>>27246147This. I love Shedinja, because it takes a lot of people off their game. They start worrying WAY to much about keeping hazards up, and every time Shedinja is out, the will make sure you know who on their team can handle it. Shedinja makes good players play badly if done right, plus it works as a nice win condition. It does essentially require you to keep a Spinner or Defogger on your team, though.
I typically go with Protect, Wisp, X-Scissor, Shadow Sneak. Protect is good to scout out moves.
For item, the Sash is obvious, but a Lum Berry is actually pretty much the same thing, but for status moves. I've also had some fun and lulz using one with Safety Goggles on a Sand or Hail team.
The sheer number of pokemon Shedinja shuts down is fantastic. Try and catch a thunderwave on the Sash or Goggle set to make yourself immune to poison.