Thank you for the Larvitar, friend. Have a good one!
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
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>>27698138 LF: Friendship
FT: Shitposts
J. 2466-5751-4811
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Looking for FCs. Anyone willing to add?
1993 7126 3028
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
Quoted By:
>If you want a more restrictive general, please make your own and promote it. We have, for years and this is it :)
1993 7126 3028
Quoted By:
>injectorfuck made the thread again
Justice 5172-0501-8138
>>27698138 Hello wifi-gen. Does anyone have a HA Golett/Golurk? I am looking to expand my Ghosts.
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>27698449 i've got one. you can have it
Justice 5172-0501-8138
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>>27698536 Yay. Thank you anon. I'll add you in a moment.
Chump 2595-1944-2616
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Anyone want to trade some pokemon? I'm almost up to the third gym on my run of Poke Y I'm trying to gather a bunch of fossils before I continue.
Joel 2707-2960-1647
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Please help, looking for these Viviliion patterns:>Meadow >Archipelago >Sandstorm >Monsoon >Savanna >Sun >Jungle I have Polar, Modern and Elegant to trade. GTS is killing me
What is /wfg/ breeding for? Heavy slam onix (eventually mega steelix) here.
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>>27698818 Flawless Relaxed Pineco
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>>27698818 I'm breeding for a Slowking. Got my teams mapped out and now I'm trying to get them competitive af
>>27698818 Shiny Moon Meditite, 520 eggs in.
>>27699611 Any leftover females?
Paulo !5RRtZawAKg
>>27699648 A box full of penta females and another with males.
>>27699668 Can I get a female? I was thinking of asking someone for a Heavy ball Meditite for the shiny, but Moon can work too
Paulo !5RRtZawAKg
>>27699748 Sure, send me a TR when you can.
Quoted By:
>>27699778 I'm online now and don't see you
>>27699778 Are we not friends?
Paulo !5RRtZawAKg
>>27699836 I think you're just on my acquaintances list, don't recall adding your FC.
Enjoy your psychic monkey breeding!
Quoted By:
>>27699860 I thought we were. That's strange. Thanks though
Jaquez [0447-6545-0102] (Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula)
Jaquez [0447-6545-0102] (Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula) Thu 11 Aug 2016 06:23:07 No. 27700097 Report Quoted By:
Yo, I need some Vivillions>Archipelago >Garden >Jungle >Meadow >Monsoon >Ocean >Sandstorm >Savanna >Sun >Tundra I have High Plains Viviillon for trade
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Anyone got any interesting breedjects they'd be willing to spare? I'm bored and looking to breed
Rating: 1520 Total Battles: 41 Wins: 21 Losses: 20 How do I get gud?
>>27700351 What constitutes interesting?
>>27700581 Off-meta, rare, or HA.
Stuff like Teddiursa, Cradily, Trubbish, etc
>>27700622 I was breeding cradilly with egg moves, will you be on later in the afternoon?
>>27700672 Possibly, I'll try
>>27700682 Ill make a post when i get home then. What mons have you got so far?
>>27700561 I'm doing so much worse... On x/y I was around 1850-1900 elo and I think I hit 2,000 once but now in ORAS I'm getting slammed and am stuck in 1300's like a shitter. 23 wins 35 losses
>>27700731 Too many to list, I mainly just breed for fun
>>27700663 Currently running a PoliColo + Kanga core
This is my first time battling and I dont have the right prediction skills yet and I still dont know the movesets of uncommon pokemon
>>27700754 Did the meta really change that much from xy to oras?
>>27700906 You wouldnt have a ditto or something with a common egg group with a 0iv in speed would you?
>>27701050 I do have a 0IV speed actually, but only one
How viable is Pangoro? My Ursaring with quickfeet + flameorb + Facade is destroying online battles
Guys I'm gonna SR for Thundurus should I go for Timid nature or something else
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>>27701027 Maybe I've lost my touch. Balanced teams seem way less viable than before vs hyper offense, especially since mega mence is a thing now. I'd say before you could reasonably wall most pokemon and deter a setup or sweep but everything just hits so fucking hard now it just doesn't seem worth it to run hp EV's on anything BUT a wall since it's going to get oneshot anyways. Also people are packing status moves more often than before so I just haven't adjusted my playstyle.
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>>27701050 I have a 4iv spare male trick room mawile if you want it. Already ev trained and everything.
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>>27701085 It has a niche with Parting Shot giving other pokemon an opening to set-up, and it can lay on some serious damage with Iron Fist buffed Hammer Arms, but otherwise it is really slow, and has awful defensive typing for a tank.
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>>27701085 Wouldn't Toxic Orb be better? Facade's power isn't halved by the burn, but I'd be worried once I needed another move.
So I SR'd for a Suicune instead and got a Bold 31/x/31/31/30/31 in like 20 minutes. What the fuck. Now I'm in need of some more Master Balls. Will literally suck someone's dick here for a Master Ball or two. Anyone got some?
>opponent gets disconnected while hes clearly winning >this ends my losing streak I-I'll take it...
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>>27702661 >on a big loss streak >"Communication with the other trainer has been interrupted." Still on a loss streak.
Shellos Anon
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can anyone trade me a shellos? I put a lvl 2 sewaddle on gts IGN: Kade
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>>27702175 Some gts pokemon have master balls on them, get creative
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>>27702175 MFW I'd let you Anonymous
Looking for either a HA Purrloin or HA Emolga IVs aren't an issue, it's just the HA I need to start the breeding
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Good morning /wfg/.Mods making injectors go back to /ekx/ when?
Malice 0619-4179-2503
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Looking for a set of Legendary Burds. Have eventmons and other legendaries/HA mons to trade.
Any kind soul here with a 6iv ditto? Don't care if it's hacked or whatever, just want to breed legal mons out of it.
>>27705985 Why even add the part where you say you don't care if it's hacked, IT WILL BE HACKED. If you desperately want one, wait for an /ekx/ thread.
>>27706010 You mean this thread?
>>27706010 Why do general Autists always think the world should be handed to them?
>>27706033 >>27706020 Samefag. Enjoy the attempted consensus cracking.
>>27706010 Where's the /ekx/ thread?
I want a 6iv Ditto pokebros!
>>27706057 Ask your injectorbros to make one.
