>>27544581>Electric/Steel is the most resistant dual type combo>Iron Barbs is a good ability>Is chubby so may have okay bulk>Is a Pikaclone so may have good Sp Atk>Might even know Rapid Spin for that Sonic reference being a hedgehog and allIron Barbs + Leftovers + Volt Switch/Flash Cannon/Rapid Spin would make for a decent utility pivot. I honestly think you're being a bit too harsh on it. So what if it's a "clone"? It's a fun traditional variation like the fossil-mons, it's completely harmless. Emolga is the only decent clone out of the bunch and it's by way of it's decent typing. Plusle, Minun, Pachirisu and Dedenne are absolute trash though, I'll give you that. But they have their merits. They get more and more varied with each gen conceptually.