>>27563671It has a good use of complementary colors (unlike ballio) the veiled segments break up the torso so it's not one awkward negative space, same with the pearls and the hair. they also create one continuous pattern down the body from head to shoulders to hips to "ankles"
The eyes are well proportioned to both the head and the hair while maintaining the basic seal head shape from popplio (consider what would happen if there were no hair, or if the eyes were closer to popplio's in proportion or shape as an alternative)
the seal flipper arms manage to walk the line between both humanoid at the shoulder but still seal-like at the "fingers"
Speaking of humanoid, it also totally dodges being overtly humanoid (unlike the litten evo by comp.) the chest is both concealed and without any indication of breasts, the face is more animal than human, the hands are again flippers, and the tail is just that.
The fins/spikes and starfish also balance out the nose from being a singularly out of place feature.
It's just a solid design all around