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I get all what you fellow Pokefags are laying down, but they made less viable mons viable and gave attention to older mons overall. While I do agree some of the designs were awkward or over the top (Looking at you Char X and Rayray!) or the stat spreads were just weird (M-Alakazam apparently only got a 90 point buff, when it could really use the extra 10 in PhyD or SpecA) there's a reason GF is making all these crazy new abilities or moves or the like. It's their way of keeping Megas around (but more balanced and to the side in post story since they got so much service in XYORAS) so people can stop bitching how broken "" was or how stupid "" was cause well more light will be on Alolan Forms Z-Moves and whatever the fuck Hero/Ash/Rainbow based bitch Greninja is. And honestly the only people bitching about Megas and "glad their gone" are the wacky top VGC players who liked the diversity before cause they capitalized on it, the Youtubers who got super into competitive and want that something, or little shits who just wanna bait people. Of course some people didn't like Megas but who cares now? Just spam fucking Kamikaze Rider or whatever the fuck the Flying Z-Move will be from a Gale Wings Talonflame in Singles and you'll be fine.
And here's the thing, there's a good few number of "normal" Mons and Legendaries that are pretty broken in most formats like Talonflame and Aegislash. You guys are so butthurt about Megas you didn't realize those fucks are gonna be even more broken along with even more random "normal" Pokemon thanks to Z-Moves.
If Gamefreak takes out Megas, then Z-Moves will be making you all bait-bitch about them by Christmas when the all the new tiering gets down for SM on Smogon and VGC releases the rules. Let us have our Megas, and you guys have broken AF Z-Moves we'll just predict and then body you with our fucking new Mega-whatevers.
And let's be honest: most of the Mega-hate is because despise the fact "" didn't get a Mega. Just saying.