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>>27706066 I'm out of touch. What's an injectorbro?
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I have an autistic request to make. Can someone edit a master ball onto my Mewtwo?
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Thu 11 Aug 2016 13:38:55 No. 27707562 Report Quoted By:
>>27701202 I'd go modest cause it gets prankster, thunder wave, and agility. No need for speed.
I miss when TM's were single use. Why? They actually had some value. In D/P Stealth Rock was a TM AND you could only find one of it. So it had some ridicilous value (for people who didn't hack anyways, lul). It felt really good to save it for your best Pokemon and then bring it online. Good times. I want them to bring back single use TM's BUT make it so you can get multiple of each TM. For example:>There's a guy who once a day will sell you a random TM from a list >When Rock Smashing there is a 1 % chance that Rock Slide TM will drop and a 1 % chance that Stone Edge TM will drop >While fishing, you might occasionally find a water theme'd TM (Scald for example) Mind you this is in addition to there also being "normal" ways to get these TM's. For example you find Scald in a Pokeball somewhere... but if you want more TM Scald, you have to go fishing or trading. There are so many ways to make this game fun again, they just have to get creative. I don't expect them to, and next generation, well bred IV Pokemon will hold pretty much zero value because of hyper training. I guess only Master Ball will have value next gen, which is really sad.
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>>27701082 If you are still on the lileep are relaxed, have stealth rock, mirror coat, and recover. All 3 are male and 2 are suction cups, 1 is storm drain. I also have 3 roselia in friend balls @timid with leaf storm, sleep powder, spikes, and natural gift.
marc 4227-5263-2426
Looking for an ability capsule. Ask for what you want in return, Ill try to get it.
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>>27707648 I'll get you an Ability Capsule for a Master Ball.
MJ 3325-5937-2260
>>27707648 Put something up for a level 1 cyndaquil. I have spare ones so i dont need anything good in return
marc 4227-5263-2426
>>27707727 Lvl 1 sandile up for a cyndaquil. Message is vp. Thanks a lot.
MJ 3325-5937-2260
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>>27707796 Sent, enjoy :^)
Mile 5086-2617-8167 !!E3vgBMRACDN
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Yo anyone wanna trade shinies? I got a Gardevoir here I have no need for.
>>27707605 This is actually an awesome idea.
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Thu 11 Aug 2016 14:23:03 No. 27708438 Report >>27707605 Don't you need to get a poke to level 100 to hyper train it? That seems like the main incentive to get good IVs from the start
Mile 5086-2617-8167 !!E3vgBMRACDN
>>27708438 From what I've read on the internets, yes.
Also, I expect hyper training to be longer and tedious than other trainings, possibly keeping breeding relevant. After all, Game Freak never threw away the mechanics the players liked the most, right?
Mile 5086-2617-8167 !!E3vgBMRACDN
>>27708438 Oh btw, do you have a spare Joltik? I want to try one out when SM comes out.
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>Almost lose to Jolly Scarf Skarmory in battle maison lul
>>27708438 >>27708589 I wish they didn't make the level 100 thing a requirement, and instead just made it an expensive battle tower item like ability capsules.
I have autism and like to have my mons be level 50.
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>>27708678 I gots a feeling battle spot rules and vgc will be lvl. 100 instead of 50. Also maybe we'll get to use more than 3 Pokemon in singles.. just maybe
Mile 5086-2617-8167 !!E3vgBMRACDN
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>>27708678 ..That's indeed very autistic.
I think everyone here has mild autism in one way or another in Pokémon. I used to train my mons up to level 99 to go in combat against level 100s, just so my so-called handicap proves even further how awesome I am in battling Anonymous
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>>27707605 This is the kind of grinding mechanic the games need, not running up and down with a Volcarona and 5 eggs for a few days till you can play online.
That said, I remember back in the day of single use TMs, people with multiple games/DSs had a massive advantage as they only played 1 game and farmed TMs on the other one.
>>27709322 It takes you a few days to grind out a mon? Anon, you're doing something wrong here.
Unless it's for a shiny, then that's understandable, and it should take some time and effort or immense luck.
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>>27709363 Breeding is "hard" and my mother only allows me two hours of 3DS a day and I shouldn't put in work to play against other ten-year olds on the internet.
It's like GF wants me to hack!
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Thu 11 Aug 2016 15:16:26 No. 27709430 Report >>27708657 you mean a HA joltik?
>>27709363 A whole team would definitely take days, unless you play 24h straight.
I'm sorta new to breeding and I'm scared of playing online before I get a perfect team, because I assume everyone else will have one.
>>27709322 >That said, I remember back in the day of single use TMs, people with multiple games/DSs had a massive advantage as they only played 1 game and farmed TMs on the other one. Which is why you should be able to farm them within your game, but it should take some effort.
Mile 5086-2617-8167 !!E3vgBMRACDN
>>27709430 Ah, just realized they're your friend safari.
>>27709446 >sorta new to breeding There ya go. Don't talk like you know if you don't, man.
It takes a few hours to get several mons if you are efficient and already have parents for various egg groups, o powers, and all your items and charms.
>>27709460 I wouldn't necessarily be opposed to this, since then you could add something to the economy of the game.
Admittedly, hackers would destroy this economy just like they do the economy of the Pokemon themselves, but still, it'd be nice for the communities that actually care about game integrity.
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>Get hax'd by the Sheer Cold Articuno trainer in battle maison And now I remember why no one likes that place :^)
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Thu 11 Aug 2016 15:21:56 No. 27709530 Report >>27709482 I actually added a guy with the same friend safari as me yesterday, so I can get you one.
Danny 4983-5481-5400
Does anyone have a female HA Gible in a non-standard Pokeball? Nature and IV don't matter at all, I just need the HA and the balltism. If anyone has a Dragon-type Friend Safari that'd be cool too.
Anzu 1118-0480-4405 !1LzP4huzT6
>>27709533 I have a dragon safari, but I can't remember what is in it to save my life.
Mile 5086-2617-8167 !!E3vgBMRACDN
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>>27709530 Mnah, that won't be necessary. Thanks anyway!
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon)
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon) Thu 11 Aug 2016 15:24:58 No. 27709594 Report >>27709533 I can catch you a gabite in a FS, what ball do you want?
