Trade - Battle - Breed - Shitpost - Circlejerk - Mystery Eggs - Friend Safari - Vivillon Trading - Never Fucking Ever Multis - Literally Anything
This thread is the general purpose thread on /vp/ for users wanting to interact using their 3DS and the Wi-Fi. Everyone and all discussion is welcome in this general. If you want a more restrictive general, please make your own and promote it. Please know that /vp/ is dead as fuck until Sun & Moon release so you're unlikely to find any general with significant activity.
Try not to flood the thread with useless shit. Try to keep your text lists and Safari requests reasonable and manageable. Use Pastebin if you've got a long list to share.
Previous thread:
Anti 1349-8265-2301
>>27375332 First for luxury balls
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>>27375332 >no pastebin Shit thread.
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
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>>27375345 posted in the other thread, but i've got a pachirisu, marowak, and diggersby for you
>>27375327 Cheers dude, I'll ask to trade as soon as you're done with your current one.
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>>27375421 Thanks man, 2 down.
Anyone got that one balltism chart? It's an image of each Pokemon and the ball that fits them best. Saw it here a little while back.
Rei 0791-2642-0158
In the same boat as the other anon - looking to start a mystery egg run on AS. Any mons are appreciated, and I have 0 at the moment Cheers bois
Random egg run dude, if you are here I added you. Got your eggs ready
Rei 0791-2642-0158
>>27375701 got any spares? I'm not that dude but looking for eggs of my own
I'm looking for a Togekiss with Tri Attack from Pokémon XD, if someone has it.
>>27375681 Don't be a faggot next time and Google.
>>27375760 >XD Fuck off.
>>27375746 Yeah I got two left, I'll add you rn
Rei 0791-2642-0158
>>27375811 cheers lad, what's your fc?
>>27375820 2836-0094-8002 Chris
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>>27375771 Why do you say this? This shit was litteraly amazing by the time I used it in D/P. I really want to have one again.
Chris 2836-0094-8002
Does anyone happen to have a HA froakie or Greninja? Doesn't have to have good IVs or nature
Rei 0791-2642-0158
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>>27375837 added, and ready when you are
Anti 1349-8265-2301
>>27375856 Yeah I have some sitting in boxes.
Put something on gts
Rei 0791-2642-0158
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>>27375837 Cheers man, appreciate it
looking for 3/4 more if anyone has em
Chris 2836-0094-8002
>>27375887 Will it be froakie or a Greninja?
Anti 1349-8265-2301
Chris 2836-0094-8002
>>27375954 Allright bro, deposited a Castform
message says vp
Thanks a ton
Anti 1349-8265-2301
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>>27375994 No problem, enjoy.
Anti 1349-8265-2301
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Anyone have a gamestop or Winter2011 Raikou? I have a gamestop Suicune and win2011 Entei but I'd like the Raikou to finish the set.
Are there some safaris with only two pokemon?
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>>27376514 For the third pokemon to appear, the player whose safari it is needs to have beaten the Pokemon league in XY, possibly ORAS will suffice too.
Rei 0791-2642-0158
>>27375683 Anyone else?
I'll check back tomorrow if not
bupi 0791 5624 8472 ign:vanilla
>>27375683 >>27376819 I'm breeding a thing, Looking for good IVs, so I can get you an egg
Rei 0791-2642-0158
>>27376858 Awesome! I'll add ya
>>27376872 Good luck with your run
Rei 0791-2642-0158
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>>27376933 thank you
>>27376858 appreciate it, cheers
Looking for a Meowth. I have a lot of breedjects with decent IV's.
For all the breeding that takes place here I would hope someone might feel like helping me out with this competitive team I'm trying. How can I improve this? Basically a u-turn/baton pass regenerator core with
>Alomomola >Mienshao >Tornadus-T Mienshao is a sub passer revenge killer.
Tornadus-T is a specially defensive pivot.
Alomomola runs cleric/toxic spam.
I also have M-Sableye running support, Forretress as my hazard setter/physical wall, also there's Gliscor which is just fucking annoying to deal with.
>>27377100 Consider Volt Switch on Forretress and U-Turn on Gliscor. Never stop turning.
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>>27377201 I almost would for Gliscor, but Forretress is my spinner/hazards/anti-fairy it's already enough things.
Siobhán 2208-6003-1380
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Looking for a female Fast Ball Ponyta.
>>27377081 Jesus, I just checked the GTS, all these fags asking for legends.
