>Where does the Water come from?Lots of water pokemon and real life animals have whats called a "swim bladder" or an "air bladder" that they can fill up with air or in this case water to control their buoyancy so they can manually control their ability to dive.
It stands to reason that water pokemon have a similar duel-function internal organ that allows them to store and pressure water that they can spit out of their (in the case of the reptilian/synapsid-like squirtle line) Gizzard.
>So what about the Canons?Given how Pokemon have extremely unstable and inspired genetic material: The Canons could be made out of anything from iron, carbon or calcium -all things found within an animal- and directly feed into an expanded air/water bladder inside the animals shell.
The Blastoise could either metabolise water from it's diet or (more probably) drink up liters and liters of water to store, compress and shoot out at a later time for both self-defense OR for transportation underwater. (Blastoise looks like an incredibly sluggish swimmer, so giving it cannons would assist greatly in movement.)
>Extra ThoughtsWe've seen in the anime that when the juvenile and adolescent forms use Hydro Pump they don't project it out of their mouths, but actually sink into their shells and shoot highly pressurized torrents from the holes in their holes.
Squirtles and Wartortles could have poorly-developed canons inside their shoulder blades or hips that only later develop into cannons when they're older: maybe they sink inside their shells to manually push down on the muscles to expel that water they've collected?
How was that? Give you any ideas?