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Fuck off

No.27484149 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
In the 6 years that /vp/ has been around, I do not think I have ever seen the level of shitposting and pushing of bullshit that I see now.

I'm referring to the pushing of leaks.

It happened with Roothoot.
It happened with Ballio.
It's happening now with "muh Chinese leaks".
It's happening now with "muh leaked starters".

Normally, this is part of the lead-up to games being pushed out, but I seriously think that most of you fucking faggots pushing these leaks are trying to stir up drama because you heard about the shitshow that was Wottergate and "NO ES FAKE, ES HADA" and you want to be part of some fucking screencap. Or you want to be part of some big event.

Listen here you underage pieces of shit, you don't create events by forcing them. No one will recall this lead-up season as fun or exciting or wonderful because things keep getting forced. I mean, where has the journalistic integrity gone? Half of the fucking shit being spammed on here lacks any credible sources or any inkling of coming from a place of validity, but you're ready to eat it up like you're some fucking waif trying to talk to her dead husband through a TV show psychic.

Wake the fuck up.

I dont care if they're real or fake, hell I'd be happy if the archer and wrestler and average /fit/izen were confirmed real. But spamming this board over and over and looking for anything that might confirm your biases and acting as if they are truth is grating. It's not fun, it's not interesting, and it's a worthless use of your time. Only internet points whores give a fuck about how big your BTFO collage is, and forcing the event into happening doesn't make it any funnier. At the end of gen 7, everyone will remember the hype season for it not as one of /vp/ being wrong or BTFO, but of little children spamming fake leaks and being unoriginal.

Stop being fucking retarded sheeple and stop spamming leaks as if they are fact in an attempt to forcibly manufacture drama.