character, while a Pokémon bearing that quality in conjunction to also having a particular arrangement of details and features- or lack thereof- that draw the eyes towards the entire face itself rather than singular parts of it or other features of the torso, limbs, etc., i.e. Jigglypuff or Snivy, signifies a deceptive character whose tricky and / or snide deeds lie within the false assumptions an amateur trainer may devise about their exclusive attention to the face.
In fact, the colorations, specific aesthetic features, arrangements of parts, and the very material that Pokémon are made of can altogether be a very consistent and accurate means of deciphering its type, with that in turn often signifying its character.
40.- Where Does Beauty Represent Character?
40.- Where Does Beauty Represent Character? Thu 14 Jul 2016 00:10:15 No. 27153102 Report >>27153077 Now, it can be said with greater certainty that if any besotted figure attempts to seek out a mate with aesthetic features reminiscent of his favorite ninja Pokémon, then they will not only be seeking out a woman of ugly features, but also a woman of ill health, poor character, and a soul, or “what’s on the inside”-whatever that means to anyone who foolishly follows this sentimental prejudice- that is equally disgusting and repulsive as their outer beauty is.
To begin with, it may be regarded as an invariable and constant rule that no matter how regular the features may be to any humanoid or anthropomorphic creature, beauty and health cannot reside where there is any semblance of brutality or baseness — for lack of a better word — in the modelling or design of the face, for any manifestation of frugal scrimping on the part of Nature, so that the eyes seem to have only just enough depth, only just enough pupil, or hue, the mouth only just enough brightness or richness, the nose only just enough definition, to make a recognizable organic countenance. Such an organic countenance will always appear incomplete, trampy, sketchy, and unimportant, and it must be applied universally that an incomplete and unimportant result cannot be beautiful.
Secondly, it may generally be inferred that any face or body in which one principal feature alone, such as the mouth, or ears, or nose, or mouth, or limbs, or digits, is ugly, can never be a beautiful body, no matter how appealing or glorious the rest of it may be. In these cases — and, unfortunately, they form the majority of the so-called good-looking Pokémon in our haphazardly constructed and painted Pokedexes of today — a disappointing approximation to genuine and healthy beauty is achieved, which is all the more depressing and disillusioning for its abominable failure to reach an admirable and model standard of unity and harmony, namely, aesthetic achievement.
>>27153051 Interesting points, I agree
41.- Incompatibility as Sure Sign of Poor Constitution
41.- Incompatibility as Sure Sign of Poor Constitution Thu 14 Jul 2016 00:11:17 No. 27153127 Report >>27153102 Thirdly, it may be taken for granted that any marked lack of proper proportions regarding bodily features or limbs, or what is called “dysplasia”, makes a mask or body appear grotesque, badly grown, and in fact, ugly.
Fourthmost, it should be known that any abnormality, whether of the head or limbs or torso, conflicts with beauty and health.
Lastly, it should be known that any marked and profound departure from a standard of the species or of a hereditary stock, whether it be of height, or girth, or merely muscular formation, makes beauty an impossible attainment. I shall now elaborate these points by detailed illustration, the anon being requested to bear in mind that all the following characteristics are destructive of beauty and, therefore, require utmost suspicion if one must find these features in any potential companion, intimate or otherwise.
Let us begin.
42.- Noses: Noses Too Large
>>27153127 The Chinese have a proverb which says, "Gaze at a man's nose to know what he may be, at his mouth to know what he is." Like a sign-post, the nose stands on the map of the face, where it is the indicator primarily of will power and force. Such characteristics as wit, refinement, intellectual capacity, reserve, curiosity, love of luxury, suspicion, cruelty, are all denoted by the shape and size of the nose.
Greninja bears a nose / snout very much too large for the rest of the face. In line with Lavater’s method of thought, a nose of this type denotes a vain talkative person, a liar, and one of hard fortune. Its length, measured from the beginning to the end of the curve, far exceeds that of its forehead, indicating a lack of will and innate determination. Either side of it bends off from each other in incongruence and at an oddly shaped angle in regards to one another, suggesting an inability to reason. The point of the nose is far too sharp and angular to be aesthetically pleasing, and suggests a lack of refinement and self-control.
Here, however, the size must be such as definitely large and peculiarly shaped enough to suggest caricature; for we only have to remember the old and very sound French physiognomical proverb, that a large nose never spoils a fine face, basically meaning that in a mask that is already harmonious and fine, a large nose is not a great disfigurement. However, this is a proverb that applies far more regularly to men than to women, as a large nose, in conjunction to the rest of the face of the former seem to be able to remain wholly good-looking with noses of a size which would mar a woman's mask.
>>27153123 Haha, that wasn't me, you silly anon.
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43.- Noses: Nostrils Abnormal and Destructive
43.- Noses: Nostrils Abnormal and Destructive Thu 14 Jul 2016 00:13:37 No. 27153178 Report >>27153152 In addition, according to sexual scientist and psychologist Havelock Ellis, bearing a nose or a snout abnormally large in proportion to the rest of the face (by measure of the beginning and the end of its curve, as well as how far out it may extend), bears association with abnormally shrunken external sex organs and genitals in females, a belief known well and prepared for in ancient Rome.
