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I've found quite a few shinies over the years:
1) I found a shiny Golbat in Tohjo Falls back in Gold. Cherished that pink Crobat for years.
2) Surfed into a shiny Tentacool in Silver. Never bothered to evolve it though because at that point Tentacool/Tentacruel were common scum and I didn't like them.
3) Hatched shiny Scyther and Staryu while breeding for competitive mons in Diamond. I was focused on the competitive side of things at that point though, and didn't care about shinies at all, so just gave them to a friend. He lost his cartridge a few months later. Regret giving these away now.
4) Ran into a shiny Plusle in the National Park in HeartGold. Pretty terrible shiny, but the random encounter was pretty fun and made me interested in them again.
5) After the Plusle incident, I read up on the Maduda Method and started breeding for shinies. Several thousand eggs later I had a shiny Charmander, Electrike & Ekans.
6) I finished my Pokedex in Black and got the Shiny Charm. Proceeded to MM a shiny Totodile.
7) Accidentally hatched another shiny Charmander while trying to get a female for a trade request during the amazing pre-Bank era of Pokemon Y. It was flawless. All the right egg moves and nature, 31's across the board, and he's still one of my most-used Pokemon in Battle Spot.
8) Finished the dex in Y and got my shiny charm. MM hatched shiny Absol, Ninetales, Umbreon, Gliscor, Greninja, Spinda, Donphan & Luxray.
9) Also MM bred for a shiny Zubat which I named Tohjo. :P
10) Randomly encountered a shiny Taillow in Petalburg Woods at the very start of Omega Ruby, which was an awesome start to the game!
11) I soft-reset for shiny Ho-Oh, Latias and Raikou in Omega Ruby.
12) Too many Friend Safari shinies to bother mentioning.