[38 / 6 / ?]
ITT: En este hilo, algo de información de Sol/Luna (Y no lo traduzco al Inglés, por que el traductor de Google es porquería pura) Primero y principal, en estas últimas 5 semanas estuve trabajando en el equipo de Traducción para España, obviamente para evitar "Filtraciones" el director nos muestra apenas imágenes de algún nuevo Pokemon y nos dan los diálogos a traducir; no hay mucho que contar pero dejó algunos datos:>Los Pokémon fósiles de Alola son los siguientes: Un Cangrejo Geograpsus Severnsi llamado Greonaa (De GEOgrapsus, y Moana que es Océano en Hawaiano) de tipo Roca/Agua, y del otro no tengo conocimientos (No tuve suerte de su traducción ni nada) >Las evoluciones finales de los Iniciales "filtrados" por los chinos son "verdaderofalso", realmente son versiones beta del mismo; la evolucion final de Rowlet casi no varía (exceptuando que pierde la capucha que tiene, y las alas que cambian algún detalle), la evolución de Litten en la versión final varía en que sus manos tienen 4 dedos en vez de 5, su cinturón esta más estabilizado, la cola está más rizada, y su ataque característico es doble tipo: Lucha/Siniestro; y la evolución de Popplio no aprecie ninguna diferencia en si. >La Región Alola transcurre 20 años antes de los sucesos de Rojo/Azul/Verde, por eso no "hay gimnasios", en Alola se origina las Ligas Pokemon. >Las versiones Alola son de Pokemon que migraron o fueron integradas ahi (Como Sandslash, Ninetales, Walrein, Dodrio, Heliolisk entre otros) y los que son "originarios o nativos" (Caso de Exeggutor, Staryu, Malamar, Etc), y aclaró, no son los únicos con formas Alola, pero eran los únicos de que tengo conocimientos. >Los Pokémon transferidos a Sol y Luna desde XY/ORAS conservarán el Pentágono Azul; Los provenientes de Rojo/Azul/Verde/Amarillo de VirtualConsole tendrán un Triangulo Rojo, y los provenientes desde PokémonGO tendrán un Círculo Verde. Continúa
>Las mega evoluciones regresan obviamente, podrás encontrar las mega piedras durante el juego, pero no tendrás acceso a mega evolucion hasta el postgame. >Lillie tendrá un papel importante durante el transcurso del juego, pero más aún en el desarrollo de Zygarde en Alola; Ella tendrá un Blandin desde el inicio (sin saber nisiquiera que es un Zygarde, lo descubrirá con el transcurso de la historia, como pasa por ejemplo en el Anime) >Por lo poco que traduci en lo relacionado del Online/Wi-Fi, los filtros para buscar Pokémon serán mejorados. Realmente no es la gran cosa, pero es lo que pude "recopilar" en estas semanas de trabajo que tuve la dicha de participar, de creer quedará en cada uno, mucho más no puedo hacer :^)
>>27539868 Lo haría, but Google Translate ruin all
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This is an english speaking board
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>>27539882 >but Google Translate ruin all alright you already blew your 'cover' you can stop pretending now
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I'm English and OP is basically saying he's a faggot. You've just got to see the Reddit-like image of the first post to notice it.
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I should be able to read this shit. But alas, I can not.
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>>27539845 Hey OP. My spanish is a little shitty but I'll bite.
Que son los typos de las formas alona que revelaste?
>>27539845 >trabaja en traduccion >cant write in english Anonymous
I know basic spic so I'll try and translate:>Alola's fossiles are going to be: a crab-like named Greonna (GEOgrapsus, and Moana which means Ocean in Hawaian), Rock/Water type, and I don't know the other one. >The leaked evolutions of the starters are not the real one, but they're close. Rowlet's final is almost the same, except that it loses that kind of hood and some details. Litten's final evo has 4 "fingers" not 5 , his belt is very "estabilizado" (wtf??) and his peculiar move is Fighting/Ghost type; Popplio's final is the one that leaked. >SuMo takes place 20 years before Red/Blue/Green, that's why there's no gym leaders and no league; the league will be created in Alola >there will be more Alola forms than the ones already known >Pokémon transferred on SuMo from XY/ORAS will have a blue pentagon, those from Red/Blue/Green a red triangle and those from PokémonGO a green circle. literally nothing new
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>>27539845 this is an english speaking board. assimilate or leave
Key Information
>One fossil mon is a crab named Greonaa, based on Geograpsus severnsi >Chink leaks are mostly true, with some minor details changed (Rowlett loses the hoodie and has slightly different wings, El Tigre has four fingers instead of five, has a fuzzier tail and has a double type attack [Fighting/Dark], Poppmaid looks pretty much the same. >The story takes place 20 years before Red/Blue/Greens story, thats why there are no gyms and the League starts in Alola. >Alola versions are migrated or introduced species (Sandslash, Ninetales, Walrein, Dodrio, Heliolisk, etc) or native species (Exxegutor, Staryu, Malamar, etc), These arent the only ones that have forms >XY/ORAS mons will keep the blue pentagon, VirtualCOnsole ones will have a Red triangle, Pokemon Go mons will have a Green Circle OP is a translator from Spain and doesnt have a lot of info.