Put something there asking for a Meowth
>>27377265 That's the problem. I've never encountered a meowth so I can't ask for one. Unless I'm doing something completely wrong.
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>>27377742 It's cool, after all the letters you have a ''what pokemon?'' option. Then just type Meowth and it should be good
Anti 1349-8265-2301
>>27377265 I'll breed you one, put something up.
Baroli 0619-4655-4566
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is that guy who wanted to trade a darkrai for manaphy still around? also, is anyone willing to trade me a darkrai?
>>27378133 >>27377265 Hey anon(s)! If you are still around I put an azuril up for a meowth, so if that is possible that would be great!
I'm looking for a HA swinub.
Anti 1349-8265-2301
>>27379175 Put something up, I'll breed one.
Mrbox 0104 0343 9919
>>27379220 I appreciate it. Though I don't have a swinub in my dex, sorry. Mind adding me?
Anti 1349-8265-2301
>>27379278 go to the bottom and input the name.
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>>27379315 oh my b. I put a hawlucha. Thanks pal.
HI, first time posting in wifi general! Figured I should ask about how you guys handle living dex help? I'm not missing too much just some middle evolutions,event legendaries I've missed out on in the past,one or two trade held item evolutions and quite a few stone evolutions involving stones that are quite the rarity once you use the games fair share. If anyone could help me out with the pokemon I need I have a multitude of spare legendaries and shinies I could offer for the help. Thank you! :>
Anti 1349-8265-2301
>>27379349 Make a pastebin or infographic of what you need and what you have to trade, it makes it more convenient for everyone.
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>>27379429 Understood, thank you for the tip!
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>>27379349 Trade evos suck. If you have two games, deposit for the pokemon you want to evolve. Not the other way around. That's how you get sniped.
Stones aren't too bad since you can use super training in page 4 or 5 for the nessecary stone. Look up what to play for what.
As for events. there are a good amount this year still to be released. If you have get a dupe with a second game, trade it for what you don't have. Also giveaway threads
wheather they be here or not help a ton as well.
I hope this helps. Good luck. It's not an easy task making a living dex
Anyone has a shiny Ralts? I have some shinys that you might be interested into Also how to get volcanion/hoopa I have not played the game for two years, and I just found my old 3ds
>>27379918 Hoopa and Volcanion are event only, so unless you yourself have some good event mons, good luck getting any legit ones.
Volcanion is especially hard since it's only been released in Japan so far.
Try googling next time. Anonymous
>>27379976 >Implying I want the legit ones I just want the hacked ones from the /vp/ giveaways
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I put up a zigzagoon for the guy giving out ditto's
>>27380059 Try /ekx/ :^)
The injector who made this thread can't even make a Volcanion they're so bad. Anonymous
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>>27380059 Then start Wondertrading.
I've gotten three or four so far.
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>>27380059 ill be throwing a few volcanions and hoopas into the wonder trade in a few minutes
I need someone to evolve my Haunters, is anyone around? I have two of them.
anyone have pikachu with egg moves?
>>27381275 I do, is Volt Tackle good?
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>>27381319 thats good, I dont have much too offer but some breeding leftover though?
>>27381275 why are egg moves considered good
the moves I find with dex nav seem dumb
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>>27381373 Because it lets Salamence know Hydro Pump or lets Chansey know Seismic Toss. It's a pretty neat mechanic to be honest family. desu senpai
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i need a Ditto safari please mine is Fire Growlithe, charmeleon and ninetails (Ash: 2852 7572 5297
Zzch !SdigiMOn.U
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>>27381521 down for multis
Zzch !SdigiMOn.U
>Breeding parents 31/x/31/31/31/31 and 31/x/31/x/31/x, with a 80.0000% modifier, will produce a 31/x/31/31/31/31 Pokemon 4.0625% of the time or 1 out of every 24.6154 eggs! >4 boxes later
>>27382535 work up slowly. Do you want a 6iv ditto?
Zzch !SdigiMOn.U
>>27382557 pal if I wanted a 6IV Ditto I wouldn't be using 3IV ones.
>>27382584 well that's a bit silly and masochistic
Zzch !SdigiMOn.U
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>>27382590 I get off on it ;^)
Rei 0791-2642-0158
hey /wfg/ its the annoying mystery egg guy from 12 hours ago looking to start a run on AS, and I'm looking for 3 more eggs. Any mons will do!
>>27382853 Add me @ 1478-7773-1258 for an egg.