In addition, In accordance to ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle and Dr. Magnus Hirschfield, “When the nostrils are close and thin, they denote a man to have but little testicles and phallus, and to be very desirous of the enjoyment of women, but modest in his conversation.” – A feature that can only be indicative of Greninja’s slit nostrils.
Noses with such an appearance are a horrible feature, and will impart a villainous expression and a morbid constitution to even the otherwise finest face and best blood.
>>27153032 >>27153051 Nice arguments, I feel the same.
44.- Chins and Jaws: Prognathism
>>27153178 “Thus from the forehead to the chin we've shown
How mankind's inclinations may be known;
From which th' observing reader must find
We're more to evil than to good inclin'd”- Aristotle, On the Judgement of Physiognomy
Greninja possesses, relative to the position of the mouth to the upper jaw and the frontal section of the face, an undue and unfortunately sever case of Maxillary Prognathism. This is a particularly disturbing extrusion of the upper jaw, so that the upper jaw projects in a manner which makes the mandible disappear into the neck, allowing the upper jaw to project in a way that gives the face a brutal, almost ape-like expression.
This will look terrifying if accompanied by the Greninja’s nose, which protrudes far from the depth of the forehead and is depressed at the root; and if, furthermore, there is a formation of teeth that does not allow for a proportionate covering of the typical mouth space standard in humans (impossible if we are to factor in the frog’s teeth, which by nature is short in size, and is normally confined to the area that humans may bear their inceptors with, the expression is wholly bestial.
This is a definite asymmetry, and an objectionable congenital defect.
Pronounced prognathism, renders it impossible to create a well-built and aesthetically pleasing prominent lower jaw, which requires strength, exercise, and arduous training and labor to develop in a normal healthy human being. Draper connects an unusually large protrusion of an upper jaw with a tendency to pernicious anæmia, and a wide angle at point of jaw with ulcer (gastric and duodenal), and a square or near right angled jaw with gall-bladder diseases.
>>27153181 Summer plz go
45.- Chins and Jaws: Apophasis
>>27153191 In addition, Greninja also bears the "lemurian apophasis," a condition in which the angle of the jaw projects over its lower border. This gives the face a singularly brutal expression, and is known by correlation to be far more susceptible to gallbladder diseases and malfunctions than any other regular man.
This, in conjunction with the marked smallness of lower jaw, It can be associated with the asthenic schizophrenic type of character, which is often irritable, susceptible to any contagious disease, and is easily flustered, breaking down whenever it is in an environment that does not directly favor it. If we regard this to our previous observations with the nose, we can see that this information regarding the chin and the jaw is consistent, and only strengthens the current type we are developing.
Furthermore, we must consider the specific correlation and signal of the chin, that is, a person’s presence, or absence, of strength. A receding chin speaks the cold and dry- that is, smallness and fear- an overarching negativity towards life, its challenges, and its glories.
Pic related displays a Tongueless Greninja In comparison to a woman diagnosed with this variation of Apophasis, with both a receding chin and a small jaw.
46.- My Autism
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46.- Heads: Indicating Greninja’s Proportionate Size
46.- Heads: Indicating Greninja’s Proportionate Size Thu 14 Jul 2016 00:16:42 No. 27153221 Report >>27153208 It can only be taken for granted that the normalcy and the measure of the head may be one of the most significant indicators of a person's inherited health, by means of both the attention merited naturally to the head by means of conversation and by eye contact, as well as by the very functions of the head and the organs it holds, bearing not only the sensory organs, our very gateway to the world, but also the central host of the nervous system, the brain, and the skull that protects it. It does not need any further explanation to how normal function of the brain is desired, and any morbid deviation should be met with extreme suspicion.
How can we measure the morbidity of the head humanoid Pokémon? If we are to continue to use standards surrounded around humans, both as a means of trying to discover the essential character of the bipedal frog by means of its body parts as they correspond the basic nature of any other creature of its form, whether it be ape or man, and to also try to compare the interest of love of a many perverted individuals on this board to an essential model whose features are far less hesitate and more indicative of proper health and constitution.
Because the meridian height of the Greninja is 4' 11", smaller than both the typical Japanese and American height of either female or male, we must gauge the size of the head as relative and proportionate to its own species, in order that we may find a proper ratio to compare each of the types.
46.- What I realised
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And in conclusion Greninja is my favourite Pokemon, I've come to terms with my autism and I take medication
47.- Heads: Macrocephaly
>>27153221 If we then use this size as an indicator of relative anthropomorphic health, we may come to the conclusion that Greninjas bear a uniform tendency towards Macrocephaly: a head far too large for its own body. This hereditary condition is usually accompanied by a generally defective development and growth of the osseous (skeletal) system, and it could possibly be a form of hydrocephaly (having water on the brain), which is plausible given Greninja's water typing.
This condition may also result from the inability of the dermal bones to fill their necessary space in the gaps of the chondrocranium at the proper period. In accordance with the general laws governing growth and development, having a deficiency in one place of an area is apt to result in an increase elsewhere in the same area.
what the holy fuck is this?
