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Pokemon GO is a recreation of the 1st Gen down to being horribly unbalanced

No.27199960 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Having high CP is one thing, but given the pokemon available, typings, and movepool distribution, pokemon GO has many of the same major flaws of Gen 1.

The move pool distribution of this game is an aspect that 80% of people playing haven't even considered. If you actually did, you'd see Gyrados can only have Bite and Dragon Breath as his normal moves, both of which only do 6 DAMAGE.

At the moment Gengar, Tauros, Clefable, Nidoqueen(Jab/Quake), Alakazam, Magenton and Lapras are all God tier with movepools and typing.

>mfw Tauros is God tier just like in Gen 1, as all fighting type moves are shit except cross chop, and tauros running Zen Headbutt removes his fighting counters, and Earthquake cleans up Fire, Steel, Rock, Poison, Ghost(technically because only Gastly line),

Literally only counter to this is Slowbro or Hypno. Everyone else will get melted if you're even remotely close in level.

Fighting is shit offensively.

Psychic is OP offensively and Defensively without there being any Dark types and all Dark moves being put Poison types making it impossible to actually counter a psychic without having another psychic with shadow ball.

In summary, Normal is Defensively OP, Psychic is OP on both ends,