Rei 0791-2642-0158
>>27382890 noice, I'll add ya now
>>27382924 Im a fucking retard. I was sitting there waiting for you to come online but i never connected my pss. P.s I'm irien
elnico 5086-5446-3254
can someone help me trade evolution my machoke?
Rei 0791-2642-0158
>>27382977 lmao no worries, ready when you are
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your all doo doo heads
Siobhán 2208-6003-1380
>>27382853 I'll give you one.
>>27382983 Thanks dude. I needed tepig. Mind if I keep you added?
Rei 0791-2642-0158
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>>27382977 thanks man, appreciate it
>>27382988 great, I'll add ya now
Rei 0791-2642-0158
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>>27383010 Oh, glad I could help ya, and yea sure mate
bupi 0791 5624 8472 ign:vanilla
>>27382981 I have time. Let me know when you add me
Rei 0791-2642-0158
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>>27382988 much appreciated
elnico 5086-5446-3254
elnico 5086-5446-3254
bupi 0791 5624 8472 ign:vanilla
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>>27383136 No problemo
>>27381124 I can help you out anon, if you're still around
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Still giving away 5IV missing attack Cottonee to anyone who wants them. Timid, 4EM in dive balls.
I've seen the legendary bird trio was given as a mystery gift recently. I'm building a living dex and I'm nearly finished gen 1. Just got to catch Mewtwo and Moltres on Y and a few other random 'mons. If anyone has a spare Articuno and/or Zapdos they'd be happy to trade me I'd appreciate it. Can trade for a shiny Zigzagoon if you wanted something in return :)
>>27383454 It wasn't a mystery gift, it was a code given out for the Pokemon newsletter.
If you're really looking for them, just breed up some random 5IV mons and put them up on the GTS. I got all three within a day with HA Gligars. 1392-7901-5005
>>27383515 Yeh the code.
People really trade away legendaries for 5IV's? lmao
That being said, someone traded a shiny zigzagoon for a normal low level gengar yesterday
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>>27383538 Yup, they will. I filled out most of my legendary dex with 5IV breedjects on GTS.
Yo. My ditto with an everstone isn't passing on its nature. What gives?
>>27384055 Is the other also holding one?
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Anyone willing to trade a HA Hawlucha? Nature and IVs are not really important
>>27384121 Nah, just the Ditto (modest). The other is a male Larvesta with Destiny Knot
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>>27384158 I dunno then. Make sure you have the right egg I guess. Sometimes I switch the parents around and forget to put the right items. Good luck
Hey /wfg/ I'm 4 pokemon away from catching em all. I need>carracosta >archeops >yvetal I also need a porygon 2. I have a porygon but no download. I have protean froakies to offer.
Rei 0791-2642-0158
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>>27386757 got a carracosta to spare, but be warned, he's a shitey HM slave
all I'd want in return is an egg for my ME run :)
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>>27386757 I have archeops
Put up a froakie on the gts for a male archeops lv31to40 with message:/VP/
Would anyone be willing to give me a 6IV ditto from a region other than the US?
Zim 4227 - 5074 - 5727
>>27387504 i been asking for one for a while, ain't nobody hooking us up
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>>27387504 I got mine from a group on GameFAQS
>>27386757 I'd give you my Yveltal. I'm just looking for a pokemon with pokerus.
I know it was a looooong time ago, but did we finish all the Gym Leader/Elite Four pokemon giveaways? The one where a gym leader or elite four's signiture pokemon was made and named after them to be given away.
Zim 4227 - 5074 - 5727
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>>27389547 Probably, but the process can easily be replicated.
Rei 0791-2642-0158
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Anyone got a spare egg? Just need a final one to get going
>>27387504 >>27387797 just put a scatterbug or wurmple on GTS with /vp/ as the comment for a level 100 ditto and reply to this post.
I'm looking for a quick guard scyther, i have HA froakie, HA snivy, HA sableye, HA gliscor
>>27390475 I have Scavalier, I can help you out if no one else does.
Any other preferences?
>>27390408 >Still giving out poor injections >Still unable to make old events and Volcanion Anonymous
>>27390649 i guess i can use the scav to breed it over, is it male? you have any preference of what i put on the gts?
>>27390727 No, I mean, I'll use my Scavalier to breed your Scyther.
I'll take the HA Snivy, I accidentally released the one I had.
I'll let you know when is ready
>>27390833 oh, ok. that's easier for me anyways. would you prefer it has more ivs, or has glare?
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>>27390882 Anything's fine, just want the ability
>>27390882 Alright, got it. Put the Snivy asking for a female level 1
it has swarm though, should I go for technician?
