[359 / 23 / ?]
NEW THREAD STYLE: please look at the OP picture for more info. New requestors are asked to take the time to know the rules, older requestors are asked to respect these rules. This picture will be reposted or revised whenever a new thread is made. Please use this format. >Is this thread legit or not? It is very legit. People will post here to try to tell you otherwise. Ignore them.>B-BUT YOU’RE CHEATING THIS ISN’T RIGHT Yes all of us here are aware that this is cheating we don’t give a shit. It’s better than playing bike simulator 3.1 for hours.>No one has fulfilled my request yet? Why? Injectors fulfill requests out of the goodness of their own hearts, and on their own time. Do not visit /wfg/. It is an unpleasant place full of bullying and self loathing.>How do I ask for stuff Be specific, be precise, do not waste time by putting 4 posts about the same pokemon you want. Many people request for stuff in these threads.>Where are the links? Look at the OP picture. NEW GUIDELINES: 1. If you are requesting, please put up the following: zigzagoons, wurmples, wingulls, bunnelby, pidgey. We do this now because it is annoying to look at other pokemon and go through a bajillion lists. 2. If you do not know if what you're asking for is legal, immediately ask. There is no stupid questions, except hyper beam magikarp. 3. Injectors are the only ones who shall start these threads. if orders do not get immediately filled within the first 10 posts of the thread, ignore the thread, because a requestor made the thread. REMEMBER: Pokemon that CANT go through the GTS: Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Darkrai, Manaphy, Arceus, Shaymin, Victini, Meloetta, Genesect, Keldeo, Diancie, Hoopa, Volcanion Pokemon that CANT be shiny under any circumstances: Celebi, Victini, Keldeo, Meloetta, Zygarde, Hoopa, Volcanion Items that CANT go through the GTS: mega stones, red/blue orbs, some berries
Caleb 0688-5522-3456 !!TBEQihx5AFH
>>27751181 >>27744242 >>27745116 >>27747036 Please up a new Pokemon, your's have all been traded.
>>27762073 Typhlosion
level 50
nature: don't care
Ivs: don't care
EVS: Don't care
- earthquake
-lava plume
-brick brake
Nickname: chili
Togekiss @ kings rock
level 50
nature: don't care
Ivs: don't care
EVS: Don't care
- arua sphere
- Roost
- Fly
Nickname: Scrambled
level 50
nature: don't care
Ivs: don't care
EVS: Don't care
-dark pulse
-shadow ball
Nickname: luna
level 50
nature: don't care
Ivs: don't care
EVS: Don't care
-giga drain
-solar beam
-sleep powder
-sludge bomb
nickname: eterna
level 50
nature: don't care
Ivs: don't care
EVS: Don't care
-shadow ball
Nickname: patrick
level 50
nature: don't care
Ivs: don't care
EVS: Don't care
-take down
- ice beam
- earthquake
-stone edge
Amoonguss (M) @ Black Sludge Ability: Regenerator EVs: 248 HP / 168 Def / 92 SpD Bold Nature IVs: 1 Atk - Spore - Giga Drain - Clear Smog - Hidden Power [Fire] i deposited a level 30 castform named halle.
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>>27762330 Forgot to put that i have deposited 6 ralts at lv 1
Dino-Mite! (Bastiodon) @Custap Berry [Male / Level 100] Ability: Sturdy Nature: Calm Shiny: NO IVs: 31/0/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpDef 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpDef -Wide Guard -Taunt -Rest -Roar OT: Kyle / 30693 Deposited: Level 2 Female Zigzagoon Message: "Dino-Mite!" Thank you /ekx/, you guys are real American heroes. I'd try to breed it myself but my Shieldon is only 3IV and I'd have to chain breed Wide Guard onto it from a Mudkip. Fuck that.
Caleb 0688-5522-3456 !!TBEQihx5AFH
>>27762494 Fulfilled~
>>27762654 Can you put something else up?
Clark 2423-3306-3385
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Saville (Gliscor) @ Toxic Orb Ability: Poison Heal Shiny: Yes EVs: 244 HP / 8 Def / 200 SpD / 56 Spe Careful Nature - Facade - Roost - Earthquake - Swords Dance Put up a lvl 1 female gligar with message /vp/
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(Porter) Snorlax (M) @ Assualt Vest Lvl: 60 Ability: Thick Fat EVs: 252ATT/252Spdef/4 HP Adamant Nature IVs: 31/31/31/0/31/31/31 - Return - Pursuit - Earthquake - Self-Destruct OT: David/32577 Deposited a level 3 male Zigzaggon Message is ty /vp/
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>>27762073 I received the Blissey. You're a god, thank you!
Put up a lvl 3 male zigzagoon with the message "thanks /vp/" Liepard @ Focus Sash Ability: Prankster Lvl 100/Shiny/Female EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe Timid Nature - Fake Out - Foul Play - Swagger - Taunt
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>>27762330 >i am unable to read rules Anonymous
Larvitar @lucky egg Ability: Sand Stream lvl 1/Shiny/Male EVs: 252 Attack / 4 Defence / 252 Speed Jolly Nature -Stone Edge -Crunch -Pursuit Superpower OT is Atli, trainer ID 49620 Put up a lvl 30 female Kakuna with message "i love /vp/"
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>>27763993 also full IVs thanks!
Rotom-Heat @ Magnet Level: 100 Ability: Levitate Nature: Timid IVs: 31/31/30/30/31/31 EVs: 248 HP / 52 Def / 208 Spe - Overheat - Volt Switch - Will-O-Wisp - Pain Split Deposited Lv. 4 Zigzagoon Message: Thank you vp
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>>27762654 >>27762997 >Can you put something else up? Yeah, no problem. Sorry for the delay, I had a long phone call.
Now Deposited: Level 1 Male Inkay.
Message: "Dino-Mite!"
I hope you're still around, I'd greatly appreciate it!
Palkia @ Lustrous Orb Shiny Level: 50 Ability: Pressure Nature: Timid IVs: 29/25/29/31/31/31 EVs: none required - Earth Power - Spacial Rend - Aura Sphere - Hydro Pump Is there any way to make it look as legit as possible? Like from the flying ring where you can encounter it Put up a lv 25 male carvanha, message is /ekx/, thank you!
