the real leak shady !!tsm2fP6PH60
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Bumping my own thread because the Dinkster is a piece of shit and my arch nemesis from birth
What about Rockruff's evo??
the real leak shady !!tsm2fP6PH60
>>27361788 Glad you asked ol' buddy ol' pal
I haven't caught a Rockruff yet but I'm still glad you asked.
The Dinkster !glx4hQo1OM
>>27361732 All fucking fake, besides the fact that the Chinese leak isn't real
Get the fuck out of my theme park, Juni
the real leak shady !!tsm2fP6PH60
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>>27361810 How fucking dare you come into MY thread you fucking cowboy piece of shit
Do you think I've forgiven you for what you did to my goldfish because if so you're sorely mistaken buddy.
Fake and gay because Fletchling line has the dart/arrow theme.
What does cutiefly evolve into or can you tell me how many times it evolves by the pokedex and what yungoos dex entry says
the real leak shady !!tsm2fP6PH60
>>27361825 I didn't pick those and I haven't fought Hau again or met a second rival so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>>27361732 Kill yourself with your fucking false leaks.
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>>27361851 This is an important question.
The Dinkster !glx4hQo1OM
>>27361801 Fucking cunt can't even catch a Rockruff
>>27361788 Its a thicker Houndoom but with lots of jagged stones
>>27361825 Fairy clown and Sonic like Griffin
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>>27361732 no real leak would use "whatever" to describe a Pokemon. please kill yourself
the real leak shady !!tsm2fP6PH60
>>27361851 It's fucking tiny oh boy
>>27361856 Haven't even seen Cutiefly yet thought it would be an earlygame mon but I guess not
>>27361871 I've already got the razor out pal
>>27361882 OUT OF MY HOUSE
The Dinkster !glx4hQo1OM
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>>27361857 >or met a second rival Yes you have, her name is Lillie. Quit lying
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>>27361857 Fake
In E3 fotaage you have already registered all starters
The Dinkster !glx4hQo1OM
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>>27361851 Chubby and small
>>27361856 Two evos
>>27361905 You're on my ride now, bitch
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link to this "dinkster" post?
so with you and dink who is the top?
the real leak shady !!tsm2fP6PH60
>>27361941 I'm the top, obviously.
He sleeps in the bottom bunk.
In other news, There's also a Water Ground type Sand dollar mon that's the first gym leader's new mon. Her other is a Hippopotas. She gives out the beach badge.
>>27361905 Maybe Cutiefly is just rare? Or you didn't encounter it on a route where it was located? It was level 10 in the trailer.
The Dinkster !glx4hQo1OM
>>27361960 >Implying you want to sleep with me Get a load of this faggot
Oh and the first gym is Grass. There isn't even a Ground type gym. Nice try though
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>>27361972 This, has there been many grass/meadow places?
the real leak shady !!tsm2fP6PH60
>>27361972 Probably, though if it can be found in those routes I'd think I'd have seen a trainer with one already
>>27361993 Have you never heard of bunk beds? Did you have no childhood? You goldfish killing monster?
>>27361732 >litten evo >bipedal the real leak shady !!tsm2fP6PH60
>>27362049 As if you didn't expect it to be. The chinese leaks are still fake as shit so what does it matter.
>>27362066 >>27362066 I just won't buy the fucking game, that would be the tipping point for me.
I won't take another bipedal fire starter
The Dinkster !glx4hQo1OM
>>27362036 >Says I'm his nemesis >Wants to sleep above me in bunk beds You're no brother of mine. You're not even tall enough to ride my huge dink cock. Don't ever speak to me or my son ever again, mate
the real leak shady !!tsm2fP6PH60
>>27362086 Have fun missing out on a great game over how many legs something stands on
Fucking degenerate
The Dinkster !glx4hQo1OM
>>27362086 Its on all fours, don't worry. Listening to this dickhead will only spread the cancer further
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>>27362101 >>27362110 Yeah sure you two keep erping gamefreak shills.
>>27362086 >being this entitled Boo fucking hoo, fucking cunt.
>>27361732 How many new pokemon
How much of a postgame are we talking about
Those are the only relevant questions
the real leak shady !!tsm2fP6PH60
>>27362114 The Dinkster killed my goldfish and transmuted it into fake leaks.
If I tell enough of the truth he will be defeated.
The Sponge's name is Reefungee
>>27361849 but gay is (You)
even pikipek is it just gets bigger
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Real leaks: More available space for names of trainer/Pokémon
>>27362139 Have any idea what will happen August 1?
>>27362131 >someone dislikes several things, with this being the tipping point so that's enough to decide he just won't buy it >entitled because he's not spending HIS money on something he won't enjoy are we doing this again?
I don't care that this is all fake. This thread is amusing.
>>27361732 Alright, I'll bite.
Does Mimikyu evolve?
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>>27362139 >literally 2 letters from Refugee the real leak shady !!tsm2fP6PH60
>>27362133 Why don't you ask the Dinkster, who's stupid enough the pretend he's played the entire game already.
I'm only at the first gym please try to keep up pal.
>>27362151 I ain't in charge of any of this scheduling shit I just have the game
>>27362154 Thanks for thinking the death of my goldfish is funny
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>>27362152 Yup. He's an entitled cunt.
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>>27362152 >implying he isn't still entitled >implying he won't enjoy it because of some stupid fucking arbitrary reason >implying you're not doing damage control >implying you're not a faggot >me gusta captcha Anonymous
>>27362147 >2000 + 16 >not being gay What a fag
The Dinkster !glx4hQo1OM
>>27362133 110
Zygarde, and Magearna side quests
>>27362139 Are you fucking on something right now? I didn't kill shit. I created you. You're the Joker to my Batman. If I didn't create that leak thread you wouldn't have spawned in the catalog to try and produce fake leaks.
