>listing megas as stale
Just because Salamence and Kanga are op as fuck doesn't mean megas as a concept are stale, there are plenty of good megas. Mega Mence and Mega Kanga just need a nerf is all. This is like complaining that Garchomp was stale in gen IV, or weather was stale in gen V, but even less legitimate because it covers like 35+(?) Pokemon. If you just don't like Mega Mence and Mega Kang, just say it.
not overpowered in current metagame, in fact VGC 2016 is if anything too focused on offense.
okay, they're overpowered, but in a way that creates some pretty interesting mindgames at least
>mega ray
not half as overpowered as it looks on paper, shockingly enough. Mostly because in VGC 2016 it takes a slot for Restricted Pokemon AND Mega, but hey, if it balances it it works!
>fucking horseshit
yeah I hate that fucking horseshit
Anyway, things I can agree on:
GameFreak needs to do a better job of balancing the metagame. Not every Pokemon needs to be viable, I understand some Pokemon are intended to be early-game Pokemon that are replaced later. But you look at team diversity from the past two VGC years and it is obvious something needs to change. Personally, I would like tweaks to base stats / mega stats for quite a few Pokemon, a bunch of older Pokemon need updated abilities, and the type chart needs to be rejiggered a bit so that stuff like Fairy isn't so stupidly OP.