So many special snowflakes in this thread
Going to shit on all of them
>>27845628fucking shit team
you're not that smart
>other most visited boards>/b/go die
infernape and chimchar is shit>>27846609decent team
decent frequent boards
i like your secret
this guy is alright
>>27847585this guy is pretty cool desu>>27849228good taste
nice secret me too
>xy fav games>>>/trash/>>27849372you have a pretty good taste in teams
you're okay anon
>>27850158nice mons
you're not that smart
>>27852215shitty mons
you're definitely not that smart
>>27852904i love green people
>>27855546alright team
i like your interests
you could be smart but i doubt it
>>27856128>I don't like BioShockme neither
i like your team
good fave game
>>27856646good least fav pokemon
beast team
unless you battle competitively i doubt you have that competitive skill
>>27856811nice team bro
special snowflake though
>>27856835best team in thread
generally decent image not gonna lie
shuckle is a cute>>27857010you're not that smart
you're actually just a fucking pleb
>i fucked you're momim probably getting baited>>27857215what the fuck is this
>>27857440pretty good
>>27857650this is true autism