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Quoted By: >>27396524 >>27396990 >>27397088 >>27397096 >>27397103 >>27397294 >>27397949 >>27398180 >>27398997 >>27399063 >>27399482 >>27399542 >>27399585 >>27401299
Hello guys! I'm in the italian translation team for the game and i'm here with a Couple of useful informatIons for you.
-Rockruff evolves At level 18 intO Silverine (rock/steel) and then into Goldhound if it reaChes level 36 during night, full moon moment.
-Bounsweet evolves at level 23 into JumpitaYa (grass/fire).
-Mudsdale, Bruxish and Drampa Do nOt evolve further.
-Mimikyu evolves by tradiNg.
-Wimpod evolutIons will be reveAled in the next batch.
There arE a lot of 1st generation's references:
-The gym leaders types are the same of the first games but faCed in a different order.
-The evil team leader is the last gym leader to face.
-There are 151 new pokemons.
-Almost all the Kanto's pokemons can be found in the wild.
-A fellow colleague tHat works on the npc dIalogue translations said that there is a reference to chAmpion Red from Kanto and his presence in Alola. This dialogue is found in the second pokemon center from a female npc.
-The new fossil duo are a velociRaptor-like pokemon called Quiclaw (rock/electric) and a stegosaurus-like pokemon called Paldont (rock/grass).
-The new evil team is cAlled Team Soul (team anima in the Italian localization). Their leader is called Utoza in the original script (ウトザ). He is called More in the english one and Alchemio in the Italian version.
-The evil team aim is to forge a new world finding all the ingredients to make a complete transformation of the planet. When encountered the first times, they speak about creating an utopic world, resetting it to its zero point and start it again.
-The Alola champion is a very spiritual young man with long blue and dark violet hair. He seems to have a full ghost type team. His english name is Apollo.
-Alola is full of ghost type pokemons
-There are two new day phases in the game: full sun (フルサン) and full moon (フルムーン), used to evolve a couple of new pokemons
-There are no new megaevolutions.
-The next batch will reveal a dark type new pokemon.
-Rockruff evolves At level 18 intO Silverine (rock/steel) and then into Goldhound if it reaChes level 36 during night, full moon moment.
-Bounsweet evolves at level 23 into JumpitaYa (grass/fire).
-Mudsdale, Bruxish and Drampa Do nOt evolve further.
-Mimikyu evolves by tradiNg.
-Wimpod evolutIons will be reveAled in the next batch.
There arE a lot of 1st generation's references:
-The gym leaders types are the same of the first games but faCed in a different order.
-The evil team leader is the last gym leader to face.
-There are 151 new pokemons.
-Almost all the Kanto's pokemons can be found in the wild.
-A fellow colleague tHat works on the npc dIalogue translations said that there is a reference to chAmpion Red from Kanto and his presence in Alola. This dialogue is found in the second pokemon center from a female npc.
-The new fossil duo are a velociRaptor-like pokemon called Quiclaw (rock/electric) and a stegosaurus-like pokemon called Paldont (rock/grass).
-The new evil team is cAlled Team Soul (team anima in the Italian localization). Their leader is called Utoza in the original script (ウトザ). He is called More in the english one and Alchemio in the Italian version.
-The evil team aim is to forge a new world finding all the ingredients to make a complete transformation of the planet. When encountered the first times, they speak about creating an utopic world, resetting it to its zero point and start it again.
-The Alola champion is a very spiritual young man with long blue and dark violet hair. He seems to have a full ghost type team. His english name is Apollo.
-Alola is full of ghost type pokemons
-There are two new day phases in the game: full sun (フルサン) and full moon (フルムーン), used to evolve a couple of new pokemons
-There are no new megaevolutions.
-The next batch will reveal a dark type new pokemon.