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>>27709515 Yeah the economy is completely fucked in this generation. It's so easy to get items. You can just use whatever poke miles you got from doing GTS and spend them on attractions to get rare items like PP Max, and rare berries, and items that you'd normally pay BP for..
At least they're keeping Master Ball fairly rare, and there is the very expensive and rare Ability Capsule which I personally don't care much for (now if only you could turn normal abilities into the HA.. oh mama)
Danny 4983-5481-5400
Quoted By:
>>27709594 Thank you! A Great Ball would be awesome please.
Danny 4983-5481-5400
>>27709580 That's fine, I added you anyway just in case. Plus I can never have too many Friend Safaris.
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon)
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon) Thu 11 Aug 2016 15:33:36 No. 27709787 Report >>27709747 Add me then start a trade
I'm new to breeding. I'm about to breed for the first time with a 6iv Ditto I got from a kind anon. What should I breed first?
Danny 4983-5481-5400
Anzu 1118-0480-4405 !1LzP4huzT6
>>27709747 >Plus I can never have too many Friend Safaris That's where you're wrong. You can.
>>27709810 A legitimate parent.
Quoted By:
>>27709810 Breed the first pokemon you pick up from wonder trade.
Wait, you need to actually have friends to go on a friend safari? Fuck this game, I'm done, normies get all these rare mons with good IVs, fuck this.
Danny 4983-5481-5400
Quoted By:
>>27709787 This is great, thanks for your help.
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>>27709874 >he wasn't around at the release of X/Y when /v/ held daily friend safari threads where people spam added each other rip anon
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can anyone help me figure out why my game wont stay in the same area i was when i saved the game? when i gen pokemon ( the genned pokemon stay but not the location isaved at)
Danny 4983-5481-5400
Ok, so I actually need another Pokemon for Friend Safari. If anyone has a Dark-type Safari with Sableye in it I'd appreciate it if I could add you.
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon)
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon) Thu 11 Aug 2016 15:44:58 No. 27710026 Report >>27709995 If all you need is a HA sableye I can catch you one.
Do the legendaries in XY and ORAS always come with 3 perfect IVs and a good nature when you catch them?
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Thu 11 Aug 2016 15:49:13 No. 27710103 Report Quoted By:
>>27710083 Nature is random but is affected by synchronise
>>27710083 Seems to be the case in ORAS for sure.
>Good nature No you need to have a synchronizer and it's still only 50 % chance to get the right nature.
Danny 4983-5481-5400
>>27710026 Dude thank you so much. I'd like it in a Luxury Ball if that's cool.
Do you want anything from all this? I don't have much but I can get you shit at the Battle Maison.
>>27710107 I newgamed my Y and just caught the Mew2, it was perfect atk/def/spatk and a decent nature, was wondering if I got lucky or it's like this for everyone.
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon)
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon) Thu 11 Aug 2016 15:57:03 No. 27710269 Report >>27710143 nah, np, if you really want just give me anything. Maybe a female reject from a breeding project you have is enough.
Mile 5086-2617-8167 !!E3vgBMRACDN
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>>27709836 >let me police how you play :^)
Is there a specific reason why I should use a legit parent instead of a 6iv Ditto?
>>27710307 Probably just morals. Also consider that the easier you make things, the less rewarding they feel.
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon)
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon) Thu 11 Aug 2016 16:00:39 No. 27710340 Report >>27710307 faster breeding, but if the legit parents are from the same language then is harder to make a shiny.
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>>27710307 No. People are just autists here. Use a 6IV Ditto.
Anzu 1118-0480-4405 !1LzP4huzT6
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>>27710307 Because it's fun to meme about. Also if you're an integrityfag like many of us, you get to join the exclusive club.
Mile 5086-2617-8167 !!E3vgBMRACDN
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>>27710307 There's literally no difference in the offspring whether you use a 6iv Ditto or not. Whether or not you'll use one depends on if you have the time to spend 10 hours to get your wanted baby or not.
>>27710329 Breeding is not hard, just extremely tedious and boring. I used to breed with 1 IV Dittos in Black, it was pure cancer and fuck doing that ever again.
>>27710340 How would a legit Ditto make the breeding faster? I literally don't give a single fuck about shinies.
Danny 4983-5481-5400
>>27710269 I have a Buneary in a Love Ball if that's ok. She knows Ice Punch, Fake Out, and Circle Throw.
Trolling through my Pokemon Bank after all this time is a nightmare. I'm gonna have to organize this this better over the weekend or something.
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon)
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon) Thu 11 Aug 2016 16:04:07 No. 27710428 Report >>27710376 not a legit ditto, my friend, but a parent of the same species makes eggs faster.
>>27710376 >Breeding is not hard, just extremely tedious and boring. Well that's just like, your opinion, man. But I mean with that attitude might as well go ahead and inject all your Pokemon. Or play a different game. Something like Overwatch might suit your attention span a little better.
>>27710423 Do you have more leftover buneary? I'll trade you a heavy ball larvitar for her.
Anzu 1118-0480-4405 !1LzP4huzT6
Quoted By:
>>27710376 It's not that tedious if you know what you're doing and get 5iv parents from different egg groups.
It's not this week long endeavor that injectorfags or injected ditto players seem to think it is.
Quoted By:
>>27710428 Well, eventually, you just transition to using the breeded pokes are the parents, right?
>>27710450 I played the most autistically grindy Korean MMORPG for 13 years. It was less tedious than running up and down for hours.
Granted, I haven't bred in Gen 6 yet so it might be easier here.
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon)
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon) Thu 11 Aug 2016 16:08:55 No. 27710528 Report >>27710423 buneary is fine, thanks anon, I'm still trying to get that HA sableye, proved to be harder than I thought.
Not sure where to ask this so might as well do it here: Can I play online with midly above average shitmons (1 good IV, decent EVs, somewhat decent natures) or will I just get destroyed by literally everyone?
Danny 4983-5481-5400
>>27710477 Yup, I have several. Let me add you and we can trade.
>>27710528 No worries man, I don't mind waiting.
>>27710579 Just give it your best anon.
EV's do give a lot of stats as does natures, so I'd recommend you at least try to work on those. EV training is very easy and fast with horde encounters.
Quoted By:
>>27710581 Thank you.
