>>27343621The leak itself is not fake, but rather the conclusion of thinking they're actually linked to the starters when as it turns out, we just don't fucking know. They just so happened to be typing icons that were properly numbered as 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06.
01 and 02, 04 and 05 just so happened to be already used by Rowlett (Grass/Flying), Litten (Fire) and Popplio (Water). The rest were left unused (Ground, which is 03, which is after Flying who is 02 and Fighting, which is 06, which is right after Water, which was numbered 05). Whether for something regarding final evolutions, I don't fucking know.
The thing is, at the time, I never got to witness that slip up, because by the time I found out about it (which was through Youtube), the website was already re-designed (?) and they put the whole typing icons set to side and merely use text now.
Maybe they didn't mean anything, but when you think about it, was the website redesign that necessary at that time? To change the site in such way and completely disregard those icons, it's obvious to assume they wanted to get rid of the whole thing in order for fans not to jump into any wild conclusions.
But, had they stayed completely put and never changed the website despite the wild claims, that would actually make them look as if they didn't feel any worry about it simply because it just wasn't true. So, it would actually have been easier for them to not change the site and just update it as time went by and people would just go "Well, they haven't done anything about it, so it probably means nothing" and would have been disregarded.
At these times just before a release, people are just trying their best at getting to the bottom of it all, even if it means to throw in the wildest theories and conclusions.