>>27615368You really have bad attitude .
usually i write my comments short .
like compress....
it's hard to write on iphone ,and check miss spell.
Like I wrote , now.
if you want,.... elaborate.
I'm here for you. y o u r @email??
Everyone can understand except you.
And if you know ,what's commas for ,you can easily understand.
And what do you think who are you.
You are new here. Right,and You just read my one comment....hoo
A comma marks a slight break between different parts of a sentence. commas make the meaning of sentences clear by grouping and separating words, phrases, and clauses.
you know ,how commas works .
you know ,what's commas for.
in london people use both sentence in speaking.
so no one's cares....
i think. you newly learn english grammar .But
A positive attitude can make life a lot easier.
Hope you understand what i mean