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New ideas for pokemon games

No.27303696 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hi /vp/ I got back into pokemon after playing GO lately. I was wondering if we'll see a resurgence in pokemon games due to this and I thought we'd have a thread on what an ideal new pokemon game would be.

I'd like to play a pokemon FPS set during the war just before pokemon blue. You can have all the animals and people mutating into pokemon and you have to fight them with the pokemon you catch. It might play a bit like skyrim.

You have a poke gun and you get your poke ammo for it by putting the useless pokemon you catch into a pokeblender and turn them into ammunition, the pokemon type and level affects the bullet type, effectiveness and effect. For example if you put nidorans and zubats in the pokeblender your pokegun would shoot poison poke bullets, if you put ponytas into the pokeblender your gun could be like a flamethrower to help your pokemon in battle. Of course it will be multiplayer co-op too.

I also think the pokemon injuries should be more dynamic and thought out, like your charizard might lose a wing or a leg or two until you get it back to a pokecentre.

Of course the gameboy game versions will always be around but they will all be on phones in future as it is more accessible, easier to trade and gameboys are so stupid now anyway. This game will be a game for the consoles but you should be able to move the pokemon that you caught in the phone version to fight in the console version somehow through some kind of account system.

So what would you like to see in future pokemon games as the franchise branches out /vp/?