>>27411843>Omega Ruby>Pic related>NoI'm going through the game with a few Pokemon traded over as eggs to OR from my XY run. They were given beneficial natures, no egg moves, 31s in 5/6 stats.
My original goal was to remove Electrode and Heliolisk and throw in Mantyke and Surskit but I figured I would need AT LEAST something competent once the game opened up a bit more.
Ducklett should not be evolving at Level 35, it's far too late and it's stats fucking blow donkey dick. Everyone is sitting at 30 and yet the only two Pokemon sandbagging my team in terms of stats are Ledian and Ducklett. I know once it evolves, it'll be better stat wise and Ledian is just sandbagging, but, eh.
I'm also restricting myself to limited PokeCenter trips. I've been buying revives, potions, and all of that in order to keep my Pokemon healthy. I use centers only when I pretty much have to when PP is too low to do anything.
No EXP share, I have a 7th unpictures Pokemon. A Furret Lvl30 (M) named T-Bone. He's my HM slave that I also bred as a 7th mon who keeps up with my main team but is in all intents and purposes, an HM slave. But stab strength on an adament Furret isn't THAT bad and it helped me against Norman with rock smash.