>>27401309If you remove Samurott's picture from that screenshot, then yes, it sounds like a natural progression.
Then you actually look at Samurott and start realizing that it just doesn't work as a design. There's all this shit about "Well, now it's a MOUNTED samurai, that's why it's a quadruped!", which might have been a clever idea if it hadn't been executed so amateurishly. The placement of its blades makes actually drawing them incredibly awkward, and the overall structure of its body makes it impossible to use them efficiently even once they're actually unsheathed. Most of the time it can only manage to pull one out for a split second while awkwardly holding itself up with its other flipper. Unless it's actually in water it can't swordfight properly, and because the games don't have separate animations for fighting in/under water, that potential is never realized (unless you watch the anime, where its swords are lightsabers for some reason).
Samurott is a complete mess of a design.