5301-2979-4457 Anonymous
>>27710627 All my shit is EV trained and have somewhat decent natures and their most important IV perfect (I used to breed them with 1IV Dittos in White 2 and send them over).
From what it seems to me, unless you got perfectmons you shouldn't even bother, is that true?
Anzu 1118-0480-4405 !1LzP4huzT6
>>27710659 You can beat shitters without perfect Pokemon. You won't beat higher rated people with shitmon, though.
Basically goes for every competitive game ever.
You can dump on low rated people no matter what you use, but when you play against people that are good, you will want every advantage.
But honestly, it's piss easy getting pentas in gen 6. Not only do you have a ton of people willing to give you free shit on forums, but you can farm guaranteed 2-3 perfect iv Pokemon in gen 6, and destiny knot guarantees 5 ivs get passed down from the parents.
Like, if you can't get a few pentas going from legitimately breeding in gen 6, or beat shitters, then Pokemon might just not be your game.
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>>27710659 Nah you can do fine with meh IV's. At the end of the day it's a game and you're supposed to have fun and if you're having fun then you're having fun and I wouldn't care too much about the details at that point.
>>27710755 How do you farm guaranteed 2-3 perfect IVs?
I know about destiny knot. I'm in the process of moving my whole White 2 breeding operation over to my Y now and see how it goes.
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Thu 11 Aug 2016 16:26:39 No. 27710862 Report Quoted By:
>>27710834 DexNav and Friend Safari
Anzu 1118-0480-4405 !1LzP4huzT6
>>27710834 Friend safari is guaranteed 2-3 ivs, dex nav can give you guaranteed 2-3 ivs.
Event mons all have 2-3 ivs. All legendaries have 2-3 ivs.
The game shits em out.
>>27710878 Guess I'll do the dexnav shit in my OR then, since they made friend safari only for normies.
I need to learn that shit, so I can at least do it properly once Sun/Moon comes out.
Anzu 1118-0480-4405 !1LzP4huzT6
>>27710913 Dexnav even gives you egg moves and hidden abilities. It's ridiculously easy.
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Thu 11 Aug 2016 16:31:46 No. 27710968 Report >>27710913 Well if you're on here you can ask people to exchange friend codes. My Friend Safari is pretty shit but there are a lot of good ones around. Also if you happen to have a good one you might be more likely to get requests.
>>27710878 >>27710938 Also, if what you're saying about legendaries is true, does that mean that all these legendaries I've been tranfering with me since Gen 3 are now obsolette?
Danny 4983-5481-5400
>>27710968 How do you find out what kind of Friend Safari you have? Or do you just have to ask someone else to go on your Friend Safari to find out for you?
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Thu 11 Aug 2016 16:33:57 No. 27711023 Report Quoted By:
>>27711006 As far as I know someone needs to check for you
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon)
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon) Thu 11 Aug 2016 16:35:37 No. 27711043 Report >>27711006 Yours is Electric: Pachirizu, helioptile and Luxio
Shame all electrics I have have pachirizu and helioptile, I would love a pikachu and emolga one.
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Thu 11 Aug 2016 16:37:19 No. 27711069 Report Quoted By:
>>27711043 Yeah, mine makes me sad
Danny 4983-5481-5400
Quoted By:
>>27711043 Wow, that's pretty meh. Helioptile's pretty cool I guess.
Mile 5086-2617-8167 !!E3vgBMRACDN
>>27711043 Hey man, can you tell me what my Friend Safari shits out?
Anzu 1118-0480-4405 !1LzP4huzT6
>>27711001 Well, they can't be used in rated battles anyway because no pentagon, so in a way yeah.
They aren't bad trade fodder though if you are trying to complete your dex or living dex, and some legends are a bit annoying to acquire unless you have them from previous games.
>>27711107 Which are the hardest to acquire? I got every single game since gen 3 and I'm playing them at least once every couple of years.
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon)
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon) Thu 11 Aug 2016 16:42:29 No. 27711153 Report >>27711092 Grass: oddish, Swadloon and Gogoat
I'm sorry anon. Mile 5086-2617-8167 !!E3vgBMRACDN
>>27711153 hello darkness my old friend Anzu 1118-0480-4405 !1LzP4huzT6
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>>27711131 Things like Cresselia and lake spirits only appear at certain times of day, on certain days, or randomly.
With the bird trio, only one is obtainable depending on which starter you chose in XY.
Just nice if you already have them and don't want to do extra work to get them again.
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Thu 11 Aug 2016 16:45:17 No. 27711208 Report >>27711190 Actually want your FS because of reasons. Mind adding me?
I wonder if someone is insane enough to race me in the quest for a Master Ball drop. I've spent probably 6-8 hours on this so far and no luck. At this point I'm convinced the drop rate is like 0.1 % or some shit Currently doing level 1 cuz low on poke miles
>>27711238 What's the point?
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon)
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon) Thu 11 Aug 2016 16:49:04 No. 27711290 Report >>27711238 why would you want a MS so desperately?
Mile 5086-2617-8167 !!E3vgBMRACDN
>>27711208 sure thing friendo. I can't guarantee you'll stay in it very long, though, if I forget you in a couple days or so.
Quoted By:
>>27710083 >>27710167 Since XY, Pokémon in the Undiscovered Egg Group have been guaranteed to have values of 31 in at least three of their stats. This also happens to baby pokemon because they are also in the egg group.
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon)
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon) Thu 11 Aug 2016 16:50:49 No. 27711323 Report Quoted By:
>>27711295 I believe once you have him registered and both went online at the same time doesn't matter if you delete him, he'll still have you full FS.
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Thu 11 Aug 2016 16:51:19 No. 27711335 Report >>27711295 Thanks. Are you online now?
Mile 5086-2617-8167 !!E3vgBMRACDN
>>27711335 I was, like, 2 minutes ago. Need me online for me to register?
Danny 4983-5481-5400
Quoted By:
So I fucked up and accidentally made a new Pokemon Trainer Club account. Is it possible to delete this account? I tried googling it but all I get is Pokemon GO shit.
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Thu 11 Aug 2016 16:53:22 No. 27711381 Report Quoted By:
>>27711359 Yeah I do. I'll go online in 2 mins.
