[31 / 5 / ?]
Sun and Moon: World Championship Theory: So Alola was partially chosen to be Hawaii because the Pokemon World Championships are often held there, and we know Sun and Moon wont have traditional gyms or a league. Why does Alola decide to form a leauge now? Maybe because the Pokemon World Championships are taking place in Alola that year in game. They've even been referenced in game before like an NPC in the Battle Resort saying he cant wait to compete in the next one. It could be like the PWT but expanded to include elite 4, Frontier Brains, Notable trainers, (Wally,Zinnia,Eusine,etc.) and maybe even other playable characters. Having all these notable characters come together for a massive tournament and vacation would be a great tie in to the 20th anniversary and be how it "all comes together" I think the Artificial Island will be the spot where the World Championships take place. We had the backpacker in XY say his region "had a facility you wouldnt belive" Maybe he was referring to the Island, a massive resort where the trainers stay and the tournament is held. It could be like a mix of the Battle Frontier with several facilities and the PWT where you compete with the old characters, along with a hub area like Mauville City where you can find shops with move tutors and such. Perhaps the player character was chosen as Alola's representatives for the tournament since they were chosen by Tapu Koko in the beginning of the game, and now they have to become the Island Champion to prove their worth, by completing the trails, earning the blessings of Solgaleo and Lunala, taking down the troublesome Team Skull, as well as scout the most powerful trainers to represent Alola as the new gym leaders and elite 4 Whaddaya think?
Dm'd GCPM11 your theory ;)
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>>27856520 >GCPM11 absolute shit taste. Almost all poketubers are garbage except he is by far the worst, especially in analysis. (Not counting Furlisify)
shut the fuck up not because this is stupid but because now i can only be disappointed
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>>27856358 Or it could be a prequel to all of the other games we've had so far, and the league is starting to become a thing.
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Also, if, god willing, Ash wins the League tomorrow, and saves Kalos from Team Flare, we could see this being the reason Alola choses him, to prepare it for a World Tournament Arc in the anime, since that celebrates it's 20th anniversary next year
>>27856358 >we know Sun and Moon wont have traditional gyms or a league Has this been officially confirmed yet?
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>>27856948 It will be when Ash wins the Kalos league.
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>>27856948 We're just over three months away from launch, and we've yet to see any gym leaders. We'd have seen at least two or three by now, going by run-ups to past generations.
I'd say at this point, it's safe to assume that Trial Captains and Kahunas will be Alola's versions of gym leaders.
>>27856358 >I think the Artificial Island will be the spot where the World Championships take place. We had the backpacker in XY say his region "had a facility you wouldnt belive" >Maybe he was referring to the Island, a massive resort where the trainers stay and the tournament is held. It could be like a mix of the Battle Frontier with several facilities and the PWT where you compete with the old characters, along with a hub area like Mauville City where you can find shops with move tutors and such. This part better be at least somewhat close to how they handle this, considering they hyped it up. Last time they hyped up a facility coming in a future game we got the original PWT so fingers crossed. The story stuff doesn't really matter and it's too hard to guess at this early but I like it.
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>>27856948 We dont know for absolute sure but at this point its like 97% confirmed
>>27856358 If they really do bring back the PWT Gen 7 will be my new favorite gen.
I loved the PWT in Gen 5 and I'd argue it's better than the Battle Front.
It would also be a good excuse to bring back old Gym Leaders for Anniversary sake.
>>27857846 >It would also be a good excuse to bring back old Gym Leaders for Anniversary sake. what if post game had all the gym leader's and their gyms at BWW elite four second round levels and up?
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>>27856358 This is too clever, Game Freak would never do that.
>>27857150 >Last time they hyped up a facility coming in a future game we got the original PWT so fingers crossed Where was that, like corocoro?
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>>27858109 It was mentioned a few times in the first Black and White games, I think Cynthia directly said it was a tournament with gym leaders that was going to happen in a few years
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h993Kyy-kcY Also, since the World Championships are going on right now and there's going to be gameplay shown at gamescon tomorrow, maybe we can get an announcement or a hint to something like this?
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>>27856358 So like the Champion League the anime has been talking about since 2007? That'd explain why they finally let Ash win a league now, since winning a League Tournament is the requirement to enter the Champion League.
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>A real PWT >3D kanto, johto, hoenn, sinnoh, unova, kalos gym leaders >champions and elite 4s >MC and plot-related characters >"ALL COMES TOGETHER" Now i am sad, bc this may not happen, an that facility shall be the "Battle (maison) island: Alolan Boogaloo"
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It could give the main character a really great story too, He moves from his home region to Alola, having to leave his friends and give up his dreams of being the very best like no one ever was since theres no league, until he is noticed by Tapu Koko and learns about the World Championships from Kukui and Hala, he trains hard, battles Team Skulls and conquers each of the island challenges, until it's time for the tournament where he's become strong enough to compete with the best them.
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>>27856358 >Frontier Brains and E4s finally get spotlight >more people are added to the mix >Mfw double/triple/rotation/inverse battles are added and we get to team up with characters and go up against a team of characters >Mfw in things like double battles the characters get dialogue that differentiates with each person you and the opponents are paired with, giving us a type of relationship they have >mfw when we finally get the Darach/Caitlin double battle >mfw they fuse themes >mfw when E4s get a more epic version of their theme rather than a copy paste from gym leaders >mfw gym leaders who are from the same region get a more epic theme with them combined OR
>gym leaders get themes personalized like with the Unova Pokemon Gym themes >IT ALL COMES TOGETHER Just take me now.
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>>27857982 That would suck for the same reason the final fight with Wally in ORAS sucked. It needs to be in a competetive ruleset. Equal levels with them using e.v trained Pokemon.
>>27856358 Is this artificial island based on anything in the real world? Looks like it would be a cool tourist destination.
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>>27856900 This. Fuck you op
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>>27863155 I think the closest thing in Hawaii is the Pearl Harbor memorial,
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NPCs in ORAS' Battle Resort hype up the Pokemon World Championships to the point that it has blue text
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that's an amazing idea unfortunately, I can't expect GF to follow
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IMO "It all comes together " isn't a reference to a PWT type of thing. It has to be something more than that.
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I ain't even dissapointed, because I honestly do expect PWT 2.0, especially if what some anon here saying the PWT was hinted in BW1 is true.
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Well that would be incredible but 1. None of the "real"(or whatever) leaks so far even mentioned this or any other post game activity 2. There's no hints so far in the actual campaign. For example the Z-moves were teased very early on 3. Its GF. I doubt they care about post game anymore. If we're lucky we'll get story for Zygarde if not we wont get even that and Zygarde will be given us by some random NPC or catchable in some boring cave 4. Eventual PWT 2 would be very hard to make as every trainer now has a 3D model. That means they would have to do tens or even more than hundred new models 5. The artificial island gives me more league vibe and im sure there will be at least some sort league in the game even if it'll work in a different way