Kind of odd.
I mean, it's not like we never had masculine pokemon before who are also available as female, but Lucha's design is rather hard to picture as a female, more than Emboar (I guess Bianca's Emboar helped a little on that and what many like to call its beard is mostly fire and barely resembles a beard and we are talking about boars here, which are normally big and thick) or Blaziken (doesn't really have anything gearing towards male or female or am I wrong? Seems rather athletic at most, you could argue whether it's a actual rooster, but its name has -iken in it, which indicates chicken).
And then we have... Lucha cat. I think if he were more leaner, it'd probably be easier to picture it as a female, but its body resembles too much like the actual body of a wrestler man, which seems really strange, compared to Litten's more leaner body. Only god knows what's going on in its middle evolution as we speak or how it transitions into this. I'm not saying "ditch the muscles", but its proportions seem like they could have been worked a little more upon. If he by any chance, is kind of like Typhlosion and can occasionally run on all fours, who knows. It's rather hard picturing that scenario though because of its bulk though too.
I'm also most probably the only one who thinks the fire belt seems rather unfinished and not really making all that much sense, but eh. The gray in its chest seems rather awkward too, it somehow clashes with its color palette. Not sure if it'd look better with some other color.