>>27391145 technician isn't HA so it's fine.
putting up lvl 1 female snivy named detyo with mesage "quick man"
>>27391181 Sent. Thanks man
Anyone got a sturdy Tyrunt/ rock head tyrantrum?
>>27391346 I'd also be interested.
Wonder trading ocean pattern scatterbugs in case anyone's interested
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>>27391427 HA dive ball females
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>27391346 >>27391249 I can probably breed some tomorrow if I manage to stay awake after work.
>>27391468 Been trying to figure out how to get one and now I'm stressing lol
Can the come from strong jaw tyrants?
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>27391346 >>27391410 i've got a few left in bank. put something on the GTS for one
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
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>>27391528 Nope, its a hidden ability that can only be passed down if the mother is HA, or the father if breeding with a Ditto. It was event distribution only, but I got lucky and got a male through WT and bred up from that.
>>27391510 See you in 12 hours I guess.
>>27391547 Ok I'll put up a luvdisc
Message: thanks vp
>>27391547 Neat, deposited a female Swinub, also HA
message is cheese
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>27391571 are you jake, if so, put the disc up for a tyrunt, not a tyrantrum.
if your not jake, please disregard
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
Does anybody want Dream Ball Oddishes/Nest Ball Bulbasaurs/Lure Ball Tentacools before I ship them off? All are female, most should have egg moves or will need to relearn some
>>27391598 Can do sorry about that
Thanks by the way you're a life saver
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>>27391614 Thanks friend
While we're in the giving mood, anyone wants HA Tangela? leech seed and leaf storm as egg moves.
I'm just wonder trading my leftovers
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>27391616 sent.
>>27391615 are those oddishes HA? if so, I'd like one
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anyone want a 3 star tynamo
>>27391658 Yes I've got some, put up a shitmon for it
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>27391733 level 1 female snover up, message is "thanks vp"
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
WTF Is trainer dialogue from three battle maison customizable from your WiFi friends? Some poke fan woman in super singles just said something about "do plebs here even tip"
>>27391879 Nah they've got them saying things like that
They even have the occasional meme in the game
>>27391945 How the fuck do they know about the tipping meme and the word plebs. Who even greenlit that?
Is it a 2chan meme too?
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Anyone has a breeding ditto to give away???
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>>27392014 Do you think every word or term used here is unique, or not of the real world?
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>>27392014 Not sure, I've at least seen the over 9000 joke in there, off the top of my head
Mikey 0619-7706-0032
I just got my 3DS and I'm doing my first run through AS. I have a Machoke and Graveler I need to evolve.
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>27392704 add me, i'll help you out
Mikey 0619-7706-0032
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>>27392716 Word. Just added you a moment ago.
Mikey 0619-7706-0032
is shuckle any good in link battles?
>>27390691 you just can't resist harassing can you? Things are so peaceful now.
Terrence 4141 4122 8204
anyone wanna help a nigga out with a 6iv ditto
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>>27394210 no "niggas" allowed
>>27394210 put something on GTS for a level 100 ditto and reply to this post
Terrence 4141 4122 8204
>>27394382 magikarp lvl 10 female,
message should say dassah
Terrence 4141 4122 8204
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>>27394436 >>27394210 scratch that im going to change it to a woobat lvl 11 named lovely, message 4chan
Hi, I'm really in need of a Meleotta to complete my living dex I have a few legendaries I can trade such as: Regirock Virizion Terrikion Cobalion
>>27394500 just wait till december
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>>27394607 >wait >till december Anonymous
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Anyone have a spare mon with pokerus?
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>>27394500 >I need a Meloetta >event mon from several years ago >I will trade ingame ORAS legendaries Fuck off
Does anyone have a spare slugma? Nothing special needed, just looking to complete my dex.
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does anyone happen to have any snow warning amaura lying around?
>>27395066 Have you tried GTSing for it? And don;t say "I tried but they all want legendaries" Try depositing something for it that people want
>>27395137 I've already got something sitting in the GTS for another pokemon I'm looking for.
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>>27395197 Then be patient
OU battle anyone? Just trying to get back in the competitive game
>>27393928 >Harass and generally shit on anyone who wants to be left in peace on /wfg/, and cause it to lose most regulars >don't bully me pls ;-; Anonymous
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Please, a battle, I beg you guys.
Anzu 1118-0480-4405 !1LzP4huzT6
Is gg not a common thing on Showdown or are people just buttbert?
