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No.27697322 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do you plan to celebrate the release of Sun and Moon, /vp/?

I've seen various people with various plans, ranging from going to a midnight release to full on planning a Hawaiian style luau party. (I wouldn't be surprised if the Hawaiian restaurant nearby that's a Pokestop in Pokemon GO has some sort of special event for it, either.)

Personally, I'm ordering the Amazon bundle with the steel case so I have no current plans for release day, but the day after I'm going to the Pokemon Symphonic Evolutions concert and hopefully will get to meet a lot of other people and share cool things we've discovered in the games with each other. It's been so long since I've gotten new Pokemon information from word of mouth rather than posts on the Internet, so I'm really hoping enough secrets will be kept within the first two weeks or so (and the whole game doesn't leak this week).