Is there any other way to inject Pokemon other than Homebrew? I remember when they had the QR Code thing, oh my god, how I miss that, but I really don't wanna risk breaking my 3Ds and I'm also not very tech savvy...
>>27711285 >>27711290 Well I need to reset for some legendaries and it's kinda stupid to do that without Masterball. So for the last couple days I been trying to get Masterball by masstrading, upgrading my secret base and now this minigame. And it's hell. I wish I could just buy one for like 300 BP or something. That'd be nice, still annoying because fuck the battle maison, but it would be good.
>>27711493 They patched that. You can inject with the QR, but you will need the homebrew installed.
It won't brick the 3ds. It hasn't bricked any other ones
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon)
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon) Thu 11 Aug 2016 17:35:20 No. 27712184 Report >>27711657 ok Anon, I have an extra one, but I'm somewhat busy right now, keep grinding and when I finish doing what I have to do I'll become active in the thread again, so ask me then. Do you have something interesting to give in return?
>>27711657 I also have an extra one, got any Leftovers (the item)?
Turns out Breeding is really easy in gen 6. I was scared since it was so much of a pain in gen 5 and gen 4. Time to breed some shit while watching TI.
>>27712240 do you want a 6iv ditto to help?
Anzu 1118-0480-4405 !1LzP4huzT6
>>27712240 It's incredibly easy and gives you something to auto pilot while watching something.
It's filled in a void that runescape left me so long ago.
>>27712293 Already got one from another anon, I moved my shit over from White 2 and now it's going smooth.
Thanks anyway anon!
>>27712300 The destiny know changes everything. Also, it feels like eggs hatch much faster than they used to.
Anzu 1118-0480-4405 !1LzP4huzT6
>>27712344 You have o powers as well. They cut your steps in almost half.
Despite the hate Verlisify gets, if people watched his breeding tutorial, I'm sure there would be a lot less people saying breeding is this super time consuming and tedious thing.
People just don't know the massive amounts of things gf added that simplifies it so heavily.
Ok, just to make sure: If I flush EV train, I still have to send the pokemon that's getting trained and holds the power item out first, then switch it, right? Or did they change it?
Anzu 1118-0480-4405 !1LzP4huzT6
>>27712418 Turn on xp share and everything in the party collects the evs. If they are holding a power item, they still get the bonus individually.
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>>27712450 So the exp share doesn't only share XP, but also EVs?
No more switching out to EV train lowbies?
Damn, that's easy.
The only thing left is to farm the power items and the choice items and I can go online, great.
>>27712218 I only have one Leftovers, if you give me some time I can try to farm another one.
>>27712184 Hmm, do you have anything in mind?
>>27712407 Most of these tweeks aren't explained ingame and it requires you to watch some HEY THERE ARE MY POKEMON FANS WHATS UP ITS XXXX FOR ANOTHERRRRRRRRRR POKEMON TIP! youtube videos to learn what to do.
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon)
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon) Thu 11 Aug 2016 18:02:45 No. 27712779 Report >>27712514 Fancy Pattern or Poké Ball Pattern vivillon just kidding, I dunno really, what I wanted was to have a living pokedex and I finished it yesterdayany rare thing you where going to delete with the old file?
Anzu 1118-0480-4405 !1LzP4huzT6
Quoted By:
>>27712626 Sure, but if you don't like the videos, the information is a quick google search away for you to read anyway.
For later on in the evening, does anybody have any Swirlix HA leftovers or a Swirlix friend Safari? Also, I have a fancy Vivillion from the 2014 event I've never touched. I'm debating on what to do with it. Anybody have any ideas? :^)
>>27712779 You must have misunderstood me, I'm not deleting my save file or anything. I'm Soft Resetting for them, I guess I should have specified. I'm simply turning my 3DS off until I catch a legendary that has good IV and nature.
I'm sitting on 200 BP so if you want a Capsule I could get you that.
I haven't played pokemon in a while, only recently beating Omega Ruby. Did a gen 6 pokegen come out or something? I got a lvl 100 shiny Bellossom via Wonder Trade and I'm wondering if this stuff is going around
Quoted By:
>>27712514 sure thing, I'll be around
>>27712870 I have HA swirlix
looking for a quite nature Aegislash or pre-evos Got tons of shinys and other Pokemon I want to trade. Friend code is 2552-5239-0191
>>27713014 Hackers always find a way :^)
>>27712021 I'm just not really sure how to do it:/
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon)
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon) Thu 11 Aug 2016 18:16:16 No. 27713114 Report >>27712893 I see, ok then, I have tons of capsules, give me whatever you want then.
>>27713072 I can breed you one but It might take quite a while.
>>27713090 I figured, I'm just kind of surprised considering it has the pentagon for gen 6
>>27713072 You don't need to put yourself through that trouble really but I would take it and it would be very appreciated just add me and let me know when your got it is there any Pokemon your looking for
>>27713114 I'll give you something useful, I think you'll like it. So are we doing this? I'm in a Blissey Base right now so I'm kinda stuck here for another 15 min or so but I'll find my FC after this..
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
Quoted By:
>>27713093 here you go buddy~
>>151369908 its as easy as dumping a folder on your SD, changing your theme then scanning a QR Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon)
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon) Thu 11 Aug 2016 18:26:03 No. 27713302 Report >>27713185 I have honedge parents ready because I bred them some time ago, they are just brave nature, so I'll see if I breed a quite, meanwhile I can also see if I get a Sassy as smogon says.
>>27713230 take your time, add me when you are done.
>>27713129 Pentagon just means that the pokemon's origin game is XY or ORAS. GF even made it even easier to make fake pokemon seem legit by making only shininess rely on pokemon ID if I remember correctly.
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>>27713344 yeah what I'm saying is I didn't realize injection was made possible in Gen 6. Not that I mind, It's just interesting
>>27713053 Nice! Is it a female and have any good IVs?
Also, I'm over the moon because I figured out I have a Pidgey I somehow transfered from HGSS that's in a repeat ball, and managed to get a Hexaperfect Pidgey in a neat ball. Life's good. So if anybody wants any neat IV Pidgeys in neat balls, let me know. They're timid for M-Pidgeot, but if you want an Adamant/Jolly one, I could manage if you gimme some time.