48.- Heads: Chondocranial Dysfunction
>>27153239 The function of the dermal bones, whose chief purpose is to protect the brain from external harm, being later in development than their former armor-like function, is apt to be checked by poor health, intellect, and character in two ways in the first when the dermal bones and cartilage needed to suture the gaps in the skull between different plates and sections of the primary skull, or the chondrocranium, during the transition between childhood to adulthood, does not grow in size or sufficiently to unite with its fellows, or this growth may occur only for the benefit of health to the bone itself, through Herbert Spencer's law of individuation, so that a proper union with the other bones occurs far too early for the benefit of the organism as a whole.
Pic related is a picture of Greninja’s bodily proportions in comparison to that of an average man, with Greninja scaled so that its height from the top of its skull to its soles is equal to the height of the man, so that the differences in bodily proportions are made more evident. In between lies a proportional chart of a development from a baby to an adult human, made to demonstrate a comparison of Greninja’s macrocephaly to that of a babies, and as a severe anomaly to any man, monkey, or ape.
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>>27153251 The most autistic man baby on /vp/
49.- Heads: Suture Malformation
>>27153261 To the factors underlying, this is due to the lack of an increase in cranial growth after puberty which occurs in the higher apes, and in some types of men. These checks also cater to the nutritional benefit of the older, more primary skull, whence result the many irregularities in development that constitutes so much of the stigmatic disgrace of the poorly formed cranium. The sutures, in some cases, do not form because sufficient gristle or stem cells are not produced to fill the gaps.
These subsidiary gaps are often filled or replaced by new dermal bones called Wormian bones. Sometimes this deficiency cohabitates with a premature synostosis elsewhere in the skull or the body. As Dr. Eugene Solomon Talbot’s notes in his physiological book, “Degeneracy: Its Causes, Signs, and Results”, “This type of skull, however, is usually associated with deep degeneracy… As a rule, this condition is found by idiots, and often renders them unteachable.”
50.- Heads: Platycephaly
>>27153274 To anyone who may point out that the morbidity of other Pokémon whose head size ratio far exceeds that of Greninja's must surely be akin can only be reminded that we refer specifically to anthropomorphic proportions, and that the head of many other species may be morbid in other ways.
Among its more severe and debilitating conditions is Platycephaly, which represents the extensive synostosis (union or fusion of osseous parts) of the temporal bones with the parietal, resulting ultimately in a flattened and wide head, and is often associated with neurotic behavior, epilepsy, idiocy, and other various personality and behavioral disorders when it is a condition caused exclusively by heredity, and not by environmental factors, which, in the case of Greninja, the latter cannot be stated logically as the cause due to the uniform shape of the head throughout its populace. Both of these conditions are equally undesirable and destructive of both health and beauty, each in regards to the anthromorph, and to the typical and best taste, discrimination, and judgement in regards to a man’s sense of beauty.
Pic related compares a Greninja’s head with and height to that of a Polish criminal, who bears Platycephaly, as well to that of a normal and functional human being.
50.- Gran Finale
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With everything I posted, all the ideas I formulated, I came to the conclusion that I need to visit a psychiatric, because my autism is off charts.
>>27153239 >macrocephaly It's a frog you fuck. All frogs have big heads.
51.- Heads: Absence of Forehead
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>>27153293 >>27153293 “The form, height, arching, proportion, obliquity, and position of the skull, or bone of the forehead, show the propensity, degree of power, thought, and sensibility of man. The covering, or skin, of the forehead, its position, color, wrinkles, and tension, denote the passions and present state of the mind. — The bones give the internal quantity, and their covering the application of power.” – Aristotle, On the Judgement of Physiognomy
The shape of the forehead is formed by the frontal bone. This bone, which includes the whole region from the root of the nostrils to the temporal bones at the sides, and from the temporal bones to the center of the corona, consists of two parts.
Greninja, bearing such a prominent case of Platycephaly as mentioned above, lacks a forehead altogether, so there is little need, or even possibility for that matter, to attempt to decipher it, for there are no examples of human with such a natural born trait except for those hopelessly morbid and dysfunctional.
>>27153293 >using fanart as an argument You're a moron if you can't even use the proper images for your argument.
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It's a fictional creature created by a jap targeted towards kids, what is all this irrelevant bullshit
52.- Hair : Greninja’s Absence Of
>>27153307 Kretschmer declares in his Physique and Character that “A defective development of the pubes and hair under the armpits is rarely found among adults, and when it does occur it is always accompanied with serious disturbance of development in other respects in physiological and psychic quarters. It is therefore always to be considered as a dysplastic abnormality. The same is also true of a lasting and striking lack of development of hair on chin and upper lip, while the hair on the cheeks is very variable in the cases of perfectly well-developed men.
This is even true of the hair on the trunk, which varies among healthy men, from faint markings to what forms a covering for almost the entire surface… Visible hairiness of the legs belongs to the more constant characteristics, it is in any case less variable than the hairiness of the trunk. When, in adult age, it is absent or quite weak, one must attribute it to dysplastic abnormality.”
Essentially, Kretschmer, using his experiences in physiological cases and experiments, to conclude that a defective development of pubic or armpit hair is "always to be considered a dysplastic abnormality."