Also, why do I feel like people are judging me for using Lopunny? Someone called me gay for it earlier. ;_;
>>27395066 Just go to the fiery pass and tough it out like a man.
H.P. (Phoneposting) !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>27396517 People do get butthurt.
And why would using a Lopunny make anyone mad? It's good, but not that overused statistically. What set were you using?
Anzu 1118-0480-4405 !1LzP4huzT6
>>27396536 Just your standard Fake Out/Return/High Jump Kick/Ice Punch.
I had one really close game and the guy gg'd me, and another where I brought in the Lopunny at the end and swept the guy, and then he said I was gay for it.
I was just like, "nigga, this is like the LEAST gay Pokemon for me to be using. Even if it makes me a faggot from a furry perspective."
Oh, well. It's kind of funny anyway.
>>27395230 If you wanna hop on showdown, I'll OU battle you real quick before I get off.
Don't feel like playing in game now until I make my showdown team.
H.P. (Phoneposting) !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>27396591 I mean, you are playing with the Smogon community, which isn't exactly the best.
We can do some matches later if you want, I need to get back into OU teambuilding. 4141-6455-0737
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Does anyone have a spare Darkrai? I am willing to trade a Mew.
Anzu 1118-0480-4405 !1LzP4huzT6
>>27396609 I guess it doesn't help I use PunnyFugger as my name for the laughs since I use Mega Lopunny on my main OU teams.
I'd be down. Although, I've been busy lately because of Overwatch with my friends. H.P. (Phoneposting) !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
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>>27396668 Alright, I'm still at work for now, but let me know if you're around later. I kinda dropped OU for UU a while back, and I've kinda forgotten what threats to take into account.
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Anyone want to trade a Celebi for my Keldeo? It's from a 2012 event.
what is best pokemon you have gotten from wonder trade, and is it worth it for are mons?
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
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>>27396914 Lots of breedjects and neat ball combos.
It's how I got my start breeding, with random 5IVs.
>>27389480 If you are still here, I have ones with pokerus. Will trade for that Yveltal or Prothean Froakie
>>27396914 I got two Zygardes, and one more from GTS for a Y exclusive pokemon. Is it really so shit people are trading it away at so easily?
>>27396914 Don't know about receive since most of it is trash, but I give out shiny onix with 4 egg moves and metal coat attached
Does anyone have a heal ball female mienfoo with the hidden ability, dont care about the IVs just need it for breeding, can offer a jolly weedle, adamant bouffalant, jolly deerling or sassy skorupi
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>>27398255 >actually handing out injections when literally anyone with a flash card reader and a computer can do it. 3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
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Anyone wants to battle?
>>27398542 But is it
male ?
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>27398542 man i got mine tonight too!
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>27398707 Congrats.
The second is female, missing SpA, but I'm still happy as all fuck. cactus
>>27398725 how long had you been hatching for? i think i started monday last week, so i think im going through the same emotions you are haha
mine has 19 in HP but s/m will fix that
H.P. 3755-0843-6666 !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
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>>27398754 I think I started close to the beginning of the month. But I took a lot of breaks, especially this week.
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>>27396914 A box full of shinies, about 2/3 of which aren't obviously injected, a few Volcanion, and a shiny Diancie.
RNGesus is my lord and savior.
Rei 0791-2642-0158
Still lookin for 1 final egg to start my ME run on AS, anyone feel like throwing one my way?
any mons will do, its all good
>>27398679 damn bruh
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Really looking for a battle, if someone is avaliable.
Fog 0018-0101-5112
>>27398542 >>27398679 Today we rejoice, for HP's suffering is over.
Time to mm something else.
So, how does Vivillon breeding works? can I breed a pattern or will it be based on my game? I really like polar, but my region is tropical
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
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>>27399503 when you breed them, the one you get is based on your region
>catch a shiny Weepinbell while earthquaking for attack >lel let's put in on GTS for Hoopa >someone actually trades hlep
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>>27399560 It's probably injected since it went through the GTS.
>missed all the anniversary event mon drops >all I have is darkrai and victini I just want to fill up my national pokedex for once.
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>27399022 I have a bunch of random eggs if you want.
>>27399351 How the fuck did I even get two shinies in that batch.
Is Masuda really watching us all? >>27399592 Mythicals aren't technically necessary to "complete" the dex. But I feel you.
Rei 0791-2642-0158
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>>27399621 Just need one, got the other 5 from other kind anons
ill add ya now
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>>27399503 You can only breed one kind of Vivillon.
