6 had shit fairy designs and some megas were awful. Also having more fairies after 1 gen than ghosts after 6 gens is simply dissapointing. the only good thing is that there are only 70 of them.
5 was just plain bad, but didn't shit on older mons, denying them a real evolution nor had pink fluffy balls for pkm as 6 did. The first gen I haven't played, because of the designs
In addition I don't like any ghost type pkm from the last two gens, inanimate objects do not make good ghost pkm
1 was great (as the last three), but had some really bad designs, especially making the evolution only bigger or adding multiple heads, therefore only no. 4 on my list
4 was kinda nostalgic, I liked most evolutions and the original pkm were fine as well, a few were terrible though.
2 introduced 2 new types, evolutions for the 1. gen and their designs are among the best I've seen
3 is the best of them imo, so many good pkm designs, even without a nostalgia effect. Really don't know why it's hated by the majority of people
If I had to to gen 7 somewhere in there, I'm guessing it'd be no. 2 or 3, depending on the other pkm, but so far it looks great!