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No.27424597 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
A special thank you.

I would like to start off with a little story about myself.

I am a 30 year old big dude. I have been big nearly my entire life. I have had periods where I had lost, and was able to keep weight off (Thanks to Dance Dance Revolution). I would then gain this weight back and more. I can't honestly say that I have been really criticized or judged (To my knowledge) about my weight too much. I do every once in a blue moon get heckled and harassed, but I try not to pay those people any mind. I have become kind of a homebody and reluctantly admitted couch potato due to my own embarrassment and weight shaming.

Since Pokemon Go was released, I was worried that it would be a game that I would not get to enjoy. I was worried about traversing out of the comfort of my own home; the home in which I have become very comfortable to being at because my friends will come to me, air conditioning, easy access to food etc.. I was worried that people were going to judge me because of my weight, how much I was sweating after only walking a block, how slowly I walk, and whatever other thing I could think of.

While my friends are very supportive of me and my life choices, I never thought that I would get the amount of support I normally get from my friends, FROM COMPLETE STRANGERS!

I started Pokemon Go on the 6th. I have been walking around by myself and with friends and each time I am complimented by others for getting out and walking around town. Nobody ever says anything about how I look like I just got done swimming from perspiration. Once during one of my walks one of the couples that was out looking for Pokemon actually joined me for a longer walk that I was taking just to make sure I was going to make it. I have received praise that I would only expect from my parents about how proud they are of me for taking such big steps.