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Bronzong @ Safety Goggles Lv.100 Ability: Levitate EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD Brave Nature - Gyro Ball - Zen Headbutt - Trick Room - Protect Depositing:Lv 3 Ziggzagoon Message:BOI
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Ditto @ Destiny Knot Shiny Lv. 100 Ability: Limber Nature: Modest IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: None - Transform Depositing Lv.3 Zigzagoon Message: THANKS /vp/
The Pokemon I put up actually got sniped by a non-/ekx/ GTS trader, huh. Reposting just so that it's all in one place: Dino-Mite! (Bastiodon) @ Custap Berry [Male / Level 100] Ability: Sturdy Nature: Calm Shiny: NO IVs: 31/0/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpDef -Wide Guard -Taunt -Rest -Roar OT: Kyle / 30693 Deposited: Level 1 Female Inkay Message: "Dino-Mite!" I'm sorry for the inconvenience!
Aegislash (M) @ Life Orb Ability: Stance Change EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD Brave Nature IVs: 0 Spe - Shadow Sneak - Swords Dance - King's Shield - Gyro Ball I put a Wurmple with a message saying "I love you /vp/"
(Rosa) (F) Gardevoir @ Gardevoirite Shiny Lv. 100 Ability: Telepathy Nature: Modest IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: None -Moonblast -Psychic -Energy Ball -Focus Blast OT: Chris / Trainer ID: 45612 Depositing: Lv. 2 Male Poochyena named "BORK" Message: Thanks Anon
Hello, this is actually the first time I've ever coming here. The reason why I'm here today is because I'm a couple Pokemon shy of completing my dex. These of course are the evolutionary trades from Gen 4 that I can only get the items for from the Battle Maison/Resort. I suck when it comes to getting BP especially when all together I need 96. Sorry for the blog post and inconvenience. I'm probably just going to ask for the mon I need plus the item that usually evolves it so I can make a legal one as well. Dusknoir @ Reapers Cloth Level: 100 Ability: Pressure Nature: Brave IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 -Will-o-wisp -Earthquake -Thunder Punch -Pain Split Depositing: Lv.4 Female Zigzagoon named "Thanks /vp/" Thanks so much whoever does this. I have 2 more after this.
>>27765826 Just curious, why do you need a Reaper cloth for it? You only need it to evolve Dusclops INTO Dusknoir. After that it becomes useless.
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>>27765907 I want to make a second legal one just in case they somehow are able to check legibility on a Pokemon on a later date.
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Aromatisse@leftovers Ability: Aroma Veil Nature: Relaxed Shiny: Yes IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/30 - EVs: 252 HP/220 Def/36SpD -Trick Room -Moonblast -Charm -Heal Pulse OT: Solomon/Trainer ID:45608 Deposited: Level 14 female Geodude Message:Appreciate it!
Female Ralts Level 1 Ability: Trace Nature: Modest Shiny: Yes IV: 31 on everything except Atk EV: 252 SpA/252 Spe/4 Def -Growl OT: Annie TID: 04495 Deposited: Lvl 4 Male Bunnelby with the message THANKS VP
Could I get: Latios @ Life Orb Level 100, not shiny Ability: Levitate EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Timid Nature - Draco Meteor - Psyshock - Roost - Thunderbolt OT: Brendan ID: 14690 SID: 00898 Deposited a female level 2 zigzagoon with message: Thanks /vp/
is someone injecting, because i could inject a bit in like 5 min if no one is doing it
Saucey 5172 - 0591 - 5247
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>>27762118 im the honedge bro i just put up a level 12 male charmander with the message "luv u vp"
>>27766244 Damn, it got sniped
>>27766360 If you are gonna inject, let me know so I can put up something else
(Darius) Regice @ Master Ball Ability: Clear Body Modest Nature Shiny: Yes Level: 40 IVs: 0 Atk - Thunder - Blizzard - Focus Blast - Flash Cannon Ares / 42897 Deposited: Level 1 Male Numel Message: "Thanks ekx"
>>27766670 sorry give me like 5 minutes more and ill start injecting
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>>27766701 Also could it be in a Dive ball? Thanks so much!
Saucey 5172 - 0591 - 5247
>>27766707 hi would you please do
>>27751181 from yesterdays threadthe frillish got traded so i put up lvl 12 male charmander instead
>>27766707 Alright, well, I put a level 5 female ralts with the same message
>>27766244 Anonymous
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>>27765469 I apologize to any injectors that are busy with other requests, but i really need this Gardevoir fast because my friend needs me to get one for him since he only has Y version while i have AS, and i can't shiny hunt at all.
ok im back ill start acepting requests n shiet
>>27766890 I was thinking you could do
>>27765469 Saucey 5172 - 0591 - 5247
>>27766890 just this please i really appreciate it
>>27766777 Anonymous
>>27766890 Could you do this please?
>>27766307 Thanks in advance!
Porygon-Z @ Life Orb Ability: Adaptability Shiny: Yes EVs: 80 HP / 252 SpA / 176 Spe Modest Nature - Nasty Plot - Agility - Tri Attack - Dark Pulse I put up a zigzagoon with the message "thanks /vp/"
Hitmontop Level 100 Intimidate Brave IVs: Pentaperfect with 0 Spd EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 6 Sp Def -Fake Out -Wide Guard -Feint -Close Combat deposited a female lvl 6 Bunnelby with the message /vp pls, thanks before
WOuld it be okay for me to get this, thank you so much Feraligator @ Life Orb Male Ability: Sheer Force Adamant nature Shiny: Yes Level: 95 6IV EVS:EVs 252 Atk4 SpD252 Spe - Dragon Dance - Crunch - Waterfall - Substitue OT: Luke ID: 20064 Deposited: Level 5 Female Burmy Message: "Thank you vp"
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>>27767056 Could you please do
>>27767042 soon?
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i wonder if it's possible to get volcanion? it's the only pokemon that i don't have /blog
>>27767107 >>27767138 Time to make 0iv variants called "doityourself"
Because seriously, menuhax is a thing again and customfirmware is ever better.
>>27767056 ill start sending this 5 now
Saucey 5172 - 0591 - 5247
>>27767346 thanks Eliohs!
the charmander is still up for honedge
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>>27767346 Can you let me know thre SPLIT SECOND You send the Gardevoir? i hate having to keep checking the GTS
So, real talk, is this the new giveaway general? It seems less about discussion and technical help and more a handful of anons begging.
>>27767328 but does that work on old 3ds?
