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No.27346336 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>haven't played a pokemon handheld since black
>not up to date on which or what handheld i need in order to play
yeah i know i'm a faggot for not knowing what i need but i told myself i was going to buy the newest ones with the newest handheld that came out. I want to learn the new pokemon well only because i enjoyed everything previous to that. i know the newest ones just recently came out and i'm pretty bad about keeping up on that sort of thing and i was wondering if you guys could fill me in on what i should be expecting. is it worth picking them up anymore? should i be ready for a pleasant surprise? i'm not the typical fan that dislikes "the keys" or the one that looks like a sword. everything has a lore and a reason for it which is why i want to give it another go. thanks in advance /vp/