>>27713302 Ok cool I'm about to add you sassy would be good to yes
>>27713465 I apparently do not have any HA females left, so I'll rebreed one for you
BND 1177 - 9932 - 8209
>>27713302 Masterball guy here, added you now. Do you need mine as well? I haven't done this friend code thing since start of X/Y.. memory fails me. Anyways its in my name.
Mile 5086-2617-8167 !!E3vgBMRACDN
>>27713344 I used to struggle so much with injecting legit Pokémon in gen IV. Everything relied on PID back then! Now, injecting is a fucking breeze
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Thu 11 Aug 2016 18:45:03 No. 27713767 Report Quoted By:
>>27713731 Hey I didn't manage to get your friend safari before. Are you online?
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon)
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon) Thu 11 Aug 2016 18:46:36 No. 27713809 Report >>27713688 Ok, I'm ready, start a trade when you are, my IGN is the one I have there.
>>27713653 That's very sweet. Is there anything you want in return? I have one HA female Totodile left, and a Venonat with Giga Drain.
BND 1177 - 9932 - 8209
>>27713809 Thanks a ton dude!
>>27713826 anything is fine really, I'll let you know when I've got one
Would a Cubone bred in XY or ORAS evolve to Alolan form when transferred to Sun and Moon? I want to breed a shiny Cubone after seeing the new trailer.
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Hey anyone want 4-5 IV HA (M) Eevees?
Quoted By:
>>27714033 No one knows. Considering Alolan Marowak evolves from normal Cubone, it probably will.
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon)
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon) Thu 11 Aug 2016 19:05:51 No. 27714192 Report Quoted By:
>>27713871 np, enjoy it.
>>27713535 I got 2 sassy ones and haven't got a quite
or shiny yet, would you be cool with the Sassy or you really want the quite?
Are giveaways still a thing?
Quoted By:
>>27714033 Since they're normal forms, I think it's likely a transferred Cubone, Pikachu and Exeggcute could evolve into Alolan Form.
I don't think a transferred Sandshrew, Vulpix and Meowth would change forms when sent over or evolve into Alolan Form.
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon)
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon) Thu 11 Aug 2016 19:15:14 No. 27714437 Report >>27713535 never mind, got the quite, I can give you a sassy and a quite if you want.
>>27714392 there was one yesterday or the day before, I don't remember.
Ponder 5386-9515-7784
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>>27714437 I'm just curious, I used to give stuff away but that was in early 2015. Then, injecting came along and kind of killed giveaway general off for good.
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>>27714033 To be on the safe side, I would say no unless they don't want to use base form of those pokemon in Battle Spot and Tournaments.
Hey anyone want 4-5 IV HA (M) Eevees?
>>27714568 Can you set one aside for later?
>>27713905 >>27713826 Ok I've got one now, whenever you're ready
Mile 5086-2617-8167 !!E3vgBMRACDN
Anyone need anything injected? I'll do one or two requests before leaving.
I'm trying to get myself ready to start breeding stuff, do I have to do contests to be able to get Destiny Knot in ORAS?
>>27714924 Can I get an event Genesect?
Genesect lvl 100
Cherish ball
Rash nature
31 IVs
ID: 11016
Ability: Download
-Techno Blast
-Magnet Bomb
-Solar Beam
-Signal Beam
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon)
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon) Thu 11 Aug 2016 19:47:53 No. 27715153 Report >>27714924 meowth @
Master Ball lvl: 100
IV: 31 in all 6
pay day
last resort
iron tail
lvl: 100
All I need.
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon)
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon) Thu 11 Aug 2016 19:48:53 No. 27715178 Report Quoted By:
>>27715153 ah, also, female in a cute ball of your choosing as long as its legal.
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>27715134 >>27715153 You both are sad, you should learn to inject instead of inflating a retard's ego. It's really easy :)
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Thu 11 Aug 2016 19:49:56 No. 27715200 Report >>27715079 You can and should look this sort of thing up, but you have a 10% chance of getting it from Young Couple Lois & Hal after a rematch in Sea Mauville.
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>>27714732 Yeah of course, how will I find you??
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Anyone got a Chespin with spikes? HA or not doesn't matter
>>27715200 >>27715079 There's also this, but there's a spawn in XY with a Beauty trainer in Lumiose where you can get them, I can nab you one if you like
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon)
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon) Thu 11 Aug 2016 19:51:18 No. 27715235 Report >>27715193 I don't really care about injecting, I don't even plan on breeding the meowth or using it. Only thing I wanted from injecting was finishing the pokedex and I have already done it.
Quoted By:
>>27715200 I looked it up and it's listed as being received from a fan at a contest hall, that's why I was asking if I had to actually do a contest for it, but thanks
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>27715235 GTS is easier than begging on 4chins and making a retard feel ebin :)
Quoted By:
>>27715230 I'll grab one from the couple, but thanks for the offer
Mile 5086-2617-8167 !!E3vgBMRACDN
>>27715134 Sure, hold on a bit
>>27715153 Alrighty
>>27715263 >making a retard feel ebin :) But anon, this is an anonymous board
Jaquez [0447-6545-0102] (Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula)
Jaquez [0447-6545-0102] (Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula) Thu 11 Aug 2016 19:56:47 No. 27715381 Report Quoted By:
I checked my old copy of white and found that I had a dream ball Taillow! too bad it's male and you can't pass down the ball with a ditto, can you?
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>>27715263 Your hostility and attention to this just makes it worse. Just let it go, you encourage shitposting by giving any injector any acknowledgment, whether they are trying to be an attention whore or not
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon)
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon) Thu 11 Aug 2016 19:58:10 No. 27715418 Report >>27715263 Not really, it became easy only after I got my hands on infinite Icy snow Vivillon.
Speaking of Vivillon, does someone wants some Icy snow pattern?
Don't we have a separate thread for injects, anyways?
Mile 5086-2617-8167 !!E3vgBMRACDN
>>27715134 Do you mind if it'sa japanese event shiny Genesect?
>>27715418 Told ya that trick was amazing!
>>27715471 >>27715471 >Do you mind if it'sa japanese event shiny Genesect? Well, not really, as long as the name is english
But it's the last event mon I between me and my living dex, so it's just a preference.
>>27715432 No. You can make one, but I think what you meant is "an additional thread for injections"
Mile 5086-2617-8167 !!E3vgBMRACDN
>>27715551 Maybe it's because I've rushed, but I haven't found any GF Genesect file anywhere. I'll use the Genesect I already had (which isn't too bad, desu. It came from Black 2).