>>27767425 Anyone who wants to bother with 3ds hacking already knows how or has been doing it for months/years.
>>27767434 Yes, yes it does work very easily.
I'm running it on both Old and New, and homebrew is wonderful in general.
I'm bored and willing to do a few requests for people.
>>27767457 Then what's the point of this thread? Why not just call it a giveaway general so you don't fool people who are new to the scene.
>>27767373 i cant find the charmander too much autism with those
>>27767042 send
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>>27767469 I'll guess I'll give it a go. Begging always makes me feel like a faggot anyway
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>>27767486 would
>>27766701 be possible? If so, thanks!
>>27767490 read the op, this is for anon requesting injected pokes
>>27767528 Then why not call it giveaway general instead of giving it a misleading name?
Torkoal LV 1 (Female and in a dream ball) Shell Armor Relaxed Not shiny 6IV, no EVs - Yawn - Sleep Talk - Skull Bash - Superpower Trainer name and ID do not matter, I'll be using this lady for breeding. Thank you. I've put up level one female zubat for her, and my message will be "/vp/".
Saucey 5172 - 0591 - 5247
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>>27767495 ok i put up a level 17 golett instead
message "luv u /vp/"
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>>27767544 Yeah, I agree. Would be far more productive if they didn't try to hide this as a tech thread.
>>27767495 Raltsfag here. I got sniped again so I put out a level 4 female pidgey
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>>27762330 Read the fucking rules you cock gobbling cum guzzling piece of shit for brains
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>27767594 It would be best to not upload so fast, I'm going to keep sniping you.
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>>27767486 Would you please make
>>27764289 ?
If it can look as real as the hoops ring encounter from AS, that'd be awesome
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>>27767623 You're not nice
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>27767647 Gotta be faster than that.
Saucey 5172 - 0591 - 5247
>>27767647 FUCK
ok i put up level 1 honedge same message....
>>27767664 im getting trigered ;_;
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>>27767674 quick, let's trade via friend code!
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>27767674 No need, it's just all in good fun.
Haven't had the urge to play pokemon lately, so genning crapmon variants gives me a reason to play again. You'll get your trade off...eventually.
Eliohs 3024-5982-9980
>>27767673 lets trade via friend code yes
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
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>>27767746 Correct answer!
Saucey 5172 - 0591 - 5247
>>27767746 1650-2246-4969. Ralts here
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Whismur (F) @ Lum Berry Level 100 31 all IV'S EV SpA SPD 4 HP Ability: Rattled Modest Nature - Extrasensory - Boomburst - Thunder Punch - Fire Blast Timer ball Putting up a level 2 male zigzagoon with the message thanks /vp/
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>>27767730 I remember you. You ruined old giveaway threads.
I'm not even going to bother anymore as not worth the time
Saucey 5172 - 0591 - 5247
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Saucey 5172 - 0591 - 5247
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>>27767730 can i have my golett back if that was you ;_;
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>>27767807 Still waiting, Eliohs
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>>27767486 I'm sorry for bothering you but can you do this one?
>>27765826 Eliohs 3024-5982-9980
>>27767807 ralts guy im sending a exchange request, wake up
>>27768032 >Different name than your 4chan name That's misleading but anyway thanks alot!
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Can anyone do this one?
>>27764093 Eliohs 3024-5982-9980
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>>27768075 i started a nuzlocke run and change name
Eliohs 3024-5982-9980
Ill do the dusknoir, the liepard, the rotom and the whismur and ill stop for today
>>27767107 uh... Is this not possible ?
Eliohs 3024-5982-9980
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>>27768241 i didnt see it, ill do it too
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>>27768079 Thank you so much!
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Has anyone gotten to my Palkia yet?
>>27768233 I'm the Latios guy. I put up a level 25 male magikarp with the same message
Eliohs 3024-5982-9980
>>27768360 ill send it when i end injecting this
Diancie Level: doesn't matter Nature:doesn't matter IV: doesn't matter EV: doesn't matter Move set: -moonblast - Earth Power - Diamond Storm - Hidden Power Fire Shiny: yes Deposited: lvl 4 pidgy OT: red/ Id no:34975 Message: Thanks/vp/
>>27768536 I'm pretty sure you can't trade Diancie through GTS, you need to manually trade it
>>27768374 Could you please make this for me?Palkia @ Lustrous Orb
Level: 50
Ability: Pressure
Nature: Timid
IVs: 29/25/29/31/31/31
EVs: none required
- Earth Power
- Spacial Rend
- Aura Sphere
- Hydro Pump
Is there any way to make it look as legit as possible? Like have the description be the same as if you caught it in AS?
Put up a lv 25 male carvanha, message is /ekx/, thank you!
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>>27768589 You could always exchange friend codes and manually trade together.
Magmar (F) @ Eviolite Ability: Flame Body Shiny: Yes EVs: 252 HP / 156 Def / 24 SpA / 76 SpD Bold Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Belly Drum - Mach Punch - Cross Chop - Flare Blitz Please put it in a Moon ball Level 1 Pidgey with Kanji name>inb4 Comments on my set I'm going to breed it and then replace the moves IGN:Henta! Message:/vp/
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(Peaches) Dedenne, no held item necessary Ability: Cheek Pouch Nature: Modest Shiny: Yes IVs perfect EVs 252hp/252spe/4def -Super Fang -Recycle -Thunder Wave -Parabolic Charge Deposited: level 2 Zigzagoon Message: "/vp/"
Eliohs 3024-5982-9980
i cant find the rotom and the dusknoir zigzagons pls put another thing
Atreyu (Tauros) @ Life Orb Ability: Sheer Force Shiny: Yes EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe Naive Nature - Rock Climb - Earthquake - Fire Blast - Zen Headbutt OT:Mu TID: 34706 SID: 33916 PokeBall: Dream, if possible. Premiere Ball otherwise. Depositing: Level12 JPN Zigzagoon Message: 2LEGIT 2QUIT Thanks in advance and ShoutOuts to /vp/ bros Isaiah and Billy if theyre lurking :]
Taking requests in exchange of a drawfag services.
>>27768823 I am
>>27768623 whatchu want drawn? I do hand drawn pen/ink/paper just fyi
>>27768938 Just something for a local tournament.
6 pokemon + trainer for idk, 15 injected mons?
>>27768737 Put up a Lv 12 Male Zigzagoon named Thanks /vp/ with the message Thanks anon. I'm the dusknoir guy.
