Sorry, I had to step away from a few minutes. Instead of replying to individual questions I'll just write a lot of general answers.
Pikipek unfortunately stays Normal/Flying, but it does get a nice new multi-hit flying move for Skill Link
Komala evolves onces, stays Normal
Rockruff has two split evos, one during the day and one at night. They are pure Rock and Rock/Dark
Drampa has a single pre-evo, same type
Bruxish does not evolve or have a pre-evo
Cutiefly has two evos, same type
Togedemaru obviously doesn't evolve
I already covered Salandit and Wimpod
Bounsweet evolves twice, becomes Grass/Psychic
Bewear and Mimikyu have no evolutionary relatives, neither does Oricorio
Comfey evolves onces, stays Fairy
Minior have one evo, it's the new Magnemite/Diglett...
There are 10 Trial Captain, one on Mele Mele, three on Akala, four on Ula Ula and one on Poni. There types, in order, are Normal, Grass, Water, Fire, Electric, Ground, Psychic, Steel and Ghost. The Kahunas are not type specific, they instead use the best Pokemon found on there respective islands.