You're even later to the party than I was, but you can still probably get a full set, other than Fancy and Pokéball.
Tropical isn't the most common, so you'll have it fairly easy up to the last two or three. Just keep throwing Vivillon and Scatterbug into the GTS and change your profile message accordingly.
Maybe you could churn out a few shinies.
Rei 0791-2642-0158
>>27399621 Cheers, H.P
time to start!
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
Siobhán 2208-6003-1380
>>27399592 I have an extra Celebi, Jirachi, Manaphy, and Shaymin you can have.
Jingle 4871 3766 3072
>>27399905 Which means that you can probably trade Victini for Mew before it drops, then get a new one.
Jingle 4871 3766 3072
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>>27399862 Thanks, best I can offer is a few extra legendaries I have.
>>27399976 Yeah, that's what I'm planning to do.
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
Hello, wfg, I'm looking for a lileep, specifically a female one. Is this the right place to ask for one?
>>27400620 I can get you one with storm drain if you can wait. I already wonder traded my leftovers sadly
>That's a special pokemon, you can't trade it what did they mean by this?
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anybody have a darkrai they don't need?
>>27400665 Sure, I will follow your instructions.
>>27397063 I'm here. If you come back let me know and I'll put it back up.
>>27400744 It means it has the ribbon that comes with all legit event pokemon, and you can trade it, just not over GTS or Wondertrade.
>>27400840 What do you have to trade, by the way?
I'm fine with just giving it away, but maybe we can help each other
>>27400919 Most I can offer you is the Latios I caught yesterday.
>>27400890 that fucking sucks, trying to trade my celebi for jirachi...
>>27400949 Not really into legends, any mons with the hidden ability to offer?
also, hatched the female, how do you want to do it? directly or through the gts?
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stop sending me zigzagoons in wonder trade REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
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God, what a piece of shit thread. I can't believe we allowed this to happen.
>>27401017 Hi, im back, I can offer tyrunt with dd and fang moves, ice shard phanpy, ha starly
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Have 2 boxes full of random IV, safari ball Kangaskhans with scrappy. For XY/ORAS throw up a Honedge/Whismur with the message 16910 vp
>>27401544 Already have all, but don't worry.
Throw something in the gts asking for a Lileep and let me know what it was. Probably not the Latios though
>>27400881 Here and ready
Put it on GTS for a lvl51-60 female vulpix
>>27401670 It's up. Thanks.
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OU battle, anyone?
Anyone want some FREE SHIT??
>>27401622 Tyrunt is up, male, lvl 1. Message is /vp/
>>27401746 Sent, enjoy
>>27401739 I'd love some FREE SHIT
>>27401739 SHIT? For FREE?
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>>27401779 >>27401793 Give me your requests!!
>>27401707 how long does it take to show up there? I can't seem to find neither your froakie nor yveltal (which one is it by the way)
>>27401838 It's a yveltal. I put it as seeking a vulpix lvl 51-60. I can't input a gender though because I input the name.
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>>27401838 it's instantaneous
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>>27401739 6 iv adamant groudon. brave nature
legit of course ;^)
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>>27400957 You can, you just need to find someone that will do the trade. GTS and WT are out, but you can still do it by just picking Passerbys out at random and trying.
Change your message to "MyCelebi4Jirachi".
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>>27390408 I put a wurmple in. OT name is Blocker.
What's the best nature for Goodra?
Anzu 1118-0480-4405 !1LzP4huzT6
>>27402282 I've had great success with modest, assault vest Goodra.
Makes an excellent switch, especially if you can trick the opponent into grass moves.
>>27402820 Was it out speeding many things? I want to use quiet to go mixed
>>27403229 Why though? It's special movepool is so good already. Dragon tail is ok, but that's more for utility anyways.
Tenney 4141 6590 0317
Looking for friend safari codes just beat Y version on a new DS amd dont have any friends. Dont even know what i have in there.
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>>27403260 I like earthquake and hate focus blast
bupi 0791 5624 8472 ign:vanilla
>>27403276 Add me
I don't know what's on my either, could you tell me if you have time? I'll investigate yours
Anzu 1118-0480-4405 !1LzP4huzT6
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>>27403229 Not really. I dropped a couple evs into speed so it can go faster than tier 80, but it's still tier 80, so that's not going to be much anyway.
You probably won't be going faster than much no matter what you do, unless you scarf it, and at that point, I don't know how effective it'd be since it's not exactly built to be a sweeper.