>>27768990 i can't even think of 15 pokemon i need lol, i just need the one palkia
Eliohs 3024-5982-9980
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Reshiram @ Life Orb Level: 100 Ability: Turboblaze Shiny: Yes EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 HP IVS: 31 All Modest Nature -Blue Flare -Hyper Voice -Dragon Pulse -Earth Power OT: Isaac TID: 25362 Deposited: Level 25 Kecleon Message is /ekx/ Can you make it looks like it was caught on Omega Ruby if possible? Thanks
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
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>>27769095 Oh you came back, neat. I'll boot up my games.
Eliohs 3024-5982-9980
dont worry man, i already finished for today ;)
>>27769056 I can set up a skype and be in contact until you get the rest. A week, a month, no pressures.
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
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>>27769167 There will be more :D
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>>27769095 You're amazing! Thank you so much!
>>27769095 You messed up the Dusknoir.
Eliohs 3024-5982-9980
>>27769269 what did i do wrong?
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>>27769170 I'd rather just try and get the Palkia for now
>>27769286 Nature and IVs are wrong
Eliohs 3024-5982-9980
>>27769329 i have a copy here, you are not even trying Bob, Nature and ivs are ok
>>27768089 My Liepard has the wrong nature.
Eliohs 3024-5982-9980
>>27769599 FUCK, dat one is really wrong gib me 5 min to fix it.
Sorry man i did it fast.
>>27769652 It's okay. You want me to put something else up?
Eliohs 3024-5982-9980
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
Eliohs 3024-5982-9980
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>>27769704 I'm confused wats going on?
>>27769703 Put up a lvl 2 female wurmple with thanks /vp/ as the message
>>27769652 I don't mean to bother you, but my Latios' IVs were kind of messed up (only perfect in def, spA, and spD). I never specifically clarified I wanted 5 IVs, so it's no big deal if you don't make a new one, but I put up another male level 25 karp if you have the time. If possible could you make it American too?
Eliohs 3024-5982-9980
>>27769848 you didnt specify so i thought you wanted it random, and sorry but im not injecting more today
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
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>>27769885 That's fine, thanks for responding anyway
Eliohs 3024-5982-9980
>>27769903 soo, what is your purpouse trying to ruin these threads, just curiosity.
>>27769948 Its cheating and should be prevented
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>27769948 I just like to trade, I have nothing pokemon related to do until sun/moon, can gen mons, and I'm technically filling requests.
Now that I know this thread is a thing, I'm going to have some fun.
Everybody wins.
Is it possible;e to gen a pokemon so that it appers to come from a different region like jp
>>27767573 Bumping. Hopefully another injector friend will come along.
Eliohs 3024-5982-9980
>>27769972 >crying about cheating in 4chan you can go to reddit or some other shithole, maybe this isnt your place
>>27769983 Memeing people and have fun, well ok
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
>>27770049 I don't really mean harm, but i've been doing this for two years now and been having a lot of fun with it.
Only reason I bother with a trip is that people seem to follow me to shitpost.
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
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>>27770040 I could teach you how to do it, if you want to help people.
>>27770071 Shouldn't you be crying for that shitty general I killed time ago? I don't even remember the name /BeggarGeneral/ or something like that, right?
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Porygon-Z @ Dubious Disk Level: 100 Ability: Adaptability Nature: Quiet IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 - Recover - Tri Attack - Thunderbolt - Ice Beam Depositing: Lv. 1 Male Chikorita named Gon Message: Thanks anon
>>27768768 Did you get the pokemon? I could do it.
Also, if anyone still here, post your
bara only pokemon. Will do a round
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
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>>27770191 Mah man, how you been?
>>27770265 The game is afoot!
>>27770265 Does Latios count?
>>27770265 can you do >>27764289 please? Anonymous
>>27770522 >>27770576 Thanks for pic . I'm an idiot at making legendaries. I can't really make em.
>>27770691 Ursaring is a bara mon right? Could you then inject a teddiursa?
>>27770706 Post it.
In 8 mins the trading begins. Anyone else post your mon now
>>27770755 If I post a bara gun would you kill yourself?
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>>27770781 As long as it is male, sure
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Apollo (Clefable) (M) @ Leftovers Ability: Magic Guard Shiny: Yes EVs: 252 HP / 172 Def / 84 SpD Calm Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Stealth Rock - Moonblast - Thunder Wave - Soft-Boiled Deposited a level 47 mightyena with the message "harsh winter." Many thanks in advance.
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>>27770691 shit..... is there anyone who can make my Palkia then?
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I figured this was a decent place to ask. Is there a way to quickly move all the Pokemon from a Gen 5 save with Pokegen to a Gen 6 save with PKhex? Right now I'm just dragging the individual .pkm files to a folder and then dragging those into PKhex and importing the save into my Gen 6 game. Is there a faster way to move them all? I can't use the eshop so Bank isn't an option.
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Ditto @ Metal Coat [Level 100] Ability: Imposter Nature: Modest IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 - EVs: Not necessary! - Transform OT: Sage / Trainer ID: 40387 Deposited: Level 10 Female Skiddo Message: "Thanks /vp/!!" Thank you in advance, I've spent hours in ORAS and looks like 4 IVs is the best I can manage alone.
Pokémon: Charizard (male) @ Charzardite X Ability: Blaze Nature: Brave Shiny: Yes IV/EV: All stats maxed out Moves: Flamethrower Inferno Fly Giga Impact Deposited: Lv. 14 Smeargle M Message: CHARIZARD /vp/ Thanks in advance, Anon!
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>>27767255 I got a shiny Aegislash from a someone.
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>>27771845 I forgot to deposit it earlier, for anyone wondering why it isn't there. Doing it now!
The guy left already. Just let this thread die.
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>>27764093 be done? I've been waiting a while and nobody has gotten to me...
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>>27772465 Aw, I've been waiting for 6 hours
>>27767469 I lost the bandwagon of the exploit being used a few days ago. I'm on 11.0.0-33U for some time now. Am I fucked or is there something still available?
>>27772730 Browserhax and Menuhax have 11.0 support, if that's what you're asking.
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>>27772826 I guess it is; I only skimmed quickly through things. My 3DS was collecting dust for the last 3 years, so I'm pretty behind on the times.
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Can Pokemon be requested with transfer-only moves?
