>>27350234Newest grass bro and now bro for life.
I was playing AG having fun with a bunch of gimmickmons and having a good time with other shitters doing the same, suddenly 5 legionaries and keys.. both primals and Mega Fug. Spend the entire game staving off so Dragonite can sweep and manage to chew thorough Arceus Steel, Primal Groudon and was prepped for Mega Fug. No dice, get ESpeed'd while locked into Outrage.
Mega Fug destroying my team and all thats left is a low hp para'd Whimsicot named DikDik. Mega Fug was LO so I figured I could stall it out with Subs and pray for an opening. The fucker gets frustrated and uses DD and Dikdik gets in a Moonblast, finally taking it out and clutching the fucking game.