With Greninja, this condition must surely go without saying.
>>27153307 This is in regard to human beauty and health, for those who seek a Greninja mate rather than a human and the theoretical symptoms that would arise out of such a partner, to show the ill instinct for health and well-being these people show. Also, read the thread. I explained my intentions for laying this out.
How the fuck am I gonna fit all this on the image.
53.- Mouths and Teeth: Its Correspondance
53.- Mouths and Teeth: Its Correspondance Thu 14 Jul 2016 00:25:46 No. 27153388 Report >>27153361 Whatever is in the mind is communicated by the mouth. The very character of the mouth is full and detailed, whether at rest or speaking, by its infinite motions and manifestation sit my bear, and even in silence, it is eloquent. Whoever instinctually feels the worth of this significant facial feature, so different in form, movement, and function from every other organ or body part in the human organism, so inseparable, so simple, yet so various.
Any person who comes to learn, feel, and master this worth will speak and act with divine wisdom. As a general presentation of the abridged and still incomplete virtues of a sound mouth, it is the chief seat of wisdom and folly, power and debility, virtue and vice, beauty and deformity, of the human mind. It is the seat of all love, all hatred, all sincerity, all falsehood, all humility, all pride, all dissimulation, and all truth!
As Johann Gottfried Herder, in his Another Philosophy of History, states, "It’s from the mouth that the voice issues, interpreter of the heart and of the soul’s expression of feeling, of friendship, and of the purest enthusiasm. The upper lip translates the inclinations, the appetites, the disquietude of love; pride and passion contract it, cunning attenuates it; goodness of heart reflects it, debauchery enervates and debases it, love and the passions incarnate themselves there with an inexpressible charm."
>>27153347 Once again, this regards whatever beauty may be presented to those. It will be the fan art that most will jerk off to.
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Is this the new goodra posting?
>>27153367 You don't, that's exactly what the autistic kid want, attention.
54.- Mouths and Teeth: a Lack of Lips
>>27153388 According to Lavater, A lipless mouth, resembling a single drawn line, (as is with Greninja, a detail that contradicts the constitution of the frog) denotes coldness, industry, precision, housewifery; and if it be drawn upward at the two ends (Once again, as is with Greninja), affectation, pretension, vanity, and, which may ever be the production of cool vanity, malice. Bearing extremely small or nonexistent lips is a result of the hypotrophy of the adipose cellular tissue in the mouth, and the great atrophy of the orbicular muscle.
It has been proven by scientists like Kretschmer, Crew, Cattell, and Mjoen that his type nearly always coincides with a sort of barren and reluctant sensuality. This corresponds greatly to Greninja’s muddled personality and lack of manual, authentic motion beyond the puppetry of its environment and its trainer within the anime.
Even for frogs, this is an anomalous trait.
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>>27153408 I don't think any child has the stamina to write this much.
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>>27153367 Just get a couple of autismo's essays, splash in a few reactions then a dash of fake OPs
55.- Mouths and Teeth: Greninja’s Wide Mouth
55.- Mouths and Teeth: Greninja’s Wide Mouth Thu 14 Jul 2016 00:28:17 No. 27153443 Report >>27153411 It must also be said that a mouth is ugly and an omen of internal dissonance if it is too wide (as in at a neutral facial expression, that both corners of the mouth recede further behind the front of the head than the eyes do) or too far from the nose, when the upper lip is a sort of long curtain. Unless we are as sensual and hedonistic as some monkeys are, we think a mouth with too large a relative size of the circumference of the head is very ugly, which nearly always going with a prominent snout, or, to speak scientifically, with a prognathous face. It is supposed to be hereditary, and is a sign of arrested development of a part of a fetus during conception, which by rule will bear significant consequences and evil illnesses with other portions of the body as well
All in all, Greninja’s mouth is an irritable mouth, and is only justly concealed by its gargantuan tongue.
>>27153408 I prefer to remain esoteric. This is why I remain anonymous and on a place like here rather than Reddit or on the Smogon forums.
Are you actually comparing the anatomical features of a cartoon frog to those of humans? OP, it takes talent to be this stupid. What community college do you go to?
SHADOWSCAR THE BLOOD KILLER CRAWLINGINMYSKIN Thu 14 Jul 2016 00:29:00 No. 27153456 Report Fuck of I bet u hate shiny umbreon 2 cuz ur shit taste
56.- Mouths and Teeth: Poor Dental Health
56.- Mouths and Teeth: Poor Dental Health Thu 14 Jul 2016 00:29:20 No. 27153462 Report >>27153443 Moving on, nothing is more striking or continually visible regarding beauty and health and self-care than the characteristics of the teeth, and the manner in which they display themselves. Only when it opens, the teeth are of foremost importance to the face, to which they add a significant element of admiration or horror, of sympathy or repugnance. Placing bad teeth on even a Helen of Troy would render her a ghastly sight.
