Hello, I will give informations for Pokkén Tournament on the WiiU. You can call me Ryū. I will give the informations in not long and you can believe me or not, I give info for the people that believe me.
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>>27167617 Any gen 7? Even as support/background?
Muteki no ryū !!yFSZAMS7nFc
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Sorry my English will not be perfect, I'm sorry if you fail to understand me
>>27167617 If these pokemon are actually getting put in Pokken then this will reinvigorate my interest in this game.
I would still kill for one of the muskateers or mawile to get in though as playable characters.
Muteki no ryū !!yFSZAMS7nFc
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As I can see, you already know about Darkrai because it was shown in an Arcade Trailer with Tairenar, Gaburias and Dark Mewtwo. Well Darkrai will come to WiiU with three other fighters
Muteki no ryū !!yFSZAMS7nFc
There will be 4 new fighters in the game: -Darkrai -Futachimaru -Heracros -And a Pokemon that we will decide later, We are choosing between three Pokemon. Two that all of you don't know about because they are in the new Pokémon Sun and Moon Game. The other one is Hoopa. The first three that I said are launching in rthe next month. The mystery fighter who is the last will launch in the end of 2016
Do you know anything about new pokemon?
>>27167741 What type of fighters are the undecided pokemon? Are they all different or the same fighting style? If that's the case I'd guess they're all Technical because Hoopa seems like he'd fit the prankster motif of Gengar.
Also which pokemon have been considered but discarded for the rooster because they didn't work as fighters if any?
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Will rockruff have a lucario-look alike evolution that will be included in the game?
Muteki no ryū !!yFSZAMS7nFc
>>27167748 Yes on is the last evolution of Mokuroh: Ayakikuroh
Its a big tall owl with a little rde leaves, its fast
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Muteki no ryū !!yFSZAMS7nFc
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>>27167811 Sorry I meant Hayakikuroh
Muteki no ryū !!yFSZAMS7nFc
>>27167773 Darkrai is Technical
Futachimaru is Simple
Heracros is Power
Hoopa is Technical
Hayakikuroh is Speed
And I will talk about the other one in not long
Pachirisu, Kamex, Charem, Luchabull, Raichu and Agilder were choosen but not choosen in the end
Question about the data with Sczior and Empoleon. How do they factor in with this info you're giving us, and why was Sczior chosen to Mega Evolve when it was just going to be a support anyway?
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What is littens evolution like?
Muteki no ryū !!yFSZAMS7nFc
Now that darkrai has also been introduced, is there any other legendary they are considering as also adding into the game?
>>27167741 >>27167811 >>27167888 Please. I just need to know. Is the wrestler, archer, and mermaid evolution leak real? I don't care If you're real or fake. I just need some fucking closure
Muteki no ryū !!yFSZAMS7nFc
>>27167901 Hassam and Emperte are support, they are free and come with Darkrai.
Hassam does Swords Dance and Emperte does Steel Wing
Muteki no ryū !!yFSZAMS7nFc
>>27167965 I need to see Mokuroh's final evolution that you are talking about, because I only know Mokuroh's final evolution and first evolution of Ashimari because they are both member of the Pokkén Tournament game as fighters. Can you show me please
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>>27167915 Please tell me at least one member of the Cyndaquil (Hinoarashi) line is in one of them
Muteki no ryū !!yFSZAMS7nFc
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>>27167961 I already said, and all the new fighters without Ashimari's first evolution and Mokuroh' last evolution are in the big picture that I shared
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Will Pokken get a sequel? Are the developers happy with sales and reception of this game? I actually really like this game a lot even if I don't play it a lot and even if I feel like the ranking system is not that great. If you're real thank you for the great game.
>>27167741 welp confirmed to be bullshit. Its already confirmed we're getting empoleon and scizor as our next fighters
Muteki no ryū !!yFSZAMS7nFc
>>27168058 There was not proff that they were fighters, it was only shown that they are in the game doings something.
Also I talked about theme here
>>27167989 Anonymous
Muteki no ryū !!yFSZAMS7nFc
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>>27168072 Not real, Hayakikuroh got more red in some places, The face is different and the beek is larger. It ressemble a bit. It looks faster too
>>27168070 They also showed to have rock smash for emperte and maybe bug bite for hassam, how do you explain that?
>>27168070 false they were discovered in the files under the same pretences that darkrai was. Post proof or get the fuck out
Muteki no ryū !!yFSZAMS7nFc
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The other mysterious fighter s the first evolution of Ashimari: Ashikanon. It jumps everywhere and it blast itself everywhere. It got a little red and a lot of blue
Muteki no ryū !!yFSZAMS7nFc
>>27168125 >>27167989 They come with Darkrai as a combo
>>27168114 Proof?
>>27168149 The same files that said that darkrai would be in the game using dark pulse and dark void. They were datamined from the 1.3 patch
https://m.reddit.com/r/PokkenGame/comments/4o5mnh/some_info_about_file_differences_in_the_new_13/ Anonymous
>>27167617 >Dewott over Samurott >Dewott's fighting style is dual welding, but Samurott can fight with just one sword and fight two in a Synergy Burst I call bullshit. They picked the inferior choice.
Muteki no ryū !!yFSZAMS7nFc
>>27168203 They said that they didnt like the moves on these support so they changed it.
I said the new moves here:
>>27167989 Anonymous
>>27168226 >Braixen over Delphox Muteki no ryū !!yFSZAMS7nFc
All the new supports will come with a new fighter. -Hassam and Emperte with Darkrai -Namazun and Purin for Futachimaru -Milokaross and Baivanilla for Heracros -Magearna and an undecided Pokémon for the mysterious fighter
>>27168235 I could understand that with emperte's case since he only had files for rock smash, but hassam supposedly had files for his mega evolution and for multiple moves. Also, could you explain what the zangeki and shot link filed for hassam were, nobody could figure out exactly what they were
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since we're on the topic, what's that one Pokémon you really want into the game; but probably won't?
Muteki no ryū !!yFSZAMS7nFc
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>>27168409 I dont know about that, I heard that the fighters were supposed to be other ones, Heracros and Namazun are not even 2 months old, maybe there was other fighter replacing them, I know that Hassam and Emperte were support as the same time for Heracros and Namazun to be fighters
Will Pokken be constantly updated until they decide to make a sequel or will these last four pokemon be the last updates as of now for the home console game?
Muteki no ryū !!yFSZAMS7nFc
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>>27168565 These are the last addition to Pokké Tournament on the WiiU
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>>27167617 Can you take a picture of yourself smoking weed and touching your ear with the Game Freak staff?
Can you give us some sort of proof to what you're saying?
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Whatever. No Golurk, no buy
>>27168639 I have to agree with this poster, posting some mild proof in some way would be nice if there's anything you can show.
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>>27168380 If they did come in sets, why didn't they announced hassam and emperte along with darkrai?
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>>27167670 >want musketeers >they implement keldeo Anonymous
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>>27167617 >Adding an s after information makes you legit >Still uses conjunctions Nice try.
>>27168823 He could just name all of darkrai's pokemon moves (a moves). Seeing as he is already finished and you could easily guess some from the gameplay footage, but maybe there are some that they didn't show. Either way, we could confirm it on the 20th.
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>>27168974 Also note that in gameplay videos they say some, so if he knows japanese, it is even easier to guess
>believing this shit we're getting empoleon and scizor
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>>27170444 Yep. Kinda glad actually
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>>27168262 But Dewott is less popular.