Speaking of Pokemon fangames, there was one coming out that had a Mega Arcanine and used a Pokemon D/P/Pt aesthetic and I can't remember the fucking name for it. I was looking for it because I wanted to check out how bad some were.
On that note, Pokemon Insurgence is okay but still has bugs from the fucking year version 1.0 came out (in late 2014/early 2015), however it lets you dominate everything with Golurk which is okay.
Pokemon Reborn and Rejuvenation try, and there's obvious quality all over it, but it's so fucking sluggish and it seems to rely on "competitive style" teams but make it difficult to validly set one up early on - and due to imposed level caps if you over-level you gotta waste money on items that de-level them. i do like that Rejuvenation lets you potentially get Ralts or Axew though as starters. Oh and the art-styles for both vary wildly from cool to hot topic shit and makes me think the guy developing them never left 2008.