Conspicuously short and small teeth are certain signs of weakness and pusillanimity, a feature that is usually associated with so-called "gap-teeth" in which there are ugly gaps between the teeth. When the teeth are small, and very weak in being able to perform chewing, and especially if they are short and few in number, they will show the person to be of a weak constitution, and they, partially as a direct result of this, denote them to be of a meek disposition, faithful, honest, loyal, and secret in whatsoever he is entrusted with (once again corresponding to Greninja’s relationship to Ash in the anime). It is always the sign of early decay of the adult teeth before they have sprouted and taken the place of the baby teeth.
Crowded teeth are the outcome of disharmonies in inheritance of teeth and jaw from genetically disparate parents, and often are linked to or caused by the above issues with the teeth, mouth, and jaw. There may be malocclusion in all these cases and acute rheumatic fever may arise from it. It may also represent or correspond to the rise of prostate trouble, or even breast and uterus issues, based upon data which correlates this condition of the teeth with a far heightened probability of either of these conditions whether they are male or female. Science has yet to find the cause or root of both of these problems, and whether they are directly connected or merely joined at the root.
Pic related shows how Greninja’s teeth is a synthesis of abnormal conditions, all compared to normal and healthy teeth.
57.- Eyes: Proptosis and Goiter
>>27153462 The eye-balls of Greninja, by inference of its frontal portrait and the capacity for the eyes to be seen in the manner that they are angled, (This requires an understanding of perspective, and as much as the anime and the game likes to portray the eyes as flat, there are some notable positions or viewing angles where Greninja’s eyes can be seen at times when it would be impossible to see them had they not projected somewhat. Most episodes where Greninja is in battle will show this with a close look) comes the tendency for them to slightly, but surely and naturally project outwards, in a condition known as Proptosis, or Exophthalmos (pop-eyes). This may or may not be the sign of exophthalmic goiter, but is nevertheless very ugly.
Exophthalmic goiter is more common in women than in men. It seems to favor certain callings, particularly that of the menial worker or the school teacher, and it is rarely seen or diagnosed from birth to childhood to the exit of the teenage years, and it is associated with a type of woman who is volatile, lively and temperamental, and who, if the disease is not too far advanced, by which it has not yet made the sufferer appear ugly, is usually of a type distinctly attractive to the male. It may also represent a pancreas too miniscule for the body to handle, possibly resulting in type two diabetes.
At certain angles, such as when the camera is facing 10 to 30 degrees either to the left or the right of a frontal portrait, the eye-balls of a Greninja appear to sink into their orbital cavities, and lie hidden under the orbital arches, giving their owner a sickly or wild appearance.
>>27153444 Read. The. Thread.
SHADOWSCAR THE BLOOD KILLER !!GiKOJkT4OJ8 Thu 14 Jul 2016 00:30:25 No. 27153487 Report Quoted By:
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58.- Eyes: Hypertelorism
>>27153485 The eyes of the Greninja are set very far apart, resulting in a condition known as hypertelorism. This is intolerably ugly and reminiscent of an embryonic fetus, a fish, or a deer, each an inferior species relative to hominids. This is often associated with pernicious anaemia and with sufferers from nephritis and hypertension. It is surely also a reversion, for in the fact that it represents the aesthetic of a lower species and is probably the most direct indicator of this principle of de-evolution, it may, as a result, correctly be classed as degenerate and undesirable. It may also associate itself with tuberculosis is select populations, and can be related to Rieger syndrome Turner syndrome Trisomy X Dysosteosclerosis, and many other mental defects. Even the closeness of the eyes such as that of a Jynx can never be quite as intolerably ugly as the above scruple.
The palpebral fissure (the space in between the tear duct of the eye and its adjacent corner, by necessity of its cold-blooded and amphibious roots, is about twice as small as its ratio should be in accordance to a typical, healthy human. This is hideous, and like the above trait, often regards itself to tuberculosis.
Pic related shows the angle of Greninja’s eyes compared to that of a normal person’s, and then shown with a human equivalent of the approximate angle.
Wait, did he actually write more, or is it all copy-paste from his previous threads?
>>27153485 >Read. The. Thread. Do you really believe anyone reads this drivel?
59.- Eyes: The Outward Cast
>>27153516 Greninja, even when factoring in the extreme end angle at which its eyes are spaced from one another, it also has a slight squint outward, or outward cast, called Exotropia which, apparently without symptoms of vision problems, still gives the face a vague aspect, equine in resemblance, usually associated with a character who lacks the ability to concentrate, to be partial, and to be determined. In people who have not always had this affliction, its appearance indicates waning health. In people who have hitherto possessed an inward form of squint, the squint outward tends to appear at the time of impending death. Rarely do people ever notice it, and the average person does not pay attention to it, and often it cannot be viewed even when one is pointing to it.
Lastly, the eyelashes must be uniform and regular. Irregularly dispersed growth of eyelashes indicates a disease, especially scrofulitic inflammation of the eyes. This is not canon to the franchise, but is notorious among most artists who wish to depict a feminine Greninja, without the subtlety or mastery to depict it on the body, face, and limbs themselves.