Get online, I'm coming
>>27715698 Huh, it's that bad huh? Where on the English speaking internet must I go for inject-free trading communities? And please don't say reddit.
Quoted By:
>>27715755 9777abe8aa9cc93aa36506eeec1505112b61500a13eb591e5ebc0541d7474d7d.onion
Tell them Elliot sent you.
Dan: 5300-9051-8710
>>27714924 Purrloin please
Jolly nature
Luxury Ball
31 IVs
>>27715709 Download this rar then just drag whichever file you want into PkHex.
It's the raw output of every event in gen6 :^) >>27715755 I think you can make a Hack-Free General /hfg/ here on /vp/ and you would get a lot of traffic
Quoted By:
>>27715755 Anyone want to Trade for a Shiny Luvdisc?
Quoted By:
>>27715709 Thank you very much
Quoted By:
>>27715860 It would fail because of casuals that can't read.
See: /wfg/
Mile 5086-2617-8167 !!E3vgBMRACDN
Quoted By:
>>27715859 In a minute!
>>27715860 Hey, thanks man!
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>27715755 This is a hack free community, just some nerds that belong on /soc/ think they can take over and make it a hug box for hacks for some autistic reason.
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon)
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon) Thu 11 Aug 2016 20:21:26 No. 27716015 Report Trying to breed Shiny Shinx, so if anyone wants shinx with egg moves and in a couple of hours 5 IV ask me. I also have some eggs which I don't remember what they are, so if someone want to trade surprise eggs I have those too.
>>27715971 You're right and I assume most of them get tired after a while. Not much to do with the game when you can just magically create whatever you want with little to no effort.
Mile 5086-2617-8167 !!E3vgBMRACDN
Quoted By:
>>27716025 >what is showdown 0632-0570-2173
>>27716015 I'll take that offer for the discarded shinx and surprise eggs.
also have a Shiny Luvdisc for trade, if anyone wants it.
What's the percent chance for a shiny if you're masuda methoding? 1/5000~? I'm tempted to take the plunge, since I got a 5IV Japanese Poliwag on the GTS, but I'm worried it won't end up with Swift Swim.
>>27716150 >literally what is google Mile 5086-2617-8167 !!E3vgBMRACDN
Quoted By:
>>27716150 1/512 I'm told.
Quoted By:
>>27715971 lol
>this tripfriend Tell me more about your group video chats on skype
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon)
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon) Thu 11 Aug 2016 20:27:49 No. 27716190 Report >>27716058 It says your code is not valid, also, for now the shinx are not 5IV.
Quoted By:
>>27716150 Shiny Charm + MM makes it 1/512
Anzu 1118-0480-4405 !1LzP4huzT6
Quoted By:
>>27716150 1/8000 normal
1/1000 mm
1/512 mm and shiny charm.
>>27716172 Gordon FC: 3626-2122-9652
>>27715322 Hey idk if you're still doing this but can you make me a
Landorus @ Life Orb
Shiny: No
Nature: Naive
31 IVs in all 6 Stats
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Ability: Sheer Force
- Earth Power
- Knock Off
- Rock Slide
- Sludge Wave
How would you like to go about trading?
>>27716190 shit, I must be developing dyslexia or something.
0362 - 0570 - 2173
sorry about that.
also, it's fine that the Shinx aren't 5IV.
Mile 5086-2617-8167 !!E3vgBMRACDN
>>27716225 I'll take a little pause because I'm drunk as hell and my tendies are close to done.
>>27715859 Dude, accept my trade already!
Dan: 5300-9051-8710
>>27716357 I haven't had a single trade pop up
Mile 5086-2617-8167 !!E3vgBMRACDN
>>27716385 Weird. I sent you 4 requests.
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon)
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon) Thu 11 Aug 2016 20:36:10 No. 27716416 Report >>27716262 ok, i'm ready, start the trade when you want.
Gordon FC: 3626-2122-9652
Quoted By:
>>27716357 Would you be able to do it eventually? Or not at all
Dan: 5300-9051-8710
>>27716403 Just refreshed the PSS thingy, you weren't showing up before
Mile 5086-2617-8167 !!E3vgBMRACDN
>>27716439 Alright, enjoy!
I went to Bournemouth and Poole too, btw
Dan: 5300-9051-8710
>>27716457 Thanks
And shit, you're a Dorset lad too?
Mile 5086-2617-8167 !!E3vgBMRACDN
>>27716488 Well not really, I was an exchange student.
Dan: 5300-9051-8710
>>27716525 Ah, right
Yeah, I just finished there a couple of months ago
Uni next, kill me now
>>27716416 shit, I thought I had more eggs than that. I guess I must have hatched them all.
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon)
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon) Thu 11 Aug 2016 20:42:16 No. 27716571 Report >>27716547 if you want just give me whatever, I don't really care.
Mile 5086-2617-8167 !!E3vgBMRACDN
Quoted By:
>>27716545 It gets easier, anon
Once you're like, 65 or so.
>>27716571 do you have the Y exclusives? meaning to get those, but I haven't yet.
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon)
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon) Thu 11 Aug 2016 20:45:39 No. 27716648 Report >>27716624 tell me which one you need, I'll breed some eggs for you.
>>27716545 >Uni next, kill me now Except it's literally better in every way. Trust me
Dan: 5300-9051-8710
>>27716671 Oh, I know
I'm just overdramatising
I'm pretty excited for it, desu
Gonna have to ration my student loan so I have cash for Moon and probably a N3DS
...I can live without food for a bit
>>27716648 Skrelp, Shellder, Throh, Larvitar, Purrloin, Spritzee, Skrelp and the cherry on top, Yveltal. Anyone of those would do wonders.
Mile 5086-2617-8167 !!E3vgBMRACDN
Quoted By:
>>27716737 Hahaha, I'm in the same boat! Luckily I live with my gf, so I'm sure she'll understand if I have to cut a little money on the side for Moon...
Quoted By:
>>27716737 >.I can live without food for a bit That's the spirit!
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon)
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon) Thu 11 Aug 2016 20:55:26 No. 27716889 Report >>27716788 I'll catch you a couple of those and when I'm done I'll tell you.
