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I'm in a good position where I have a ton of itunes gift cards left over from old christmas & birthday presents.
I don't really buy music & I don't really need to hold onto more than 10-20 for future apps I may need, so I have about 80-90 to spend on the game if I want to.
The way I'm doing it is that I'll get stuff when I need it. I've spent I think 25 on coins which I'm working through slowly, getting stuff as I want/ need it instead of just like... blowing it all because I can on 100 lucky eggs or something.
I have a lucky egg every time I do mass hatching/ evolution without having to worry about running out (I got 8 and am still working through them), if I'm going for a walk with the dog or a drive with friends, I'll pop an incense & if we stop at a nice spot with a few pokestops all within range of a point, I'll drop a lure module or two to just chill for a halfa.
The one thing I did splurge on is about 4-5 incubators. Having 6-7 eggs going at once is awesome & really efficient.
If it was real money I'm spending, I may have put 10 dollars on and only used it for the important stuff or not spent money at all. I think being able to play like this is really fun, not having to worry too much about the resource drought, etc. I definitely don't regret spending money. Now that I'm coming towards the higher levels, I probably don't see myself spending much more, if at all.