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>>27403276 fucking kill yourself
Anyone have a yamask or rufflet with egg moves? Will trade you a cottonee with egg moves.
Anzu 1118-0480-4405 !1LzP4huzT6
>>27403276 I still have a pretty open friends list, so you can add me.
Always looking to get new things in safari. Especially since I don't have 3rd slot unlocked for most people on there anyway.
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>>27375332 >This thread is not for Hacks or Clones ok, fixed it. Also, I really like the word "sage"
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>>27375332 Might be a bit of a stretch here but does anyone have a spare set of the Gen 1 legendary birds they could throw my way? I have nothing of value to give back and only need them to complete the gen 1 section of my living dex
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>>27401793 >Not just telling them how to inject themselves. Anonymous
Anyone want to help me do a mystery egg run in X/Y? I just started so I have only shitmons to offer, but I'd really appreciate it!I'd love an Abra and a 6 IV Ditto since I'm being needy
Miles 3840-6823-1252
>>27403615 Holy fucking shit, you can inject yourself you lazy cunt.
Miles 3840-6823-1252
>>27403637 >have to buy a game to hack a 3DS no thanks
>>27403764 Not since today :^)
Go to /ekx/ and get reading you faggot.
>>27403418 >Rufflet >Egg moves Anonymous
>>27403815 Rufflet doesn't get egg moves? Nevermind then.
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>>27403993 Rufflet and Braviary are male only.
>>27403625 is there a rush or can you wait
Miles 3840-6823-1252
>>27404086 no rush, trying to figure out if
>>27403791 is worth the trouble
>>27404149 If you have an SD card reader, you can inject on your own.
Even a braindead monkey can do it now.
Steve 4657 0523 9330
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>>27404149 gimme a bit to breed u sum eggs
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>search level 229 shit, I'm never getting a sableye with recover, prankster, and 4 iv this way can someone with an alakazan or kadabra with recover and 4 iv help me breed one? I have like 4 female sableye with prankster
Tenney 4141 6590 0317
>>27403355 >>27403419 Adding you guys right now thanks.
>>27403791 I checked all that stuff, couldn't figure it out and somehow ended up playing the original doom. Anyone fancy making a homebrew for beginers guide?
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>>27404343 Good luck in getting more safaris.
yours is water, krabby, quagsire and frogadier
if you're interested
Tenney 4141 6590 0317
>>27403355 You have Ghost.
Shuppet, Golurk, and Phantump
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>>27404525 Coolio, thanks for the info!
Anti 1349-8265-2301
>>27404343 I have bug, iirc mine kinda sucks.
I can add you if you want though.
>>27404500 Are you literally retarded?
Once you get Homebrew going, get a save editor and pkhex on whatever computer you use. If you can't fucking figure out what to do afterwards, then you really shouldn't be here. Tenney 4141 6590 0317
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>>27404568 Thanks ill add you soon
>>27404576 I got to the installer, keeps failing for some reason, but i got doom working by complete accident.
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
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so is anyone up for 3rd gen wifi battling? I'll explain how if anyone's interested
>>27404737 there isnt one up
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>27404716 Male and a Female, The male is Pentaperfect.
Hunt was worth it.
I might just chain fish for my next shiny. Anonymous
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Just started breeding my kangkaskhan guys been awhile since I've bred anything
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>>27404745 Guess you need to get fucking good then.
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>27404758 Dude. Fucking stellar. I just finished chain fishing every possible shiny in X, OR and AS. 5% Dratini came instantly.
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No one wants to battle here?
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>27404815 It works in ORAS too?
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>27404841 Yep. I can loan you a Suction Cups Pokemon if you need it.
Anti 1349-8265-2301
>>27404758 Nice, Check what I hatched the other day.
31/31/31/31/31/18 Sassy
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>27404853 I have a random Octillery I caught. Thanks though.
>>27404861 Noice.
I was thinking of doing Venipede after I get a few chain fish shinies. Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>27404880 No prob. I'm still only 20 boxes/603 eggs currently in for Burmy but I've gotten my shiny living dex to 303/721 now.
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>27404896 You're actually going for a full dex?
Good luck, if you need Cottonee, I can give you the female. Anonymous
What are some nicknames you're proud of, general?
Steve 4657 0523 9330
>>27404149 senpai, i got yo eggs
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
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>>27404943 Gumball the shiny Heracross.
King and Gin the Cottonee. Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>27404921 Damn right, but I have 90 extra shinies due to MMs, chain fishing, FS and hordes. No worries since I DexNav'd for Cottonee, and I evolved the 2nd one I've captured.
