>>27724321Morelull is just supposed to be a mushroom that can glow at will. Its name comes from morel, a type of edible mushroom, and lull, as in in lull to sleep, which the japanese trailer and english trailer show it using sleep powder and spore respectively. It seems to have a thing for sleeping and glowing, so possible nightlight inspiration? I hope so.
Pyukunuku is a sea cucumber, and its inner organs being spat out in the shape of a fist is a dead giveaway. Sea cucumbers vomit their respiratory systems as a defense mechanism. Plus, its species name is the sea cucumber pokemon, and its japanese name has the word sea cucumber in it. Sea cucumber confirmed.
Wimpod is a more complex case. Its appearance seems to be more of a horseshoe crab/trilobite with a dash of giant isopod and/or copepod. However, its description of it being very flighty and loving shiny objects clearly shows that it is mostly a wharf roach. It's definitely a wharf roach, but it also has a few other arthropods in its design.
tl;dr: Morelull is a glowy sleepy nightlight "morel" mushroom, Pyukumuku is a sea cucumber, and Wimpod is a wharf roach, but its design takes a few small details from horseshoe crabs or trilobites.