Anyone able to do this? I would really appreciate it. Anna (Lopunny) (F) @ Lopunnite Ability: Limber Shiny: Yes EVs: Not sure, maybe something attack and speed focused. Adamant Nature IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 -Fire Punch -Focus Punch -Attract -Iron Tail Deposited: Lv. 2 Female Wurmple named "WIGGLY" Message: Thanks /vp/
I am ready to deliver but webhax is down. When it is back up I will get right on it tho.
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Level 100 Tauros @ Life Orb Ability: Sheer Force Nature: Naive Shiny: No IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 HP -Zen Headbutt -Giga Impact -Earthquake -Fire Blast I put up a level 6 male Wurmple named :^). The message is "bless u". I appreciate this. Been trying for nearly a week in X to catch one.
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Ditto @ Metal Coat Level 100 Ability: Limber Nature: Modest IVs: 6IV - EVs: Dont matter - Transform Deposited: Level 1 Aerodactyl Message: Based /vp/!! ..Getting into breeding
>>27762073 Orca (Kyogre-Primal) @ Blue Orb
Ability: Primordial Sea
Level: 50
EVs: 44 HP / 136 Def / 76 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Origin Pulse
- Ice Beam
- Calm Mind
- Protect
I'm building a VGC Team and i don't mind making my team but getting decent legends would be difficult. I put up a level 2 bunnelby with the message "Gib Orca". Thank you in advance.
(Hippo) Hippowdon (f) @ Leftovers Ability: Sand Stream Nature: Impish Shiny: No IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 - EVs: 252 HP / 144 Def / 112 SpD - Earthquake - Stealth Rock - Slack Off - Stone Edge OT: Marv ID: 39500 Deposited a Pidgey lv.4 with the message "based /ekx/"
Quoted By:
>>27778090 Oops forgot something. It should be lv100.
Thanks in Advance!
Quoted By:
Noibat (M) @ Power Lens Ability: Infiltrator Nature: Modest shiny: Yes IV: 31/0/31/31/31/31 EV: doesnt matter Moves: Don't matter OT: Tom Trainer ID: 57283 Deposited: Level 2 Female Wurmple Message: "thanks /vp"
Melendiski 2036-9902-4465
>>27762073 (Hannibal) Smeargle @focus sash Lv 100
Trait: Own Tempo
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 252 Spd
IV's 31/31/31/31/31/31
Dark Void
Spiky Shield
Lock On
Sheer Cold
Pidgey M up on GTS, level 4 name is Taubsi
MSG: Thanks /vp/
Volcanion @leftovers [Level 100] Ability: Water Absorb Nature: Modest Shiny: NO IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe -Steam Eruption -Flamethrower -Earth Power -Sludge Bomb OT: Rafa / 23614 Deposited: Level 6 Female wurmple (Sara) Message: "thanks /ekx/"
Quoted By:
>>27779192 i trade that for another wurmple obviously
Melendiski 2036-9902-4465
>>27779094 Trainer name : Katarina
ID: 63816
Melendiski 2036-9902-4465
>>27779094 putting up a level 8 F nincada, pidgey got sniped aparently. same message
Quoted By:
Ditto @ Destiny Knot Lv. 100 Ability: Limber Nature: Adamant IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: None - Transform Deposited: Lv.1 female Bagon Message: thx based anon
Quoted By:
Empoleon @leftovers Level.50 Ability: Torrent Nature: Modest Shiny; NO IVs: 31/0/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252 HP/252 SpA/4 Def -Defog -Scald -Grass Knot -Cannon Flash OT:Marco/42792 Deposited: Level 45 Sandslash-Female Message:Thanks /vp/
Quoted By:
(Porter) Snorlax (M) @ Assualt Vest Lvl: 60 Ability: Thick Fat EVs: 252ATT/252Spdef/4 HP Adamant Nature IVs: 31/31/31/0/31/31/31 - Return - Pursuit - Earthquake - Self-Destruct OT: David/32577 Deposited a level 3 male Zigzaggon Message is ty /vp/
Melendiski 2036-9902-4465
Quoted By:
>>27779094 >>27779222 >>27780170 Any injectors around to help me out?
Reported this thread and its friend codes to Nintendo. Get fucked cheaterfags.
>>27762073 OP, does Ninjahax still work? I lost my copy and want to potentially help out.
How expensive is it to get the shit together to start injecting again?
Quoted By:
>>27782385 Cucklord faggot. Kys
Quoted By:
Rotom-Heat @ Lum Berry Lvl 100 Ability: Levitate Careful Nature Shiny: Yes IVs: 31 All - EVs: 220 HP / 32 Def / 140 SpA / 116 SpD - Discharge - Volt Switch - Overheat - Protect Deposited lvl 10 Male Zigzagoon (name Azure) Message Thanks /vp/
Skitty @ Life Orb Ability: Normalize Lvl 99/Shiny/Female EVs: 252 atk / 252 Def / 4 Spe Adamant Nature - Fake Out - Thunder Wave - Sucker Punch - Play Rough Deposited Lv. 1 Mr. Mime w/message: /vp/ people
Quoted By:
>>27762073 Full IV's as well. Thank you guys!
No one's even in this thread you colossal faggots. Just let it die. Wait for someone active to put up a new one
Quoted By:
>>27783815 Then go make a new thread and provide a link to it when you do.
Plap (1075-1438-7988)
Can I just get a shiny Shuckle? Preferrably with high defense IVs. That's it. I don't really care about anything else.
Plap (1075-1438-7988)
Quoted By:
>>27784084 Put a level 30 male shuckle on the GTS with the message "/ekx/".
Quoted By:
>>27774682 Hey, i really need this request done, turns out Lopunny is one of the few pokemon not in my pokedex, if anyone is able to do this, PLEASE help me out.
