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So my first pokemon game, I remember that I had finally gotten a Game boy advanced, and I was at the gym prison and watching some kid play Saphire
Anyways I didn't understand that Red and Blue were different from the other games out, I wanted Red or blue to play the original pokemon, but the newer games had just came out, I skipped Gen 2, still am not 100 percent on all their names
So i asked him what game it was, trying to be tricky, saying i wanted to get it, then went to the store and got the other game, Ruby, thinking it would be the original game
Ended up playing that game hardcore for what seems like years, played it at my grandparents, when my cat died
I remember that when you get Castform, the weather pokemon, my data got deleted, and I cried like never before, all my pokemon were gone
Finally my mom convinced me to start over, she used the words "catch them all" to convince me
I restarted, I had chosen the grass starter, Treeco, but this time I wondered if I should, it was at this moment that I discovered the wonder of restarting games
Now i am addicted to it, I like the beginning of games, but hate to play them out to the end
Beat the elite four and retired by surfing around the islands looking for rares
Then got emerald and did it again, got rayquaza, and traded all my pokemon to myself from past games
nintendo DS may have been out around then I played on that too