>>27153516 You do realise Greninja isn't a human
60.- Hands and Nails: Our Understanding of Them
60.- Hands and Nails: Our Understanding of Them Thu 14 Jul 2016 00:33:34 No. 27153570 Report >>27153537 >>27153537 “The fingers are articulated and flexible levers which allow us to touch, to tickle, to press, to embrace, to possess, by multiplying sweet contacts and delicious sensations… In a caress one gives and receives at the same time. The hand which distributes love, as by a magnetic effusion, receives it in turn from the skin of the loved one. It is on this account that one of the most habitual and most voluptuous expressions of love consists in passing the hand through the hair. The hand finds, in this labyrinth of supple and living threads, an infinite multiplication of these amorous contacts. It seems that each hair is an electrical thread placing us in intimate connection with the senses, with the heart, and even with the thought of the one we love. It is not for nothing that the long tresses of women have been for all time a pledge of love, and that the bald bewail the loss of a whole province of the empire of pleasure.”- Paolo Mantegazza, Physiognomy and Expression
>>27153555 Read the thread.
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how can so much autism be contained in one thread?
61:- Hands and Nails: Frog Hands Traced to Defects in Anthromorphs
61:- Hands and Nails: Frog Hands Traced to Defects in Anthromorphs Thu 14 Jul 2016 00:34:38 No. 27153589 Report >>27153570 Greninja hereditarily bears simple Syndactyly, a condition of webbed fingers, or fingers grown together, and is an obvious condition of Greninja, given its relationship to the frog. It is often associated with Apert Syndrome and may be linked to a deformation of other vital parts of the body, such as the face, the skull, the hands, the feet, and the limbs, caused due to a lack of selective cell death, or apoptosis, that allows for the digits to separate properly during growth as an embryo and a fetus. This may in turn correspond to a premature closure of the lambdoid, or any other, suture, causing to increase internal cranial pressure and mental retardation, poor eyesight, and poor sleep.
Greninja also bears the syndrome of Oligodactyly, that is, a subrnumerary amount of fingers that are also a given by result of Greninja’s amphibious roots. In Greninja’s case, it is a tridactly regading its hands, and a didactyl at its feet. I fell that it bears repeating that the central focus of this list lies in what those who find Greninja attractive as a mate, that is, as substitution for the human reproductive instinct that primarily scouts out the most prefect human partner, in regard to their health, their beauty, and their character. The reason I list the symptoms is so that people may see the absurdity- nay, the destructiveness of a person who wishes to wed with a character with such features that can only correspond to ugliness and sickness in regards to a normal partner, to a human.
This congenital disorder lies within the central ray of the hand being affected, and usually appears with proximal deficiencies of nerves, vessels, tendons, muscles and bones in contrast to the radial and ulnar deficiencies. As a result of the disorder being linked to the gene 7q, the creature affected by it is most often affected also with sensourineural hearing loss, due to them being on the same corrupted gene.
>>27153533 All fresh, two weeks in the making.
SHADOWSCAR THE BLOOD KILLER !!Z+J0KzZQmSD Thu 14 Jul 2016 00:34:43 No. 27153592 Report Quoted By:
What about umbreon
62:- Hands and Nails: Inadequate Digits
>>27153589 The size of Greninja’s thumb in regard to its other digits (going by the assumption that Greninja bears such a thumb, by inferences deriving from its constant usage of Shurikens, grasping mats, and so on) is hideous and always a bad sign, particularly in a woman. People of no character or principles have these offensively large, and thus unwieldy thumbs. It is a regressive and therefore certainly a degenerate trait, because the moderately sized thumb is the essential feature which differentiates the human hand most completely from the ape's or the bonobo’s hand.
In addition, Greninja’s stumpy, dwarfed and bulbous fingertips, especially without any nails, are very ugly, and are generally associated with brutality and low-breeding, and commonly found among poor peasant stocks, and are prone to a nearly 60% chance of tuberculosis, physiological instability, and nervous unrest when attached to this condition.
OP, Greninja is a frog. You can't have babies with a frog. Stop fantasizing about having sex with frogs.
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>>27153570 Read that reply
>>27153536 Make a TLDR if you expect anyone to take you seriously instead of "Huhu you didn't read my essays". If you think that's on our part then don't post your shit expecting people to read unfiltered crap so you can flex your Le intellectual boner
63.- Skin: Mucous Skin Shows Disease
>>27153608 Mucous skin, as is a natural condition among frogs, is but a horrid condition in hominids. This seborrheic condition, apart from its general unsavoriness, indicates in its possessor a flabby, mucous-secreting gastro-intestinal tract, and an inability to resist the infections of mucous membranes of the throat and nose. The person exhibiting this condition is likely to be prone to chronic infection of the sinuses and lymphoid tissues and nodes, to pyorrhaea and gingivitis, to soft teeth and caries. Its respiratory tract is often of similar kind, its endocrine system is dysfunctional, and its nervous system lacks tone, as may be inferred from his circulation, behavior and habits.
It may also point to conditions such as asthenic phthisis or hyperplasia of the suprarenal cortex, or ovarian tumors. It is very ugly and usually indicates regression. Darwin mentions it as a sign of reversion. Kretschmer mentions it as among the flags of the schizophrenic, and MacAuliffe connects it with the hyperthyroid type.
>>27153617 But it's not about me. It's about them. Trust me.
