>there are people ITT who think there exists a Pokemon type combo that would suit GodzillaGodzilla is a sea monster, but he definitely couldn't be a Water-type. Other than sleeping there in between battles and Tokyo raids, he has nothing to do with the water.
You might be thinking Fire, but Godzilla has less to do with Fire than he does with water. His breath is an Atomic Blast, a beam of pure radioactive energy. So probably more akin to something like a DBZ energy blast than fire breath.
He's not a Dragon either, he's a mutated Dinosaur. Then again, Tyrantrum is a Dragon-type, so if we're going by that logic, then it might be appropriate for Godzilla to be maybe pure Dragon or partly Dragon.
Poison type might be another option. You could argue that Godzilla being radioactive destroys the environment he occupies, leaving radioactive fallout wherever he goes, so while I don't personally agree with Poison, since in Pokemon lore Poison-types are usually venomous creatures like bugs or snakes, or toxic gasses like Gastlt and Weezing line, and other than being radioactive Godzilla isn't poisonous at all, I would accept it.
Anyone saying Electric or Dark is retarded. The Ability Lightning Rod would actually be an appropriate ability for him to have, but definitely not Electric-type.
I'd say the best bet for Godzilla would probably be Dragon/Poison. Even though Godzilla is not a dragon nor is he poisonous, as far as Pokemon typings go, that's the only option that makes a shit bit of sense.
>>27768902This would be the best option. A Godzilla homage with its own Pokemon elemental style. Then it could be any type you want.
t. Godzillafag