Anyone has a female pink Shellos in a dive or luxury ball?
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>27404961 I have about three boxes of eggs I need to hatch and give away on here from random projects. Maybe one of those will shine. >>27404982 I'd help, but I don't have OR.
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>27405001 You should pre-hatch them to make sure, and if one is shiny, give it to someone special 3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>27405035 Could be fun. But >someone special who plays Pokemon. Anti 1349-8265-2301
>>27404896 I have some random shinies I don't need, most of them have dumb names and might be hacked. I have snorlax, Inkay, Noivern, Pikachu, Chinchou and Linoone. I also have a Kricketune that I caught but I promised it to a friend.
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
>>27405052 I-I mean someone here on /wfg/ >>27405056 Nah, don't worry about it. I'm planning on getting them all by myself with the exception of shiny-locked legendaries.
Anti 1349-8265-2301
>>27405088 Ah well, good luck.
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
Miles 3840-6823-1252
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>>27404948 sorry for the wait, had to get through santalune forest and I forgot how long the FRIENDSHIP cutscenes are
Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
Evan 2509-3110-5128
Hey guys, could anyone help me with a couple gen 3 trade evos? I just need huntail and gorebyss.
Ok, I guess this is my only choice. I'll give a BR Pokémon if someone beats me in a battle.
Evan 2509-3110-5128
>>27405154 ID and preferred tier?
>>27405147 Do you need the tooth and scale?
Evan 2509-3110-5128
>>27405198 No, I got them already.
1435 4434 6794
>>27405175 It's in my name. Normal OU battle, singles, 6v6.
>>27405194 Battle Ready. Things you can use in a wi-fi battle. This was my only choice, I was asking here for two days and no one wanted to battle.
>>27405227 Seems kind of a lot to ask for for just a battle.
Evan 2509-3110-5128
>>27405227 let me just add you then; I've got my team ready, assuming you're not on kalos rules.
bupi 0791 5624 8472 ign:vanilla
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>>27405220 I can help out then
1435 4434 6794
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>>27405242 Actually I'm giving it away just to get a battle. Of course, if the person beats me. But I only want to play.
>>27405247 Alpha Sapphire, anon. Added you and going online
1435 4434 6794
>>27405247 Uhm, Aegislash is an Uber, anon...
Evan 2509-3110-5128
>>27405279 is it? I thought it was downgraded a couple months back after going through suspect. I can make a sub after this if it's a big deal for you.
1435 4434 6794
>>27405295 No, no problem, let's see how it goes.
Miles 3840-6823-1252
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>>27404948 thank you! will post results when they hatch!
anyone else want to throw some mystery eggs my way?
Evan 2509-3110-5128
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>>27405322 you activated my trap card, anon.
Evan 2509-3110-5128
>>27405322 shit, is that hidden power grass? I've never been able to get the hang of HP stuff.
1435 4434 6794
>>27405404 Yes it was. Besides the forfeit it was a good match.
Evan 2509-3110-5128
>>27405417 I had a half dead hydreigon and a paralyzed spike setter against your 3 others including a togekiss, no way for me to win there.
bupi 0791 5624 8472 ign:vanilla
>>27405147 Whenever you're ready
1435 4434 6794
>>27405436 I know, that <2 Special Attack was also a problem. But I had fun in that match
Evan 2509-3110-5128
>>27405462 I'm online and waiting for you.
Evan 2509-3110-5128
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>>27405469 yeah, it was a good match, if I had switched out the quagsire after the encore I would have had a better chance at winning, you out maneuvered me.
bupi 0791 5624 8472 ign:vanilla
>>27405470 What's your in game name? send me a trade request
sorry about that
Evan 2509-3110-5128
>>27405516 my IGN is dirk because the male protag in RSE always looked like a dirk to me.
bupi 0791 5624 8472 ign:vanilla
>>27405536 Success, sorry for the trouble
Evan 2509-3110-5128
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>>27405610 thanks for your help, dude.
anyone interested in moon ball zoruas? ive got a fuck ton from breeding them a long time ago. the ball is illegal though. also if anyone has a spare breeding ditto i'd be forever grateful
>>27405670 >Still asking for breeding Dittos when you can make one yourself now. Anonymous
>>27405715 How? It's been a while since I've played
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>>27405729 Go to the archive, look up the latest /ekx/ thread and get reading.
Literally anyone can inject now, so you have no excuse to come on here.