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No.27815153 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
BW2 is probably my favorite Pokemon game. I have a single MAJOR complaint though. The player. Hilbert and Hilda were PERFECT. Hilbert was exactly what you would expect a trainer to look like, and Hilda, although her design was a bit over the top, was essentially just a male Hilbert. Then, we have Rosa and Nate. These two are complete utter shit. They are both, for some reason, constantly wearing bathing suits, and whereas Hilbert and Hilda looked as realistic as a pokemon character could get, these two have RIDICULOUS amounts of hair. I mean, Nate's sun visor is all but completely obscured by the rats nest infesting his head, and Rosa has two buns that defy all sense of logic, somehow each being as large as her face while still managing to reach down to her fucking thighs. All I'm saying essentially is that Hilda=Best and Rosa=Shit.