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>>27153617 This, just stop OP, you are embarrassing yourself
64.- Limbs and Body: One of Greninja’s Most Definitive Features is Morbid
64.- Limbs and Body: One of Greninja’s Most Definitive Features is Morbid Thu 14 Jul 2016 00:37:54 No. 27153658 Report >>27153636 Any marked and noticeable asymmetry or disproportionality of body and limbs is always a grave sign. It indicates serious disharmony in the invisible character of a person, and is a warning of every imaginable trouble, endocrine, respiratory, circulatory, digestive, reproductive, and otherwise.
Greninja bears thighs of extreme deviation from the normal, in fact, it is one of its signature characteristics, but to those who see it as a sexual lure can only be giving into a primal urge that disregards morbid excess or extremes, rather than bearing an instinct to beauty and health. The size of Greninja’s thighs, in conjunction with their oblong and fat shape, may indicate, besides disharmony, the inheritance only of the thigh segment of body from a thicker, more froglike parent, lipedema, eunuchoidism, rheumatic fever, and a neurotic or consumptive tendency. It may also indicate an abnormal growth of long bones, possibly as a result of gonad insufficiency at puberty and later.
To draw attention to these bulbous thighs, the designers of Greninja, once again under the assumption that mixing and matching traits of frog and human together without regard to beauty or concord, bestowed Greninja with very thin and weak thighs. In addition to the objections I made in my first critique, this is ugly and is associated with muscular dystrophy and tuberculosis. Indians of the 1500’s associated a long and meatless pair of shins in a girl with a cruel and vicious temperament, for it once again corresponds to the occasional sadism associated with the schizophrenic tendencies of the above feature. It may also be linked with hyperthyroidism and hypopituitarism as connected symptoms.
65.- Limbs and Body: A Sickly Neck and a Regressive Posture
65.- Limbs and Body: A Sickly Neck and a Regressive Posture Thu 14 Jul 2016 00:38:56 No. 27153677 Report >>27153658 To allot greater space for the width and size of Greninja’s boat bow shaped head, the designers bestowed Greninja with a very short neck where it is artistically put in by fan artists (perhaps to make the creature appear a little less disillusionary to its fans), or one that apparently seems to blend in with the connection to the head and the torso, with little form or indication of its existence. This is almost uglier than the legs of Greninja, and would stick out just as much had the Game Freak designers not also use their vestiges of artistic vision to cover up the oversight with Greninja’s tongue scarf.
It may be merely apparently short, in which case can be drawn to a habitually bad posture (and with such a forward hunched neck, who is to argue that it may not subsidarily be the case?) Dr. Havelock Ellis states that if it is genuinely short, it is usually also very large in girth (exactly!) and associates it with gall-bladder disease. He says that it also connects with hypothyroidism and Klippel-Feil syndrome, a severe malformation of the spine, which extends its symptoms to a host of other nervous and mental debilities and distortions.
Lastly, Greninja’s body is fixed or set in bad postural habits — stoops, rounded shoulders, leaning forward, head hunched forward, visceroptosis (a sagging belly), stiff straightening of shoulders with corresponding lordosis of many varieties, a curvature of the spine (without tuberculosis or any other disease) and so on. All are very ugly, and destructive of any nimble warrior’s ability to cohesively, silently, and fluidly engage in feats of gymnastics, speed, and precision, like that of an actual ninja.
SHADOWSCAR THE BLOOD KILLER !!Z+J0KzZQmSD Thu 14 Jul 2016 00:39:25 No. 27153685 Report Quoted By:
66.- Is Greninja a Desirable Mate?
>>27153677 Even before we begin to examine the details that I will deliver anon, can anyone really suggest that Greninja, given the information presented to us in regards to human love and normal desire, is a desirable mate? Can anyone, at the altar, or even just as a trainer, conceivably believe that they would never revolt towards its diseased condition and physiologically dirty features? Can anyone ever suggest that nausea would never come of this, consciously or otherwise? Is this the character you wish to stare into the eyes of and smell the breath of on a moonlit midnight following an expensive dinner (payed by you, the trainer, of course)? Is this character “kissable”? Is it “savory”? Can one find the fire and exuberance that lies within its glazed, squinted eyes? Is it one that demands by your complete instinct and ancestral conscience that you make unscrupulous intimate contact with? Can one bear the mucous membrane of its mouth, or the exposure to its flesh in contact? And for the rest of your life? Can on suggest it be a proper and stable caretaker, even of its own kin?
Thus, we conclude that Greninja is not merely a poor composition between the frog and the human, but also a regression of both, essentially worse off in both health and beauty than either species. Only those who have no faith in their own character or looks are willing to try and extend themselves to a completely foreign character in both beauty, aptitudes, interests, and personality.
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if greninja walked into a club and slapped your gf's ass what do?
67.- How Sexual Lovers of Greninja Manifest
67.- How Sexual Lovers of Greninja Manifest Thu 14 Jul 2016 00:41:24 No. 27153729 Report >>27153696 Today, by result of these perpetual influences you can hear people talking or discussing on the news or the press romantically and foolishly about the necessity of befriending and living with one's opposite extreme. This idea is but of sickness and of morbid self hatred. If there really were this apparent levelling tendency in nature, whence would come the superbly magnificent canine family, with all its beauty, strength, grace, intellect, courage and agility, side by side with the race of the skunks, of the sloths, and of the frogs and the flatworms of past and present ecosystems?