Joe 3883 5628 8591
>>27714832 Yo! HA Swirlix guy, you still here? Finally back at home and ready to take one of those lil cuties. I have:
-Female HA Totodile (only one, so if you don't have any bias for what you get, I'm gonna hold on to it)
-Multiple HA Male Totodiles
-Giga Drain Venonats
Or if anybody else has a female HA Swirlix.
So I'm restarting Pokemon Y and I want to do a run with 6 ghost type Pokemon, if anyone has some breedjects of the best type please send one my way
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon)
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon) Thu 11 Aug 2016 21:04:53 No. 27717168 Report >>27717121 I can give you a honedge egg
Any niggers have a Contrary Snivy to spare? I have a 5IV Speed Boost Carvanha in GTS, msg "With HA please". Trade me niggers
Quoted By:
>>27717168 That would be very nice my friend code is
5172 0591 5247
>>27717121 What's your ghostbro? I can give you an egg or a level 1 hatched of your best bro
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>27717121 i've got ha golett breedjects. you can have one
Quoted By:
>>27717183 put something on GTS for a level 1 female comment it /vp/
Ditto anon !!D32t5JBf4FE
Quoted By:
psst i'm trading dittos with 6 ivs from taiwan. They're in repeat balls holding life orbs.
Quoted By:
>>27717246 Can I please get a level 1 duskull please duskull is my bro
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>27717258 Golett is also a bro I will gladly take one
>>27717314 Thanks senpai. Just noticed that Carvanha wasn't HA. I can send you a 6IV with HA to make it up?
edbo 0275-8321-3934
Hey guys im looking for a Prankster Murkrow, can any one help me out?
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>27717354 don't worry about it, i've already got HA carvanhas. its not that big a deal really
>>27717335 adding you now. you can give me anything for it
Quoted By:
>>27717258 I will put up a poochyena on GTS for level 1 Golett with a message "/vp/ghost"
Quoted By:
>>27717402 I'll just add you thanks man
Anzu 1118-0480-4405 !1LzP4huzT6
Quoted By:
Anyone have a love ball or db female Mawile they can spare?
Was working on getting my own, but my ds lite is about to die and I can't find the charger.
;_; Some ballmons I got that I can breed to trade: Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon)
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon) Thu 11 Aug 2016 21:31:07 No. 27717709 Report Quoted By:
>>27716945 >Skrelp, Shellder, Throh, Larvitar, Purrloin, Spritzee Done with all of this, some are eggs though, start a trade when you are ready.
Joel 2707-2960-1647
Im still looking to trade Vivillion patterns, looking for:>Meadow >Archipelago >Sandstorm >Monsoon >Savanna >Sun >Jungle I have different Vivillion patterns to trade, 3 Polar, 3 Elegant and 2 Modern
I'm looking for level 1 frillish and drifloon if someone can trade me one or both I would be very happy
Joel 2707-2960-1647
>>27717762 Do you have any of the Vivillion patterns I'm looking for?
>>27717728 Anonymous
>>27717784 I don't have any vivillon yet I just restarted the game sorry
Joel 2707-2960-1647
>>27717813 Okay, I'll breed those two pokemon for you just give me a few minutes, do you want male or female frillish?
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon)
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon) Thu 11 Aug 2016 21:38:44 No. 27717844 Report >>27717728 If you tell me the location of those patterns I can reset a game to catch it. I could do 1 today.
Joel 2707-2960-1647
>>27717844 yeah! Scatterbug is fine!
Sun pattern is from Northern Territory, Australia
>>27717843 That's so nice of you thanks my friend code is 5172 0591 5247
Joel 2707-2960-1647
>>27717880 okay!
Male or female frillish? no preference?
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon)
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon) Thu 11 Aug 2016 21:43:17 No. 27717942 Report Quoted By:
>>27717873 Ok, help me first trade some snow pattern scatterbugs from the game to the other so I can keep them before resetting
Quoted By:
>>27717926 Oh yeah no preference really
edbo 0275-8321-3934
>>27717391 Willing to trade my Genesect for a prankster Murkrow...
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Thu 11 Aug 2016 21:47:18 No. 27718022 Report >>27717994 Golly, I'll go catch one
I assume it's legit?
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon)
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon) Thu 11 Aug 2016 21:47:31 No. 27718030 Report >>27717994 wow, that's desperation, I'll check if I have one after I finish this.
>>27717926 give me some time to catch them first.
Joel 2707-2960-1647
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon)
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon) Thu 11 Aug 2016 21:56:14 No. 27718253 Report Quoted By:
>>27718063 ready, I need to exchange 6 pokemon
Joe 3883 5628 8591
Quoted By:
Is the female HA Swirlix guy from earlier today still here? Would immensely appreciate one.
edbo 0275-8321-3934
Quoted By:
>>27718022 >>27718030 Thanks guys, but i just got ahold of one.
Altona 4571-1559-6863
Hey, I'm currently working on completing my kalos dex (and eventually my living dex before sun/moon) What I need is: Hondour line Pinser Staryu line Sawk Swirlix line Clauncher line Bulbasaur line I don't care about nature, ivs, etc I unfortunately don't have much to offer outside of Y exclusives or something along those lines, I only recently started this
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Thu 11 Aug 2016 22:08:36 No. 27718560 Report >>27718503 What's your friend safari and vivillon pattern?
Altona 4571-1559-6863
>>27718560 I have no idea on friend safari, I have only traded once in X/Y so I need someone to tell me. I get polar vivillion (Canada)
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Thu 11 Aug 2016 22:14:36 No. 27718737 Report >>27718651 I can give you a houndour breject and I'll check your friend safari for you
Altona 4571-1559-6863
>>27718737 Added, trade me whenever you'd like, no rush
And thank you a lot!
Quoted By:
>>27717099 Yeah I'm still here, sorry I've been arranging things and what not. The Venonat seems neat I guess
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Thu 11 Aug 2016 22:26:35 No. 27719035 Report >>27718804 What's your in-game name?
Altona 4571-1559-6863
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
Tim 3540 0137 4298 [Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Thu 11 Aug 2016 22:32:59 No. 27719253 Report Quoted By:
>>27719142 You Friend Safari is Delibird, Sneasel, Cloyster.