- I never use revives or potion or berries in battle
-I always level my team during the whole game in order (you level up? go at the back, next one to lvl up is up front) doesn't matter against whom. keep the party at same level. only change when i really can't win without revives or potions. then when i reach elite four i must aim to OHKO every elite four mon with the correct one on my party (i mantain balanced types) even if i end up almost not using one or two of my team during the whole elite four.
- When battling my rival it's ALWAYS starter vs starter
- Always nickname every pokemon captured and tried to capture every mon in a route before moving on (flexible rule, i get bored or something i move on but this never ever happens)
All of this aren't rules or something i could break them sometime but that's how i play 95% of the time and enjoy it more this way.
The only rule is that EVERY pokemon from the party MUST be, with no exception, a NEW pokemon from THAT generation. This is also the only one that rustle my jimmies every time i see someone not doing that. I really dislike teams with "older" pokemons, even if it's a revenant in sun or moon to set a recent example.
>>27539120didn't see the ones i posted above but also i'm this guy