Por cierto OP, sabes los tipos de los Pokemons que tienen formas alola?
Puedes dibujar un pokemon que viste?
Que quieres decir con que el cinturon de El Tigre esta mas estabilizado?
>>27539982 >Pokemon was made in English by John Gamefreak Nice one Americuck
>>27540037 >Litten's peculiar move is FIghting/Ghost My bad, I meant Fighting/Dark
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>>27539982 Creo que OP es el fail más grande de la vida.
>>27539868 According to OP:
>Alolan fossi mons are a Geograpsus Severnsi crab called Greonaa and another he doesn't know. The crab is rock/water. >Leaked final starter evos are not entirely true. There's a redesign for Rowlet's final evo without the hood, Litten's evo has an attack with dual fighting/dark type. Popplio's doesn't change. >S/M takes place 20 years before RBY. That explains the lack of gyms, as there's no established concept of Pokemon League. >There's more mons with Alola forms. Namely Walrein, Dodrio, Heliolisk, Staryu, Malamar. >Pokemon can be imported from Pokemon Go. >Mega evolutions return, but are usable only after defeating the champion. >Lillie has a major role. >WiFi pokémon search filters will be improved. TL;DR
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>>27540046 >>27540037 What the fuck, you'll be able to transfer pokémon from GO? I hope this is not true
>>27540052 >>27540037 Does a Fighting/Dark type dual move offer literally any advantages over just a Fighting or Dark type move? I'm struggling to think of the applications.
>>27540075 >>Mega evolutions return, but are usable only after defeating the champion. >>Lillie has a major role. >>WiFi pokémon search filters will be improved. why you lying?
>>27540080 Basically a fighting type move that hits Ghost and Psychic types supereffectively
>>27540094 It's what OP said.
>>27540120 It's on his second post
>>27539882 Anonymous
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>>27539845 English board, OP. English.
Ok Ill translate in full ITT: Some info about Sun/Moon For the past 5 weeks I've been working on the translation team for Spain. Obviously to avoid leaks the director barely shows us images of new Pokemons and then gives us the dialogue that need to be translated; There's not much but here are some facts:>One of the fossil pokemons is a Georapsus Severnsi crab called Greonaa (Geo from Geograpsus and Moana which is Ocean in Hawaiian). It is water/rock type. I have no knowledge of the other fossil pokemon because unluckily I wasn't assigned to translate it. >The leaked final starter evos aren't completely real, they are "beta" versions and show some minor changes in their latest versions. Rowlets evo has barely any changes except the hood is gone; Littens final evo has 4 fingers instead of 5, it's belt is more "stabilized" (not sure what he meant here), the tail is more curled and he has two types Fire/Dark. Popplios Evo doesn't show any changes. >Events of the Alola region take place 20 years before Red/Green/Blue, that's why there aren't gyms, the concept of League originates from Alola. >The Alola version of Pokemons are divided between Pokemons that were introduced into the region (Sandlash,Ninetales,Walrein,Dodrio,Heliolisk among others) and those that are originally native to the region(Exeggutor,Staryu, Malamar etc.) These aren't all the Pokemons with Alola forms, just those that I have knowledge of. >Pokémon transferred from XY/ORAS keep the pentagon, those from RGBY have a red triangle, and those from Pokémon Go will have a green circle
>>27540046 >>27540037 >>27539882 >>27539845 If OP is a translator why can he only speak Spanish?
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>>27539845 Eres catalan a que si?
Los juegos de pokemon tienen traduccion al catalan?
Llevadlo al TC a que se haga ley
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>>27539845 Y lo traducis del ingles o del japones?
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>>27540129 Hmm I missed that. My apologies
>>27540098 Wouldn't Ghosts still be immune? And it would hit Psychic types for neutral damage.
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>>27540146 Cont.
>Mega Evolutions return, you'll be able to find megastones during the game but will not be able to mega evolve until post-game >Lillie will have an important role in the game especially in the development of Zygarde in Alola, She will have a Blandin(????) since the beginning without knowing it is Zygarde. She'll find out during the story just like it happens in the anime. >From the small amount I translated of the online/Wi-Fi sections there will be better filters for searching Pokemons Anonymous
>>27540177 Psychic types do not resist fighting.
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>>27540154 Because he probably speaks Spanish and Japanese
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>>27540154 Its more likely for people to be able to speak Spanish than Japanese, is likely their angle
I have no particular reason to believe this leak for now, but if Corocoro/the 12th has anything that matches what is said here, I'll reconsider.
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Nice b8 Spanishfag, 2/10, now KYS
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>>27540146 >Events of the Alola region take place 20 years before Red/Green/Blue, that's why there aren't gyms, the concept of League originates from Alola. >the rotomdex is an amelioration of the pokedex WE NEED TO BUILD AN INTERNET WALL AND MAKE THE SPICS PAY FOR IT