Quoted By:
Heeeeey Billy May i have Mawile@Focus Sash Lvl 50 Ability : Intimidate Nature : Adamant Shiny:No IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 - EVs : 248HP - 16Atk - 244SpD -Iron Head -Play Rough -Sucker Punch -Pain Split OT:AMR / Trainer ID: 42429 Deposit: Zigzagoon Male Lv.10 Message: LookHesBillyClaus ------------------ Aegislash@Life Orb Lvl50 Ability: Stance Change Nature: Nature Shiny: No IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 - EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe - Shadow Ball - Shadow Sneak - Flash Cannon - Sacred Sword OT:AMR / Trainer ID: 42429 Deposit: Wurmple Male Lvl.3 Message: LookHesBilly
Charizard @ Luminous City Lv. 100 Ability: Blaze Nature: Naughty Shiny: yes IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: EVs: 16 HP / 252 Atk / 116 Spd / 124 SAtk - Dragon Pulse - Flamethrower Depositing Level 1 Ralts Message: thanks /vp/
Quoted By:
>>27786034 Apologies for being a colossal new fav and not putting this in the right format
Abomasnow @ Abomasite Ability: Snow Warning EVs: 240 HP / 236 SpA / 32 SpD Quiet Nature - Blizzard - Ice Shard - Giga Drain - Hidden Power [Fire] OT: Brandon deposited level 32 male goomy /vp/ in description, thanks in advance
Quoted By:
>>27787314 >>27787314 forgot no mega stones
Abomasnow @ Assault Vest
Ability: Snow Warning
EVs: 240 HP / 236 SpA / 32 SpD
Quiet Nature
- Blizzard
- Ice Shard
- Giga Drain
- Hidden Power [Fire]
OT: Brandon
deposited level 32 male goomy /vp/ in description, thanks in advance
Ditto @ Destiny Knot Shiny Lv. 100 Ability: imposter Nature: Timid IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252 Speed - Transform Depositing Lv.30 remoraid named /vp/ Message: THANKS /vp/
Quoted By:
>>27783175 Ninjahax still works, but cubic ninja is incredibly expensive to buy on ebay now. I would suggest you go to the website
http://smealum.github.io/3ds/ and find one of the new ones. I am pretty sure there are hax that work with oras secret bases. The webhax site is currently down.
(Hannibal) Smeargle @focus sash Lv 100 Trait: Own Tempo Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk) Shiny: Yes EVs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 252 Spd IV's 31/31/31/31/31/31 Dark Void Spiky Shield Lock On Sheer Cold Trainer: Katarina ID: 63816 F Nincada level 8 up on GTS, MSG: Thanks /vp/
>>27771845 Can this be done?
>>27788471 mega stones cant trade over gts
Quoted By:
>>27788584 OK, thanks for the info. :)
>>27787860 Bump, is there any injectors around?
Quoted By:
>>27789672 No but people keep requesting
Quoted By:
>>27789856 Oh thanks, did not notice, I really want that smeargle haha, Thanks in advance!
Quoted By:
>>27789856 Didn't notice this either, hope is not lost for charizard
Quoted By:
I can't wait for my Charizard to be made (if it were to be made).
Turret Run away Quiet nature Shiny please Any Ivs any eve Any moves are fine Trainer name Emma Pokemon in hrs in a lv 4 female wurmple Message is thanks vp
Quoted By:
>>27790317 Furret* DAMN autocorrect
Pidgeotto @Master Ball Lv. 50 female Big Pecks Timid Shiny: No EV's: 252 SpA 252 Spd 4 HP IV's: 0 Attack, 31 in the rest Hurricane Heat Wave Roost Substitute Trainer Name: Till Lindman Depositing a level 2 Zigzagoon male with message "thanks vp"
Plap (1075-1438-7988)
Quoted By:
100 Shuckle @ Berry Juice Sturdy Bold Shiny: Yes IVS: who gives a shit lmao just make the defense high Swagger Bide Rest Stone Edge HP: 320 ATK: 265 Spe. 4 Pokemon on the GTS: Level 15 Magikarp named Magikrap Message: /ekx/ pls
i'll do some of these, give me a minute
>>27787860 >>27790449 I've been waiting for the smeargle since yesterday. Thanks anon!
Tyler 2724-0741-8307
>>27790449 Hey, can you do
>>27774682 for me please?
Quoted By:
>>27790449 It's okay if you can't but would
>>27766701 be possible?
reposting Abomasnow @ Assault Vest Ability: Snow Warning EVs: 240 HP / 236 SpA / 32 SpD Quiet Nature - Blizzard - Ice Shard - Giga Drain - Hidden Power [Fire] OT: Brandon deposited level 32 male goomy /vp/ in description, thanks in advance
Tyler 2724-0741-8307
Quoted By:
>>27790794 Ty, no item for
>>27786034 btw, was just an idiot while formatting Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>27790794 Thank you SO much.
>>27771845 Mr. Injector, replace the Charzardite X with a Master Ball, please.
2036-7230-4134 || PK (Y) || 2424
Ditto @ Destiny Knot Shiny Lv. 100 Ability: Imposter Nature: Timid IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: SPE ATK 4HP - Transform Depositing Level 1 Petilil Message: THANKS /vp/ Is it possible to make it JP? Really want to start breeding again to prep for SM
>>27768684 Pls injector make this
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>27791134 Hello how are you
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>27791164 >>27791180 >>27791190 >>27791204 Haha how are you?
Were there pokemans you wanted?
I'll do a mon
2036-7230-4134 || PK (Y) || 2424
Quoted By:
>>27791222 Could you do this one? That'd be sweet.
>>27791002 Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>27791222 I need
>>27774682 done. Also replace the Lopunnite with a Master Ball.
Xerneas Level 100 Aromatherapy Focus Blast Moon blast Geomancy Fairy Aura Modest Shiny EVS: 252 Spa, 184 Hp, 44 Speed, 28 Def No nickname Perfect IVs Pidgey up on GTs with message Ly /vp/
Tyler 2724-0741-8307
Quoted By:
>>27791222 I had
>>27786034 !! Ty in advancd
Quoted By:
>>27791279 Xerneas is shinylocked, look for the OT and ID of the event xerneas. People will know its fake.
Quoted By:
>>27783621 >>27791222 Thank you in advanced friend.
Quoted By:
>>27791279 Level 3 fletchinder called Ketamine up with Ly injectors as message, sorry
Quoted By:
I got a question for you injectors out there. Not a request just yet, but I want to know about the legality of Snow Warning Aurorus. I have a hail team pet project and I was wondering if a maxed out Aurorus with HA is actually legal, since I'm shaky on the mechanics surrounding HA inheritance.
Quoted By:
>>27791222 >>27777836 Forget the Blue orb even. Please and thank you.
