>>27622967I didn't decide anything or go out of my way to find tiny details though? Fuujin is a well known Japanese myth, I didn't even have to do research. Fuu literally means "wind" in Japanese. I knew it existed and popular depictions of Fuujin claim he wears the skin of a leopard, and Suicune's entries make various references to the North Wind. Fuujin is referenced in a lot of Japanese media, and I actually find interest in other cultures' myths. I told you, I made a comparison based on legends, not even an obscure legend at that.
And "decided beforehand" that it was a leopard? I didn't, I said "is more like x than y", not "is x and not y". That's called an opinion. And when my opinion came into scrutiny I provided two comparisons(base stat speed as well) for why I believed it to be related more to a leopard than a cheetah.
>>27623003Also this.
Like I'm really sorry you want Suicune to be a cheetah so bad you have to tell me I'm reaching when all I did was make a comparison based on my opinions and canon references? I can say that Suicune could be based off of a cheetah too because it's a more popular jungle cat to go along with Entei's lion and Raikou's tiger if you like, but that probably counts as reaching as well.