If strong and desirable art and character, which is the sum of an organism’s or an artist’s will, virtue, instinct, and beauty, is to be preserved, indiscriminate mixtures between nations and classes, species and animals, art styles and subjects, must not be allowed to go on persistently. But this is precisely what is allowed under times where Greninja is allowed to become the popular poll leader.
>>27153617 People will still make love and date each other even when children are not involved.
>>27153589 >two weeks Kek. Where do you find the time? And why?
This is the first time I've seen someone so passionate to write about a pokemon they hate. You would be at the very bottom of those ice berg tiers. Untouchable.
68.- The Weakness and Debility of Greninja’s Lovers
68.- The Weakness and Debility of Greninja’s Lovers Thu 14 Jul 2016 00:42:26 No. 27153751 Report >>27153729 What happens then? Will, virtue, instinct, and beauty begin to gradually decline, and ultimately, they will disappear. Nobody is deeply nor proudly conscious of possessing something or having acquired something during their own lifetime which is indeed worthy of preservation and perpetuation in their lifetime and for their progeny. In fact, things today are even worse than this. There is scarcely a man or woman today who does not whole-heartedly believe that it is their duty in guiding themselves independently to choose a role model utterly different from themselves, so great is his internal and frequently unconscious self-contempt.
Also having no real pride in either their will, their virtues, their instincts, or their beauty, he feels intuitively that their object must be to find a corrective- that is to say, something that they know will transform, modify, or conflict with their own nature. And the popular mind is slowly but surely possessed by the idea that a person should select their other extreme!
69.- Greninja as the Disease of Taste
>>27153751 Thus, confusion rapidly multiplies among the population. Before long, everybody becomes a hopeless coil of petty discordant desires, motives, likes and dislikes, prejudices and proclivities, shallow virtues and shallow vices, and doubt, discontent, weakness and sorrow begin to lodge residents at their permanent headquarters in the minds and hearts of men and women.
Nobody knows what they want, not a single person bears any fixed belief, nobody is capable of attaining or holding any permanent passion, sentiment, or goal, and nobody is capable of consistency, automation or steadfastness and staunchness in any matter of principle. For in order for any organic being of necessity to have a steadfast aim, a dire conviction, a cheerful trustfulness in life, and a permanent passion or sentiment and steadfastness or staunchness in matters of principle — virtues, instincts above all, and will are necessary and indispensable. Only a man who does not possess a single vestige of any of these qualities may yearn to seek out a Greninja, essentially a pile of aesthetic, behavioral, and sexual pile of rubbish, as a companion, a disciple, or a mate.
>>27153746 Writing has been a passion of mine ever since I was a child. It's a pleasure to type this, regardless of the crude replies I get.
>>27153798 Once again, I invite everyone who shares a deep, profound, and intellectual hatred for Greninja in any manner to share with me your additional contentions so that I may add them to this document. While you are at it, post pictures of Greninja in a poor state. I will tolerate him or her (the latter being preferred given the context of this and following threads) being humiliated, bullied, dehumanized (or perhaps dePokemonized) tortured physical and emotionally, in a miserable or overwhelmingly taxing situation, and overall being degraded into the destructive and tasteless creature it always was by those who have a more vulgar hatred of the Pokémon. The degradation of Froakie and Frogadier is also permitted, but keep in mind that they are not essential to the theme of this thread.
To those supporters of Greninja, either give me serious and intellectual refutations of this interpretation, or else go back to your anime hugbox. “Haters gonna hate” is only a pulpit for your indifference to the world, its capacity for achieving desirable things and its glories that result from it.
Thank you to all those who have read even partially into what I have to say. Even a single change of heart is enough to justify my effort.
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>>27153827 TLDR
you're seriously autistic anon get help
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>>27153827 Cant help but pity you and your efforts
>>27153891 *writes a 10 page essay*
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>>27153827 Hey OP, what's the best pokémon?
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So where's the argument?
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>>27153827 So you realise it's a fictional being, that only exists in animation frames and as 0s and 1s. Hating it or liking it will have no real world impact or affect anyone ever
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greninja is cute!
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>>27153827 what would you say is the best pokemon then mr. write a college-tier essay about le ugli froge
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Hey, OP, this is quiet the thought out essay. This is like a college level paper. Works cited and everything. What do you plan to do with this, since you're asking us to contribute? Are you going to send it to Gamefreak? Because of your obviously high level of intellect, illustrated by your colorful vocabulary, I'd say sending it their way would be a good idea if you're really looking for some results. (Or, at the very least, Nintendo of America if not GF)
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I don't like Greninja all that much myself but holy shit my man seek help immediately.
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You're comparing a cartoon animal to humans. None of your points make sense.
When's the last time something this autistic happened on /vp/?
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you mad? these were all sent out to loving homes.
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>>27154098 well at least he isn't spamming /vp/ with this
I think the last time this guy posted this was around E3
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>>27152317 Nice blog, but this isn't tumblr.
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What the fuck is this
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Seriously, the fuck is this?