>>27362182 I wasn't laughing about your goldfish, but now that you mention it... it's pretty funny.
Did you mount his dead body on your wall as a
trophy way to remember him?
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>>27362196 >no battle frontier dropped
the real leak shady !!tsm2fP6PH60
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>>27362196 You created me by killing my goldfish, like how Batman created the Joker by throwing him into that vat of oil or whatever red hood something yadda yadda I don't read comics
>>27362166 Nowhere near Mimikyu yet sorry
>>27362196 Are you The Guy?
the real leak shady !!tsm2fP6PH60
>>27362210 You bet your hot pants wearing ass I did pal
Rest in piece Larry.
>>27362236 Just for the record, I caught Dink with his dick in Larry the other day.
The Dinkster !glx4hQo1OM
>>27362166 Nope
>>27362182 >Has the game >Plays a little of it and starts posting on this board, instead of playing the most exciting Pokemon games to date through its entirety and then jumping on /vp/ to post "leaks" Sure bud
the real leak shady !!tsm2fP6PH60
>>27362253 More reason to hate this goddamn monster
>>27362260 I'm IMPATIENT
What do you guys think they'll reveal on August 1st?
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>>27362222 I got quads answer me pls
the real leak shady !!tsm2fP6PH60
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>>27362300 Since I haven't run into a lot of the mons that have been revealed so far I can't say for sure if it'll be one of the early game mons I've seen or a lategame one I haven't, though I'll probably be done with the game by August 1st anyways.
the real leak shady !!tsm2fP6PH60
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>>27362320 May sound like a scrub but I never really paid attention to TMs, or used them for the most part
The Dinkster !glx4hQo1OM
>>27362288 >I'm IMPATIENT >Almost 3 months till release >Has the game, but wont even play it through >>27362300 New evil team, and more details on the new 5th move
>>27362372 Are you the Guy?
Also, what would you rate the selection of clothes?
the real leak shady !!tsm2fP6PH60
>>27362450 I'm the guy. Don't listen to this fool.
And if you think I can even afford enough clothes to know the selection you're sorely mistaken. They're still as expensive as they were in XY.
>>27361732 >First gym is Ground Dropped.
the real leak shady !!tsm2fP6PH60
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>>27362481 You have.... Interesting standards.
Wait why no substantial footage/proof again?
the real leak shady !!tsm2fP6PH60
>>27362531 >>27362570 Do you want me to get arrested you samefagging piece of shit
The Guy !u99Div5NEI
>>27362477 He's not The Guy. I am.
I'm The Guy. The real Guy, and I say we ban this "real leak shady" faggot off the face of this image board
inb4 he does and it's legit gameplay
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>>27362593 We're not the same person.
Anyways, it's 4chan, who the fuck is gonna arrest you?
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>>27361732 Then what does Arrobor evolve into?
the real leak shady !!tsm2fP6PH60
>>27362590 Ground type gym leader is Terra and she's a cute
>>27362596 Okay this has gone too far, this is the pokemon board not the spy kids roleplay board
The Dinkster !glx4hQo1OM
>>27362596 Jesus Christ, fuck this
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>>27361732 >7th Bipedal fire evolution Anonymous
>>27362601 Remember the guy who leaked the starter evos?
He got arrested
>>27362632 Okay, don't show a video.
Show a screenshot of "Terra" either in battle or in the overworld
>>27362659 I am not the leaker tho, but I was just saying bout it
>>27362676 Oh.
Either way he should show a screenshot.
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>>27362596 Let's ban you while we're at it since you've given us fuck all.
The Guy !u99Div5NEI
>>27362617 >>27362628 I don't think you two pieces of shit understand. This, is MY thread now boys. I provide the leaks, the news, the information needed for the players. You think you can run around posting shit leaks? I've made numerous predictions in the past that turned out true.
Oh and Terra? Really? Underage practically confirmed
the real leak shady !!tsm2fP6PH60
>>27362687 >mfw this fag can't even recognize a tripfag when he sees it Buddy you have a lot to learn
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>>27362705 >tfw going along with it Anonymous
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Your leaks were disapproved awhile ago faggot
>>27362705 What does Arrobor evolve into, Shady?
>>27362593 4chan removes EXIF data when images are uploaded so you couldn't be tracked (except for via IP, but one single image from a mobile phone won't warrant such a thing).
Do it, faggot.
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No proof = fake in my book.
the real leak shady !!tsm2fP6PH60
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>>27362726 Haven't evolved it yet
>>27362733 Uh uh uh
This is a pokemon GO thread now pic related
Back me up here dink Anonymous
>>27362617 Ok then... What will be revealed August 1st?
>>27362693 Is that a new trip?
The original one was !1LhWhadhF2
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>>27362805 Electric/Fighting Raichu
>>27362813 The guy has always been a fraud. Nothing he said would happen has.
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>>27362864 And has the game come out yet?
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>>27361732 >Litten's mid evo is Striger, a punklike bipedal tiger thing that's fire/dark. Looks nothing like Rath from the Chinese leaks so that;s good I call bullshit.
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6th gym, Leader stands on top of a cardboard box with no pokemon. You walk towards him and know art is alive. You earn the no badge and you get no badge until you were the one with what you got in the gym with it in the there then with gym leader with on the a an the with a box. Call it TM 32 Branch Amino Acids