Since I fucked it Xerneas Level 100 Aromatherapy Focus Blast Moon blast Geomancy Fairy Aura Modest Shiny EVS: 252 Spa, 184 Hp, 44 Speed, 28 Def No nickname Perfect IVs Ot Descartes Id 05026 Classic Ribbon Fletchinder lv 3 called Ketamine with message Ly injectors
Quoted By:
Politoed @ Damp Rock Ability: Drizzle IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252 HP / 236 Def / 20 SpD Sassy Nature - Scald - Ice Beam - Protect - Rain Dance OT: Zach Deposited: Male Blue Shellos Message: Hi /vp/!! Thanks in advanced!
>>27791423 Screen shot of the event in case I messed up on a detail that keeps it legal
Quoted By:
>>27790365 Could a kind injector go back and do this one? I'm sure it got skipped because I kept getting error messages when depositing the zigzagoon but it's finally on there now.
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>27791252 Haha the Smeargle it is :)
I did say one mon afterall, thanks for playing~
wew all those requests are overwhelming, learning to inject is easy honestly. Plap (1075-1438-7988)
Quoted By:
reposting/bumping 100 Male Shuckle @ Berry Juice Sturdy Bold Shiny: Yes IVS: who gives a shit lmao just make the defense high Swagger Bide Rest Stone Edge HP: 320 ATK: 265 Spe. 4 Pokemon on the GTS: Level 15 Magikarp named Magikrap Message: /ekx/ pls ive been hunting for a shiny for 2 weeks
2036-7230-4134 || PK (Y) || 2424
>>27791553 oh just one lol
damn well yea I can't seem to get the homebrew working
Espeon @ Choice Specs
Ability: Magic Bounce
Nature: Timid
Shiny: Yes
Level: 100
Gender: Female
IV: 31/31/31/31/31/31 - EV: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
- Psychic
- Dazzling Gleam
- Shadow Ball
- Trick
OT: Laika / ID: 54589
Deposited: Level 23 Female Whirlipede
Message: Thanks senpai
I'd really appreciate it, I wanna use nothing but a whole Eeveelution team
>>27791553 The only method I know of requires a 3DS on 9.0 or something, and my emunand and sysnand are on the latest, otherwise (or if I knew any other way) I'd hop right on it and do it myself
>>27791553 Thanks Lucy, ive been waiting for that smeargle for hours, no sleep :P
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>27791596 its easy, and you'll never need to use a dumb ditto again :)
>>27791599 It works on latest firmware now
>>151762572 >>27791663 No problem just transferring now and I'll send in a sec
>>27778090 Reposting this. Good Night Injectors and Fellow Requestors
2036-7230-4134 || PK (Y) || 2424
>>27791700 Well I would still breed with the dittos. Even if it's inefficient. It's just a thing I like to do.
Quoted By:
Gardevoir <female> @ Choice Scarf Level: 100 Ability: Trace Shiny: Yes IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Nature : Timid - Moonblast - Psychic - Healing Wish - Trick OT: Tiwa / ID: 27008 Deposited: Level 4 Zigzagoon Message: Thanks vp
>>27791700 Yls8 is down last I checked and I'd brick my 3ds anyways since I'm a retard
>>27791758 Bike simulator all day erry day
Sylveon @ Choice Specs Lv. 100 Ability: Pixilate Shiny: Yes EVs: 244 HP / 252 SpA / 12 Spe IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 Modest Nature - Hyper Voice - Psyshock - Shadow Ball -Hidden Power Fire OT:Katarina ID:63816 GTS:Level 31 Vulpix F message THANKS /VP/
Quoted By:
Gardevoir <female> @ Choice Scarf Ability: Synchronize Nature: Timid Shiny: Yes Level: 100 Gender: Female IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe - Psychic - Dazzling Gleam - Shadow Ball - Trick OT: Tiwa / ID: 27008 Deposited: Level 4 Zigzagoon Message: Thanks vp
2036-7230-4134 || PK (Y) || 2424
>>27791801 Well its a bit hypocritical to want a shiny 6 IV foreign ditto to make breeding easier but not want to make it easier by just going full blown pokegen.
I can trick myself that it's still natural and that's what counts for me.
>>27791700 What, PkHex? The only thread I see states "<=9.2.0 Firmware Console"
>>27791700 >It works on latest firmware now It doesn't though.
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
Katarina I messedup on your Smeargle, I'll send you the right one. TR me when you see me online.
>>27791801 >>27791900 >>27791917 Backup save file and edit on PKHex
11.0 Browserhax & Menuhax are out now!
https://smealum.github.io/3ds/ Anonymous
Quoted By:
Atreyu (Tauros) @ Life Orb Ability: Sheer Force Shiny: Yes EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe Naive Nature - Rock Climb - Earthquake - Fire Blast - Zen Headbutt OT: Mu TID: 34706 SID: 33916 PokeBall: Moon if possible, Premiere otherwise Depositing: Male Lv12 JPN Zigzagoon Message: 2LEGIT 2 QUIT Thanks in advance and shout outs to /vp/ bros Isaiah and Billy if theyre lurking :]
>>27791900 I don't want a ditto, I want the Shiny Xerneas since I couldn't get a code since Smyths are retards. Besides, don't have a shit fit over bike simulator, I wasn't judging senpai
Quoted By:
Dragonite (Male) @ Leftovers Level: 100 Ability: Multiscale Nature: Adamant Shiny: No IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP -Extremespeed -Dragon Claw -Hurricane -Thunder Punch OT: Phoulx / ID: 12204 I put up a level 2 Zigzagoon Message: Thanks /vp/
>>27791960 So is PKHex not dependent on the 3DS version? I'm already homebrewed/CFW'd and the threads I looked at made it seem like it was dependent if it isn't
Quoted By:
Somebody please do my Shiny Charizard one!
>>27791960 add my friendcode!!
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>27791955 whelp gotta go fast
>>27791992 as long as you have a save manager you're good
2036-7230-4134 || PK (Y) || 2424
>>27791969 lol you took that the wrong way. I was just making commentary on my request
>>27791960 Thanks
Quoted By:
>>27762073 Celebi can be shiny. The 10th anniversary had an incredibly low chance to be shiny.
>>27792032 >>27792023 I'm the smeargle, so my FC is 2036-9902-4465
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>27792046 no problem~
>>27792072 Ah right, my ds is full but toss that Smeargle up for a male the same. Sorry about that
Tyler 2724-0741-8307
>>27786034 bump for this whose dick need suckin
>>27792111 Kinda wanted to keep both ;)
>>27771845 >>27790949 Can somebody inject this, please? I feel like I've been skipped or something.
