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[15 / 1 / ?]

No.27521348 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm desperately procrastinating and was curious, so here are Pokemon sales as a percentage of their handhelds shipped:

RBY 50.1%
GSC 35.6%
RSE 42.2%
FRLG 14.7%
DPP 16.4%
HGSS 8.3%
BW 10.1%
BW2 5.6%
XY 24.6%
ORAS 20.5%

Figured if people are gonna argue about sales they should take into account that a shit ton more people owned a Gameboy compared to a 3DS, although this doesn't take into account people buying a handheld just for the game. Idk discuss/call me autistic.