Quoted By:
>>27792189 The injector that came only did one mon, the smeargle
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>27792173 send me a trashmon
Quoted By:
>>27792225 Level 12 Aaron M deposited, same Message
Thanks Lucy, you the best!
>>27792225 What did you miss on the OG Smeargle?
Quoted By:
>>27791222 Mine was the furret
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
>>27792336 Just the TID and gender plus it looks better in fastball
Quoted By:
>>27792405 Definitely does!
>>27791838 You'd be a babe if you could do this quick.
Quoted By:
>>27792405 My only other request is the furret in a love ball
Quoted By:
>>27791838 Shameless self bump
If nobody makes my Pokemon in this one, I'll ask in the next one.
>>27792552 Is this a threat, or what?
>>27792582 I honestly don't know, but I'll just classify it as a shitty bump.
Quoted By:
>>27792552 Must be a shitty bump.
Is it best to wait until the next thread is made before requesting? First time doing a request. Also, what berries are banned on GTS? Is there a handy list somewhere?
Quoted By:
>>27768684 I'm rebumping this
Quoted By:
>>27792846 Wait until the next thread. The main guys usually leave after the first 10 requests. You snooze, you lose.
I'm gonna start delivering when I get home. What are your requests?
Bump limit reached, how are we supposed to make a new thread if it will have a duplicate OP image?
Quoted By:
>>27792994 >>27787646 Please do this one based anon.
>>27792998 I should note that I want to try some requests for the first time ever but I'm a little conscious about the thread getting archived.
Quoted By:
>>27792994 >>27791838 Please Anon! love me!
Quoted By:
>>27792994 Could you please do
>>27766701 ?
>>27792994 Ditto @ Destiny Knot
Lv. 100
Ability: Imposter
Nature: Timid
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
- Transform
Depositing Level 1 Petilil
Message: THANKS /vp/
>>27792994 Pastel (Fennekin) @Petaya Berry [Female / Level 1]
Ability: Magician
Nature: Timid
Shiny: Yes
IVs: 0/30/31/31/30/31
EVs: n/a
-Tail Whip
OT: Crow / 19896
Deposited: Level 3 Male poochyena
Message: "Thanks my dudes"
Quoted By:
>>27792032 >whelp gotta go fast Either be helpful or fuck off. Don't be such a smug asshole.
>>27791838 Hidden power fire givesyou the IV's HP 31 Atk30 Def31 SpA30 SpD31 Spe 30. All 31's gives you hiddenpower dark. What do you want me to do?
Quoted By:
>>27793688 wait a minute
this thread is on the way out
Quoted By:
>>27793481 give me the fire one, i want to test fire
Quoted By:
>>27790365 Could you do this one?
>>27792994 Tyler 2724-0741-8307
Quoted By:
>>27792994 >>27793032 Bump for
>>27786034 if anyone is feeling especially gracious before this thread dies
Quoted By:
>>27790794 Apollo (Clefable) (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 172 Def / 84 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Stealth Rock
- Moonblast
- Thunder Wave
- Soft-Boiled
Deposited a level 47 mightyena with the message "harsh winter." Many thanks in advance.
Knight Rocks !qxp/p5UW62
Whoever can suck my dick the hardest might get an injection. :-)
Risk B. !vdSBOooO0o
>>27793921 Well since I'm the only one offering ;-)
>>27786034 >>27792158 Anonymous
>>27793921 >>27787646 (You)Please do this one
>>27793921 >>27793324 i am pressing the succ button as hard as i can but it isn't doing anything
Knight Rocks !qxp/p5UW62
>>27793935 >>27793963 >>27793964 >>27793990 You gotta suck harder if you want me, someone capable of injecting 100% legal Pokémon, to grant you, a lousy pleb who cannot inject themself, your wishes.
>>27794000 >>27794001 >>27793324 Ninja'd and trips. Kek wills it.
thanks tho Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>27793921 >Anna (Lopunny) (F) @ Lopunnite >Ability: Limber >Shiny: Yes >EVs: Not sure, maybe something attack and speed focused. >Adamant Nature >IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 >-Fire Punch >-Focus Punch >-Attract >-Iron Tail >Deposited: Lv. 2 Female Wurmple named "WIGGLY" >Message: Thanks /vp/ Do this and i will grant you the s u c c
Risk B. !vdSBOooO0o
Quoted By:
Level 100 shiny Charizard up for Luvdisc, has all IVs.
Knight Rocks !qxp/p5UW62
No one is sucking hard enough. You gotta work harder, way harder. Give me a good read I can get off to.
Quoted By:
>>27794001 >>27787646 Please anon sama, all I have are shitmons, I need this.
>>27794052 >>27791838 >>27793481 What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
>>27794052 >>27794020 Seeing this makes me want to figure out how to do injections and to inject for people just so I can make roaches squirm around. You're a true inspiration, anon.
Quoted By:
Need a shiny foreign ditto with the works in IV's for alpha sapphire LV 50 or more plz and thank you
Knight Rocks !qxp/p5UW62
>>27794087 That's not hot at all. And it's literally just a pasta. You're not worthy of an injection.
>>27794143 Glad you find my work inspiring!
Lucy !PZFXwYbwaY
Quoted By:
>>27794052 Ever since I was young, I've always been attracted to smart people. Most of my friends agree with me, they all want a partner with whom they can hold smart conversations or have intelectual discussions. However, philosophy, politics, and literature do nothing for me. In fact, I can't stand guys who want to talk about these things. Instead, I'm very much attracted to the logical-mathematical type. I love programmers.
I am a software engineer myself and whenever someone comes up with a clever solution to a problem, I can't help getting wet. I'm fortunate enough to have a very good developer as a boyfriend. He knows about my fetish, but he's not so comfortable with it. I find myself masturbating to his github repositories or stackoverflow answers. That is like porn to me. I have googled this kind of attraction but so far I haven't found anyone with this fetish. It doesn't bother me to have it but I just wish I could talk to more people like me.
There, I said it.
Quoted By:
>>27794188 It was an old pasta meant to bring memories but okay. I see how it is.. no appreciation for our fellow soldiers.
Quoted By:
>>27792994 Hay looking for a shiny ditto LV 50 the full deal on the IV's just the strict package for breeding I lost my last one i can't find it in any of my games would really apresheate it wormple is up
Quoted By:
>>27791838 Another shameless self bump!